A Very Special EpisodeThis weeks episode of RWBY was apparently preempted by an after-school special focusing on the heartbreak of bullying.
Yeah...pretty much nothing happened except well, this...
I assume that the gratuitous bunny girl who was onscreen for 7 seconds is a continuing character because she gets a silhouette in the closing credits and a new name appears in the cast list.
Posted by: Pete Zaitcev at Sat Sep 28 15:49:25 2013 (RqRa5)
Finally got caught up and saw this. Yeah, the end credit thing seems to feature whoever new was added. The previous episode's new guy... seriously, who stole his pith helmet?
I tend to watch it on Roosterteeth since I'm not a CR subscriber, so I get lower quality and commercial interruptions there.
Posted by: Mauser at Tue Oct 1 06:44:25 2013 (TJ7ih)
Bismark as a PoleThis does not seem realistic at first glance. However, if these two were to get together and didn't kill each other it would be a formidable economic and military power.
Lech Walesa has called for Poland to unite with Germany to form one European
state, despite the bloody history between the two countries
Holy Hanseatic League!
Slavs and Germans have not historically gotten along. (the Hapsburg Empire being something of a qualified exception) but good lord, this would be an economic powerhouse right off the bat and could be a major military power in a few years.
This would make an interesting if unlikely scenario for a speculative future history, especially if the Eurozone's continuing feckless meltdown caused Austria and Slovenia and just one or two of the Slavic countries to jump on the bandwagon, you'd have a huge industrial juggernaut from the Adriatic to the North Sea. Austria-Hungary reborn, but far more formidable.
1Russia would most likely be most annoyed.peeing their pants in fear.
I fixed that for you.
Posted by: Wonderduck at Wed Sep 25 21:21:45 2013 (dM817)
The Russians fought off the Nazis and Napoleon's myrmidons so I'm thinking they'll have no trouble keeping their heads and dispose of their vodka in approved locations. They've got a LOT of strategic depth for one thing.
It would complicate things for them a bit.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Wed Sep 25 21:50:33 2013 (F7DdT)
And you know, they could fill in that odd concavity by annexing the Czech republic....
Posted by: Mauser at Thu Sep 26 03:47:34 2013 (TJ7ih)
The nation of Prussia was about like that from the time of Frederick the Great until WWI, didn't you know? Poland as we now know it was created in the Treaty of Versailles. Part of why Hitler could convince the Germans it was a good idea to invade Poland was that Germans thought of that territory as theirs. (Since Imperial "Germany" was essentially a modern version of Prussia, ruled from Berlin by descendants of the Prussian royal line.)
Hitler's invasion came from both east and west; a lot of the force had been prepositioned in Konigsberg. Before WWI, Konigsberg was connected by land to Berlin and the rest of Germany. There was something called "The Duchy of Warsaw", but it was landlocked.
Oh, and the Czech Republic was part of Prussia before WWI, too. Only then it was known as "Bohemia".
Most of Hitler's early invasions were to take back territory they had lost in the Treaty of Versailles, and Poland was the biggest chunk of that. (Also Alsace-Lorraine, for instance.)
Given that Germany's fangs seem to have been pulled, a German/Poland confederation would be pretty neat. But Germany has only just recovered from absorbing East Germany; I can't imagine the Germans would be very eager to absorb another huge territory full of poverty.
Steven, the ethnographic character of east-central Europe - what Timothy Snyder called so appropriately "the Bloodlands" - was radically changed by the cumulative catastrophes of 1936-1954. Stalin, Stalin's post-war mini-mes, and the Nazis between them did a titanic job of shifting or blotting out entire populations in those two decades. The Polish heartlands used to extend half-way to Kiev, and Silesia, Pomerania and the old Kingdom of Prussia had been German for centuries. By the mid-Fifties, the surviving Poles had been moved out of "Western Ukraine" to replace the Germans ethnically cleansed from the formerly German provinces that now made up Communist Poland.
