September 15, 2024
Well: Another Win for the Cats and Geese
It appears that ANOTHER assassin has taken a shot at former President Trump.
The story is only two hours old, and I'm sure more information will come out. Here is a selection of news stories at the moment from the AP, Clown News Network, FAUX, the oldest newspaper in the country and Reuters . Megan Kelly is doing a live show on it as I type this I assume the link will still be good for the V.O.D.
This is twice now that things have gone awry with secret service protection for the former president. This time it appears that they missed and the gunman escaped, though there is a report that a suspect has been arrested.
The gunman’s arrest was given a big boost by a bystander who spotted the suspect running out of the bushes and getting into a black Nissan, even photographing the man and reporting the sighting to law enforcement, who then blasted it out statewide leading to his arrest after a felony stop on I-95 a short time later.
We are on perilous ground. I think that if/when Trump finally eats a bullet, (they can't all miss) the disenfranchised half of the country and especially the angry young men I alluded to in the previous post will react to their last ray of hope being plucked from their grasp....poorly.
A major segment of society firmly believes and not without some reason that the fix is in on them and their advocates. IF they come to believe that we cannot vote our way out of this mess, then the reaction will be dreadful.
The reaction to such a reaction will be brutal and totalitarian....and I firmly believe will be gleefully sadistic.
The times we find ourselves in are akin to the Roman Republic's Dénouement, the English and Spanish civil wars and a myriad of examples amongst out neighbors to the south. They are much more applicable to our current situation than the failed secession of the 1860's.
What we may be facing is far worse: a true civil war. And there are few things in the human experience that are more terrible.
There is still hope. But hope is not a plan. Start making preparations for a serious disruption of services...and worse.
Everyone stay safe.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at
06:11 PM
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...And Then The Abyss Stared Back
I don't agree with Kisin about everything, but he's dead right about this.
This is going to get some peoples hackles up, as on the face of it, criticizing/boycotting/cancelling a broadcaster for "platforming' someone with odious views is pretty much Woke 101. So an argument might be made that we must not become like them. In the absence of the actual context I'd generally tend to agree with that statement and I did not speak up when Tucker face-planted in his Putin interview, and Moscow grocery run, which took place in a literal Potempkin grocery store. I racked it up to a combination of historical ignorance and being rolled by a master of manipulation and a likely tight schedule. However, describing a holocaust-denying, Churchill-hating 2-didgit Jew-hating Chud as "The most respected independent historian in America" and not confronting him with hard questions about his asshattery is pretty low.
The most charitable possible explanation is still pretty bad, that is, Tucker is so guilt ridden over his support for the late unpleasantness in Iraq that he is basically becoming a mirror image of the corporatist establishment, believing anything that contradicts their view. No matter how odious. Even if you assume that the baseline worldview of the Uni-party is cackling, sadistic, young-adult-novel level villainous, sadistic evil (to be fair, not an unreasonable conclusion) it is important to not reject things that they might get right (like, oh, I don't know, the NAZIs were actually...bad...or that antisemitism is a particularly stupid notion that leads one to VERY dark places). If this is the case, the Tucker has been so traumatized by his experiences that he's become reactionary.
"Reactionary" is another of those terms that has been ruined by the left in their never ending battle against words and the ability to express non-leftist ideas as anything other than an epithet. However, it just means that someone is identified not by what they are for, but what they are against. They will react against anything seen as good and proper by those they oppose, even things (few as they might be) that are universally agreed upon; sort of a shallow hipster contrarianism. When someone has descended this far into demoralization then they really can't be taken seriously, since their views are simply an inverse of their opponents, rather than ideas that were weighed and thought out. I can probably be persuaded that Carlson, who has been, along with his family, viciously attacked, gotten fired, and received death threats from the left and their 5th columnists on the neocon-right has descended into this tar-pit of the mind. But I will need to be persuaded, and remember that this is the most charitable explanation for his behavior during this interview.
A less charitable view is that Tucker is chasing the algorithm and making bank off feeding the demoralized reactionaries and the old school, unreconstructed darkness that sees in the possibly ascendant right, something to attach themselves to, remora-like, and ride to power. Tucker in this case is nothing but a later day Father Coughlin playing footsie with the American political sewers that represent the darkest angels of human nature.
The woke left is a thing of abominable evil, supporting the butchery of Hamas, the genital mutilation of children, race hustling, violence, and policies, that even if well intentioned will result in (and are resulting in) disaster. It is natural to oppose them on all things, but even the stereotypical blue haired harpies wielding Gurkha castration knives probably think that the sky is blue and NAZIs are bad (the latter, somewhat ironic given that they support Hamas). It is not, therefore, advisable to adopt a position that the sky is brown and the NAZIS were poor oppressed victims of international Jewery, cruelly being denied their rightful lebensraum.
Antisemitism has been overwhelmingly a fixture of the left in the last 120 years. Even the vile German socialists were trying to make Marx's ideas work., We on the right have grown accustomed to pointing this out and the fact that "woke" ideology, with its general dismissal of competence & equality in favor of equity is inherently antisemitic. We on the right are mostly correct about this, but there IS an actual strain of this awful mental malignancy on the populist right. It's origins are much as in Europe, frustration with ones station, seasoned with envy and a belief that jews, who, do to their success-enabling culture and high IQ's are over represented in the upper echelons of society, must have somehow "cheated" this astutely avoids and self reflection and self improvement, perpetuating this vile meme and the socio-economic stagnation amongst losers of all stripes.
Today, we have a whole class of young men who have actually been singled out for torment by "the powers that be" both as a matter of intentionally vindictive policy as well as the side-effects of monetary and economic policy. These same young men are tormented in school and told that they are the cause of all the worlds problems and that they are monsters. They are also taught that true virtue and power is rightly held by the oppressed. It is inevitable that a percentage of these young men, given by their teachers only the binary choice between supplicant and master will choose the later and embrace the monster-hood they are told (ironically enough) is their birthright, especially if, as is so often the case today, they have no fathers to guide them through those difficult years. What we are NOT teaching is history, except in the most bizarro funhouse-mirror sort of way.
Into this mix comes a bunch of folks like Tucker, who take the fight to the tormentors of these young men. If those influencers do not point away from the abyss, but rather encourage their followers to stare into it and become one with it, then we are truly in for some dark times.
This utter demoralization of a whole generation of young men is why the last few years have seen Phenomena like Andrew Tate, the rise of antisemitism and various other vile crap on the right. I have a degree in history and this sort of thing, frankly scares me shitless, even as I understand the evolutionary and social dynamics that make it all too likely.
The left in it's current form is a monstrous thing and it must be opposed, however American Conservatism is fit to do so because it has historically been a movement based in the Scottish and English enlightenments, as opposed to the American left's current ideological roots in the French Terror and post-modern philosophy. If we allow our movement to become the monsters we are fighting, then not only do we lose any ethical or political argument to reform, we will trade one emerging dystopia for another.
I think free speech is vital. I support it's curtailment only in a few cases that can be counted on one injured hand. Child pr0n, actual military secrets, true death threats and doxxing. I cannot think of anything else that would justify actual censorship.
Free speech is profoundly important, and one of the reasons is that it allows folks to debate ideas and know where people stand. I do not call for Tucker to be banned. I do call for folks to engage in some pushback and not let the fiends like Daryll Cooper hijack the opposition to the left, and then leave us with no hope or choice. Free speech only works if it is a two way street.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at
12:34 PM
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September 11, 2024
23 Years On
As those of us in the U.S. watched those brave firefighters and policemen run fearlessly into danger from which 403 of them and nearly 3000 of their countrymen would never return, we drew inspiration from the first responder's sacrifice and resolved to pursue the perpetrators to the ends of the earth.

