April 11, 2022

UBU Sighting

There were questions asked in the comments regarding Ubu Roi's well being.  He did respond to my inquiry and is alive and well. There have been connectivity issues adding to computer problems, and, like many of us of late, life has ...happened...to him...most energetically on multiple fronts at once,  but he is not dead or hospitalized or anything. 

Actual photograph of Ubu Roi is by Youkan. Support his work on Fantia

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 08:38 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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April 04, 2022

Last Gasp?

An interesting disquisition by Peter Zeihan on what's happening in Russia, what Russia's motivations are, and what their endgame is.

I don't speak Russian and Russian translations are hard to come by, so I have no idea how accurate his analysis or long term prediction of "No Russia in the future" is.  I'm skeptical to say the least. Russia has bounced back from a LOT. However Russia faces bigger problems than people suppose....as does the world...Go to 11:09 for the answer to the question "How does this affect us?" 

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 02:59 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 91 words, total size 1 kb.

April 03, 2022

Meanwhile: In Brickmuppetburg

Yeah, there is some quick banality below the fold. If that's not your speed, we do have this useful recognition chart. 


Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 07:04 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 391 words, total size 3 kb.

MISS KUROITSU (from the Monster Development Department) Ends

This damned show....
The very first episode of this odd sitcom made me laugh.
That thus set an expectation that I'd continue to review it which required I watch more of it. The next few episodes, were, to my surprise, rather above average.
Give the regularity these days with which shows of ANY type fall apart and become dumpster fires, I procrastinated a bit, but ultimately girded my loins and sat down to watch the rest in anticipation of the inevitable disappointment. 

In this, I suppose, I was, dissapointed with my predictive skills which was a win for me because, while the show flirted with falling apart for a bit, it held together nicely, even through the cringey "I have no voice box but I must sing" episode...which worked fine. There were no bad episodes (dumb ones yes, but they were still funny). And the whole thing surprised me by not just avoiding a 'faceplant', but actually coming together quite well at the end. 

Part of it's appeal is that is generally a high energy show as can be deduced from these ending credits...(or opening, they couldn't make up their mind, but this was usually the ending)

The show follows one, well, Miss Kuroitsu, who works in (you might be surprised to learn) the Monster Development Department of a major corporation that is secretly a front for a group trying to take over the world, the executive staff looking like rouges gallery of every Super Sentai and Go Nagai series ever made. 

It is a bone crushingly dumb premise that remains surprisingly consistent throughout its run. This show has a lot to say about work ethic, personnel management, corporate governance and the inevitable  problems and pitfalls that even the most well run bureaucracies face. (No. I'm not making this up!) I joked once before that it should be required watching at business schools, but this really does express how corporate screw-ups happen with far more pithiness than any post-fiasco white paper.  

And I laughed...out loud...at least once at every stupid episode. 

Its appeal is not just in the high energy and the show's wackiness, but it has a weird sort of sincerity that I do not see in most any pop-culture projects that are produced in this cynical age. The characters are all....odd...I won't pretend they are believable, but they are likable, internally consistent, and the protagonists all have standards!

Hollywood should take note, there is a perfectly fine trans character as well as implied gayness...and those individuals do not feel like fake, preachy, artificially shoe-horned-in virtue-signals, but as actual relatable human bei..uh...sapient individuals who make perfect sense in the context of this silly tale. 

MISS KUROITSU (from the Monster Development Department) Is 12 episodes with what appears to be a limited animation budget and is, frankly,  a dumb, dumb, show, but it is also superbly written and is about the most enjoyable thing I've watched in two years. 

I recommend it highly. 

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 06:12 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 505 words, total size 4 kb.

March 26, 2022

Good Post From The Chieftain

It's nice, with the surfeit of info we are getting from the unpleasantness going on northeast of Transylvania, to see someone admit that they don't know what they don't know and that much of the information is incomplete and lacks context. 

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 08:32 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 46 words, total size 1 kb.

March 24, 2022

Meanwhile: In Russia

UPDATE: As SOON as I posted this...
There is now a report of Shoigu being seen on video yesterday, albeit from a Russian state supported source. 

(Well THAT's a frustrating relief.)

UPDATE 2: Nope nope nope. Relief cancelled. Cease relaxation. Shoigu's had a heart attack. Resume the hoarding of the bottlecaps. 

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 06:14 PM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
Post contains 56 words, total size 1 kb.