(Bohemia was never Prussian, btw - it was part of the Hapsburg domains. Unless you're thinking of Silesia, which is adjacent to but not part of the Kingdom of Bohemia, not since Frederick the Great seized it in one of his wars against the Austrians.)
Lech Walesa is probably looking at all those new old-folks-homes for German expats springing up all over Poland, and calculating that the Poles could demographically dominate a commonwealth with the Germans in a couple generations. Although the numbers don't look good to *me* - as of 2011, Poland's fertility rate is under Germany's, which is quite a negative accomplishment - between the two of them, they're hugging the bottom of the charts. Even Japan is doing better.
Posted by: Mitch H. at Thu Sep 26 10:54:39 2013 (jwKxK)
Personally, I still want to see the Lithuanian Empire make a comeback. But mostly because Litvak pastries rule even that dessert-loving corner of the world.
Posted by: Suburbanbanshee at Thu Sep 26 22:47:10 2013 (cvXSV)
This reminds me of a joke I heard back when the two Germanies first started talking about reunification:
If West Germany is going east at 15 kilometers per hour, and East Germany is going west at 10 kilometers per hour, where will the border with Poland end up?
Posted by: Siergen at Fri Sep 27 15:56:58 2013 (Ao4Kw)
While amazing and useful in it's initial application, this technology has obvious beneficial applications for society beyond those specified in the article.
During a hearing Tuesday morning, Aidan Clark and Khalid Caraballo were
given long-term suspensions in a unanimous vote. The suspensions will
last until June, but a hearing will be held in January to determine if
they will be allowed back in school.
Kids were having an airsoft tournament in the yard of one of the kids in question. A stupid, meddling, hysterical, haplophobic busybody of a neighbor* called the police. The police came, no charges were filed.
The school board took notice. The boys (excluding the son of the STASSIette) were given long term suspensions ('till June). One got his suspension suspended because his parents consented to have him sent to reform school. The other is being home schooled.
This decision, by the VA Beach school board was unanimous.
Time to clean house.
* Said neighbor from hell was fully aware that the guns were toys firing plastic pellets. She just doesn't like guns...or toys that look like them. Note that her son (poor kid) was playing with the boys at the time, but no charges were filed against him. The law applies omly to those who don't express the proper views.
+Note that the pic is misleading. The crime here was not the one on the books but the act of being boys. I have little doubt that a group of young ladies doing this would not have gotten anything but a "you go girl!".
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Tue Sep 24 19:22:18 2013 (F7DdT)
It would be pretty awesome if the parents of the boys who got in trouble threatened to sue the school district over an equal rights violation or something along those lines...and/or demand that their boys be "acquitted" if the trusty's son isn't punished.
Posted by: RickC at Tue Sep 24 21:23:32 2013 (swpgw)
At least these kids are getting a real lesson in how Communism really works. You have informers, Arbitrary Party tribunals and the Party member's kid gets off. Welcome to the new USA unless you fight to get your liberty back.
I was afraid there was going to be much angsty dialog, but instead the episode is a very long, frequently escalating and occasionally quite cartoonish airsoft duel...where everybody has a grand old time.
At one point bat thevend of the battle Yura alters reality
again, this time for everybody. Everyone except Kirishima is weirded
out. After a moment of confusion and fear Sonora looks at Yura and says
"YOU did this>" Well OK then." as if that makes it all completely
understandable...and they proceed to have the time of their lives until,
exhausted, they find themselves back in reality. It seems that Sonora is aware of what is going on and that it involves the shrine.
There's nothing deep here. Yura has gone from one extreme to another and found them both unpleasant. Now she's stopped being an asshat and is enjoying a hobby she has become quite good at....a hobby she now wants to share with other people.
To my utter astonishment this was a perfectly pleasant episode.
It did nothing to explain the metaphysical weirdness we've seen from time to time in the show, but it did establish that Yura has found her path and is happy as she learns where it leads her.
well Rento knew too, having been caught up into Yura's world before
Indeed and Rento's attitude is along the lines of "Oh. This again."