23 years on, the results of our nation's efforts to address this atrocity would be unimaginable to most of us at that time.
The "experts" predictions of how the next 20 or so years would go proved far less accurate than writers of dystopian science fiction.
Ignoring most of the the bat-scat insanity of current year, and focusing on the perpetrators of the debacle and terrorism in particular, the prognostications of foreign policy wonks and intelligence analysts proved to be bunk, leaving us with thousands of our best dead in Mesopotamia and the Hindu Kush. The Taliban, who, with their allies in Al Queada, perpetrated the vile act of mass murder we commemorate today, are now in charge of Afghanistan, as they were when our punitive expedition went in to slay them. These barbarians leveraged this administration's shameful withdrawal under fire and it's associated incompetence to acquire vast quantities of ordinance abandoned in the pell-mell retreat;

...ordinance that they are using not only to oppress their own people, but to finance themselves by supplying very bad actors with weapons as well as spread their medieval ideology around the world, but this time with purpose built munitions to supplement those extemporized from airliners.
Far from making us safer, the security measures implemented after Sept. 11, have instead focused with impressive effectiveness on rooting out grass roots dissent and engaging in censorious policies to attack those who take umbrage at the Acela Corridor's consensus.
This laser-like focus on political opponents has necessarily come at the expense of vetting the vast multitudes of individuals who stream across our boarders with the blessing of the current administration, apparently in the hopes that they will swing elections in their favor, since, being quite disappointed with the American Citizenry, they have resolved to import another, more compliant one.
Amongst the small percentage of illegal border crossers that are being confronted are a disturbing number of those with connections to terrorist organizations.

Source: A Customs & Border Patrol Report
So our country is filling up with people who share the ideology and goals of those who inflicted upon us such torment 23 years ago today.
This does not include those from less feral but no less troubling regimes, particularly China, which as Dr. Weinstein notes here, is placing a vast number of individuals in our nation for an unclear but likely not benign purpose.
Time stamp is not working for some reason: the relevant dialog begins at 04:06
Far from being safer than we were, I fear we are vastly less so.
I further fear that we stand on the precipice of something far worse than the events we so solemnly commemorate today.
What is likely coming down the pike is dark indeed. I fear that what is on the horizon is going to be far worse in many ways than the events of 23 years ago.
So do not forget them.
Get to know your neighbors.
If you can, get out of the cities.
Be as prepared for utility and societal disruptions as you can make yourself.
And be not afraid.
For dark times may well be coming, but dark times do end eventually.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at
04:38 PM
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