Things to Remember When Contemplating Preparedness

The time to stock up and acquire needed kit is BEFORE a crisis hits. This applies to what one will need to survive natural disasters or civil unrest. If a crisis hits you have to deal with it using what is on hand. This applies on a national level as well, witness the situation we are seeing with Stinger and Javelin missiles, in countries that aren't...technically...at war...with anyone in particular...yet.

A good illustration of this truth can be seen here, where some relief workers distributing supplies for Ukrainians, demonstrate the timeless wartime truth that "You go to war with the hoodie you have."
Video source.
Watch on Bitchute

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 04:01 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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March 22, 2022

A Week

There lurks banality below the fold. As partial compensation here's some concept art of the Kalpana One project


Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 03:03 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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And Now: A Word From Our Sponsors

There's been a bit of buzz about this ad. It did not, however, adequately convey the sheer level of Brobdingnagian bodaciousness involved in it. 

I AM curious though, if any one else notes a glitch a 02:47 where the ad appears to stop at an awkward moment, only concluding if you hit "play" again. If you don't do that, you might be surprised to find out that this actually is an advertisement

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 01:51 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 79 words, total size 1 kb.

March 19, 2022

Very Good News

Not 'Great News' mind you. Certainly not the great news that we were all waiting for. However, there is news and it is, indeed, very very good; good enough to indicate that the great news all of us so long for is forthcoming!


The first hurdle is the greatest. We can now be ABSOLUTELY confident that he's gonna lick this thing and leave the hospital soon!

Everyone go over there and give him some encouragement! 

Art by Shapoco

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 09:43 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 84 words, total size 1 kb.

March 18, 2022

Info Bleg For the Tech Literate

I have questions. 
I had been working on a post but the concerns I was trying to express and analyze are so far outside my bailiwick that the post was just going to be a demonstration of the Dunning Kruger effect. 

I am not a computer expert.

I'm a Mac user...which, I think, is the opposite. Aside from my TI99, my first computer was an old Macintosh that I pulled out of a dumpster in '98. I've gone on via inertia since then buying iMacs. 

Computers are black box technology to me, the only thing I know about how they work is that they need good industrial design to keep the magic smoke inside so they can access the ley lines that make up the internet. 

(I exaggerate only slightly)

I'm trying to improve, but there's a lotta shit going down right now that's tech related. So I sent some questions to one of the blog's Crack Team of Science Babes, but the answers I got were non-specific and unhelpful. 

"The internet was a mistake!"

"We're doomed!"

However, several of my readers are tech savvy, to the point they make their living in IT or computer engineering.

With that in mind: 
I have some questions...


How crucial to the tech sector is the Neon shortage really? 

I've often heard it said that "All the chips not made in China are made in Taiwan", but how true is that? I'd expect that Europe makes a lot and surely some are still made in North America. As Pixy noted 3 days ago, Foxconn  is entering The Saudi Kingdom. I've looked and can't find a breakdown of numbers, or percentages and I don't know enough to know what constitutes "chips" for the purposes of the question. Without wasting too much of your non-existent free time, does anyone have any sources/resources on the subject you could point me to regarding who, where, and 'what quality/ capability?' regarding chip manufacture?

I am, as I've admitted....(looks both ways and whispers in shame)...a Mac user. I have very little experience with PCs and Macs are not tinker friendly...at all. I'm not, realistically, going to be aasembling one anytime soon. Can anyone recommend a good pre-built gaming/streaming PC?

Other than the looming food shortages (admittedly not a trivial issue) logistics, at least in the U.S. seem to have sort of stabilized. However, the tech sector logistics problems seem to be continuing and have multiple second order effects. Does anyone see any light at the end of the tunnel this year regards things like appliances and cars?


The cyber security threats we are seeing now are on a par with what was predicted for Y2K. But seem to be more substantive than Gary North ranting in his basement. Some of you do this for a living. Do you see any way to truly mitigate these vulnerabilities? Prior to the 1980s, many of these crucial functions that are so susceptible to digital manipulation now were handled quite adequately with manually operated or mechanically regulated systems. Is it just cost savings driving this transition to vulnerability or were regulations involved? Given that we used to operate refineries and power-plants without these vulnerabilities are there any hard engineering reasons distinct from political or cost/benefit reasons that we could not install manual/mechanical backups to keep from having some hacker blow up our stuff?