The interesting thing is that Sonora is NOT terribly freaked out and quickly figures out who is responsible.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Tue Sep 24 17:23:58 2013 (F7DdT)
Remember, Yura told Sonora all about it after she saved that ancient warrior, and Sonora believed her, even though her memory is that the ancient warrior lived to old age.
For 53 years he led Nintendo, and through that helped change the world.
Mr Yamauchi ran the company from 1949 until 2002.
In that time, he took what was a small-time collectable
trading card company and built it into one of the most recognisable -
and successful - video games brands today.
His achievement was remarkable, as was his foresight. He not only recognized the potential for video games, ge picked the right people to develop them and gave them sufficient creative freedom to succeed. Getting his games into the US Arcade market at a time (the early '80s) that there was considerable antipathy towards all things Japanese was no mean feat.
It's hard to get ones head around the impact he had.
His story gets more remarkable still...
The article mentions that he made mistakes and encountered setbacks
in the shaky postwar economy. However he learned from them and, most remarkably, after paying off the debt those setbacks incurred, never
went into debt for a business venture again.
Even today, Nintendo carries no debt.
...me hearties, for this piratical beauty and the two
urchin's she's guardin' have just discovered who the real sea wolves are
and why those pustulent bilge rats make off with so much of our loot.
Stella Women's Acadamy High {EXPLETIVE DELETED} Episode 11
The viewers who resisted the urge to get all cutty with a straight razor after last weeks episode are rewarded with a look at what the well adjusted characters are doing.
They've received some bad news...but they are determined to make the best of the situation.
Then we go to Yura...who is putting on a brave face, despite being beset by guilt, despair and zombies...
...shortly after this things begin to get weird.
Kirishima has a perfectly reasonable, fleeting moment of bitchiness which ultimately leads to this unexpected visual...
"I promise...It doesn't hurt"
Which is not nearly as weird as one might deduce from that image but was freaky nonetheless. As the show proceeds to follow Yura (whose funk is compounded by having a run of supernaturally bad luck), it continues to get a bit strange...
Holy crap! I cannot believe they did that!
After that throwaway moment of utter wrongness, the episode gets... odd...
Episode 4 is not the outlier we thought it was
Not a bad episode. It's not terribly upbeat, but then there is a lot of baggage to work through, and it does end on a rather hopeful note.
UPDATE: Good golly typos!Added some helpful punctuation and rewrote that third block of text to be more clear.
Kind of.
The part of the episode with Yura concerns her moping over the realization that she's screwed up. She's to ashamed to go back and is deeply remorseful that she's caused everyone so much trouble.
After Kirishima confronts her in a Video arcade and the meeting gets heated, Yura starts having her visions again but instead of war scenes its the faces of her friends in random locations. After the vision of Kirishima-puppy shown above she laments that there is no place for her and...sure enough she tries to go to a pachinko parlor, a series of convenience stores and restaurants but they are ALL closed for one reason or another. She then encounters a pervert who mistakes her for the young lady who he's been corresponding with online(!) She then finds hersel at the shrine and things on her end proceed get overtly supernatural.
Meanwhile the team is dealing with the fact that Sonora has been accepted into an overseas study program she had long since given up on. She's leaving in a few days. Haruna visits her to see her off and the two discuss....Yura.
It was odd, and a tad mopey, but much less depressing than the last three and as I said it ended on a hopeful note.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Wed Sep 18 08:55:36 2013 (F7DdT)
I was confused by the relative distances until I finally spotted the logarithmic scale. My navigation skills may have been dulled by heavy reliance on GPS, but at least I have a vague knowledge of interplanetary distances.
Posted by: Siergen at Mon Sep 16 21:29:31 2013 (Ao4Kw)
Well, About That...Dawkins Thng.Earlier I posted a link to a Salon piece that's been making the rounds. It's made quite a stir because it suggests that Dawkins is highly dismissive of what he calls "mild pedophelia". Looking at the quotes in Salon, they seemed damming in the extreme.