Russia is running out of cloud storage because of the embargoes. 
Does this have any implications for non-Russians going forward? The internet was designed to survive, or at least fail gracefully in the event of a nuclear war. The cybersecurity issues and cloud storage seem to be glaring vulnerabilities that can't be mitigated by the users since at least in the case of the "cloud" all aspects of security, durability, and access privileges are completely out of the hands of the user. Is there anything to be done realistically other than "Buy your own damned servers and maintain them!" I confess I'm a little skeptical of the cloud on principle, but I've got a degree in History which doesn't give me a broad and deep understanding of the problem...if there IS a problem. 

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 03:47 PM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
Post contains 711 words, total size 6 kb.

March 07, 2022

Bureaucracy in Action

Art by Popopoka. Support him on Patreon or Fanbox!

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 03:38 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 12 words, total size 1 kb.

March 03, 2022

Some Damn Fool Thing in The Black Sea

Moldovan Tanker MT Millennium Spirit ablaze in the Black Sea.

Russia has hit several civilian ships in the Black Sea. It should be noted that one of the damaged ships was Japanese. An Estonian vessel has exploded under suspicious circumstances and is believed to have hit a mine. Estonia is a NATO member. Numerous NATO members are trying to get people out of Odessa by sea since airliner traffic seems to be off the table. However, Russia has declared the Northern Black Sea to be a war zone, and warned all shipping to make for the Bosphorus. There is considerable coastal traffic in the area between Bulgaria, Romania, and, Turkey, all of which are NATO members. Their navies are presumably trying to protect their civilian shipping. If one of them gets hit, it technically could invoke Article 5.
Meanwhile Turkey has closed the Bosphorus, at least to warships. There are a number of Russian warships and transports trying to transit the waterway and now being denied. What's in the Baltic is what's going to be there for a while. Apparently there is a bit of a backlog of shipping in the Sea of Marmara.

For expert analysis, Brickmuppet Blog now turns to Admiral Painter to see what he thinks about all this. 

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 03:56 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
Post contains 220 words, total size 2 kb.

February 28, 2022

Meanwhile:In Space

Usual "Fog of War" caveats apply, but it appears that Russia has claimed it is seizing control of the International Space Station. 

According  to Brave's translation function, this says...

the garbage that your talented businessmen have ruined near-Earth orbit is produced exclusively by the engines of the Russian Progress MS cargo spacecraft. If you block cooperation with us, who will save the ISS from uncontrolled deorbiting and falling into the United States or... 

2:44 PM · Feb 24, 2022· Twitter for Android 487 Retweets 512 Quote Tweets 1,311 Likes Tip ROGOZIN 

@Rogozin · Feb 24 Replying to @Rogozin 

...Europe? There is also the option of falling a 500-ton structure on India and China. Do you want to threaten them with that prospect? The ISS does not fly over Russia, so all the risks are yours. Are you ready for them? Gentlemen, when you plan sanctions, check those who generate them for illness. Tip ROGOZIN @Rogozin · 

There's more on this herehere, and, here

Note that if the Russians want to take the station they certainly can. The only firearms on the station are likely the ones in the Soyuz capsule. 

However, that would be kind of pointless and silly. Furthermore de-orbiting a space station seems completely unlikely, as it's seems to have no tactical, strategic, diplomatic, or, propaganda upside for Russia. 

On the other hand, it IS 2022 and anything is possible. 

Also: we've seen this movie. 

Run Pixy Run!

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 06:18 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
Post contains 243 words, total size 5 kb.

February 25, 2022

Thoughts on Stuart Little

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 08:05 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 4 words, total size 1 kb.

February 24, 2022

Thoughts on The Mess in Europe

Russia has invaded The Ukraine.

People are panicking about stocks, but there is not much to be done. The market has gone up and down and back up and down hundreds of points today. A war in Ukraine has all sorts of secondary effects and those depend upon events and policy decisions by our current executive branch (eg : Defense stocks going up? maybe/maybe not).  

Once the situation stabilizes the markets will recover. Just don't panic and sell on the dip.

Make sure your fuel is topped off and you have cash on hand.

As an example my Credit Union is having IT "issues" and I can't access my monies right now. I expect more like this and fuel shortages due to cyber-attacks, panic, or both over the next few days.

The internet seems twitchy today. That may or may not be significant.

We've been in a pandemic for two years so I expect everybody has several weeks of canned food on hand. That won't be necessary except in the unlikely event this damn fool thing in the Donbas snowballs ad-absurdum. 