Well, it appears that Salon did to Dawkins what MSNBC did to George Zimmerman. The actual Dawkins interview being quoted is here and Dawkins does explain the specific context of the quote here. He was pointing out that his own experience pales in comparison to others. I disagree strongly with his historical perspective argument in this particular case. However, his statement is in NO way an endorsement or dismissal of child molestation.
He charitably calls the issue a misunderstanding.
It is not. This was character defamation pure and simple and I am ashamed to have unwittingly perpetuated it.
I am no fan of many of Dawkins's views. However, this Salon article is simply defamatory.
The historical perspective argument is a tricky one, particularly when we're talking about time within living memory. I'm not sure I agree with Dawkins on that either.
But the key lesson here is, if Salon says the Sun rises in the East, wait and check the next morning.
Posted by: Robert Mitchell Jr. at Mon Sep 16 09:49:36 2013 (MNAY3)
Don't forget that Dawkins dared to mention the unmentionable about Muslims recently, too. The leftists may be getting ready to throw him under the bus.
Another thing about this "mild pedophilia" thing is how the moral panic with the attendant zero-tolerance prompted all sorts of awful laws, which hurt manga and anime fans. People like Handley are getting thrown into prison and made wear the GPS collar like in worst of dystopias for possessing manga that's deemed "child pornography". For that reason alone I consider it justified to push back on the pedofillia scare.
Posted by: Pete Zaitcev at Mon Sep 16 11:58:47 2013 (RqRa5)
The Twin Terrors Of Twitter
Pity Robert Stacy McCain. He is beset by vast quantities of Twitterspam and is noting a pattern that distinguishes it from comment or E-mail spam.
Like a surprising number of RSM links these are mildly NSFW.
I don't really understand Twitter, since I don't participate there. What exactly is he concerned about? If all they do is "follow" him, what's the harm?
Is it because they're filing complaints about him and trying to take his own account offline?
Not directly, but it's a story because Twitter IS deleting accounts due to fake abuse claims while obvious spambots litter twitter.
Also the bots might have a distorting effect upon the upcoming IPO if they are counted as actual users.
Also bewbies.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Sun Sep 15 14:05:49 2013 (F7DdT)
Buying phony followers to promote yourself is a violation of Twitter's terms of service; since it's difficult to prove he didn't buy the obviously-fake followers, his account could be suspended temporarily or permanently. It also spams him with notifications about each new follower, making it difficult to find real notifications.
Posted by: J Greely at Sun Sep 15 20:40:51 2013 (+cEg2)
..I mean she has people ears, right there on the side of her head where they belong, so that thing on her head must be a bow, and yet...the bow...it emotes.
Perhaps as part of a concerted effort to maintain balance in the universe, episode 9 followed up on last weeks breakneck pace and thoroughly satisfying battle with...the girls re-arranging their room. Next week looks exciting though.
The first episode revealed a magical substance called Dust that provided magical energy inthis world. I assume that their weapons are powered by that, sometimes in the form of expendable cartridges,
Posted by: Siergen at Sun Sep 15 00:43:27 2013 (Ao4Kw)
Yeah, I'd thought about that, which is why the Lorenzonni came to mind but I think these are a blending of tech. I got the impression that Ruby doesn't use magic or at least dust.
Weiss certainly does and it's clear that Nora's grenades are dust based, but as to what propels them? The show's made in Texas...so I'm guessing propane, which makes the weapons propane accessories.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Sun Sep 15 00:52:43 2013 (F7DdT)
OTOH, Ruby WAS in a Dust shop in the first episode. On the gripping hand, she seemed confused in episode 2 about the stuff, when she ran into Weiss.
Posted by: RickC at Sun Sep 15 01:27:34 2013 (swpgw)
It looked like she was loitering in a 24 hour Dust, drygoods, magazine and music store.
I could be way off, but I get the impression that she doesn't use Dust and may not be a magic user at all.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Sun Sep 15 01:33:59 2013 (F7DdT)
I mean she has people ears, right there on the side of her head where they belong, so that thing on her head must be a bow, and yet...the bow...it emotes.
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