Take everything you read or watch with a grain of salt, for the fog of war is thick indeed. 

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 05:22 PM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
Post contains 206 words, total size 1 kb.

February 21, 2022

Oh Canada

The pre-show and set up ends at 09:00

Looking at news coverage, it seems that Canadians support the curb-stomping of the truckers. However, independent journalists and all the Canadians I talk to except for one leftie think that this situation with the heavy handed response is appalling. However, all the Canadians I talk to are Canadians that will speak to me....such people are obviously not respectable members of society......So, on the off chance that there are any non-weird Canadians reading this, what is it the actual mood up north. I GET that people in Ottawa are frustrated, but what about everywhere else? I don't believe for a minute the polls that say Trudeau has 90% support on this. 

 I note that they replaced the chief of police in Ottawa , who "resigned" a week ago to be succeeded by a very enthusiastic enforcer of Trudeau's edicts. 

We've seen this dynamic in many blue cities here in the 'States, where the police are increasingly culling those officers who continue to have a "by the book" mentality regards civil liberties, in favor of those who will just be political enforcers for city hall. 

Many assume the oath of enlistment  is a counter to this with regard to the U.S. military, and if things continue apace, there will indeed be a period where Officers and NCOs will refuse illegal orders. But if the politicians issuing those orders aren't dealt with at the ballot box, those service members who refuse unlawful orders will be sent to the stockade or morgue and replaced with diversity officers or other politically reliable soldiers.  Any talk of "lawful orders" will be considered mutiny, and the character of the military will change quite rapidly.  The exchange that many of our service members will be facing in the next few years may look like this: 

"I won't follow out an unconstitutional or illegal order." "Are you a lawyer or a legal scholar?" "No." "Then how do you know? So, follow the fucking order or someone who will follow the order will follow the next order to take care of you."

It should be remembered that the Chinese army initially refused to slaughter those in Tian'anmen Square. 

Note tank not running over protestor.

The officers in charge thought it was against their charter and unlawful. All those principled officers and NCOs were dead in a few days and replaced with people who quite enthusiastically butchered the protestors..

Of course, an argument can be made that we're way off the rails here because the Canadian situation has no butchery at this time, but the precedents being set remove most checks on these things getting out of control, and those precedents are, frankly, quite Chinese in character. 

Remember this 42 second clip
Trudeau has taken his country to the precipice....and appears to be making a great leap forward. 
This Chicom social credit nonsense is terrifying. 
Unlike so many 'peaceful protests' in the U.S. last year, this protest was actually peaceful. It was also completely legal right up the moment that it suddenly wasn't. And yet people who contributed are being persecuted to the extent of having their savings taken away and the Mayor of Ottawa is suggesting they sell the vehicles that they impounded yesterday

This is not, as so many people have suggested, authoritarianism. Authoritarianism has a set of rules, sometimes arbitrary and capricious rules but it is VERY clear about what those rules are and it strictly enforces those rules. What we're seeing is totalitarianism, where the rules are tyrannically enforced, and the rules change moment to moment at the whim of those in power. 

Meanwhile in Australia, a place not known for respecting rights to assembly lately.....there is...talk. 

There are others who are appalled at Trudeau's actions and feel he has crossed some sort of line.

Bwahahahahahah...ahaha...ahaaaa...."wheeze"....Bwahahaha..ha..ha.. "thud"

"Crawls back into chair"

OK...so, the council of evil is quite likely not being altogether sincere. But if there a white pill to be had in this mess it is that even these despots realize that the optics of this are bad even for them. 

Trudeau MAY have overstepped, but if he survives this it will be bad for Canada and the US. In Canada Trudeau's government seems to be making the "social credit" aspects of the emergencies act permanent. And in the U.S., if Trudeau survives this many in power will look to Trudeau's gambit as not a warning, but an affirmation. 

Good night and good luck.


Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 08:37 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 748 words, total size 8 kb.

February 20, 2022

Two Leafs Talking Aboot Honks

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 09:21 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 5 words, total size 1 kb.

February 19, 2022

What?! No!

All the things going on right now can lead one to despair. I've believed that it's important not to give in to demoralization. 

However, today made me realize how bad things really are.

I learned that Hitler/Goering slash-fic is a thing that exists.

Gentle readers. I must now ask. Is there any reason to not just destroy the world?

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 11:36 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 61 words, total size 1 kb.

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