Because it's that day that ghosts, goblins, zombies, and vampires are most likely to be non-compliant with quarantines and lockdowns....for they HUNGER.
No matter how scary they may be, if they come to your door, don't do this...
Instead, take the opportunity to do safety checks on your equipment.
It's important to note that this travesty was committed by APPLE and not some completely different company that might or might not be mentioned in the comments. .
Posted by: Canthros at Sat Oct 31 11:27:47 2020 (mToqK)
Whatever could that last comment by Canthros mean?
I guess it will forever be a mystery.
We will never speak of this again.
(Thanks. I'll go beat my head against the desk now.)
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Sat Oct 31 15:53:16 2020 (5iiQK)
I suspect, (with no evidence whatsoever) that they did what we did when someone informed us that they had lost something that looked very much like trash, they locked out the trash compactor and had their facility's equivalent of the Brickmuppet sift through it piece by piece.
Years ago some smooth-brain decided that he could ship a panel of reinforced impact resistant glass with no other packing material than an address label taped to the bare glass. The problem was, that those windows were laminated glass and even the slightest "thwack" on the SIDE would cause it to delaminate and shatter.
Eventually the window made it all the way from Utah to Virginia without incident until someone dinged it on the edge while putting it on the shelf of the truck for delivery.
When it delaminated (quite spectacularly IIRC) it destroyed the label. I wrote it up as a panel of bullet-proof glass with the label destroyed and discarded it.
The next day I was called from unloading trucks back to the clerk station which was covered in account executives and engineers. Turns out, it was one of the space shuttle windows for the cargo bay and NASA was furious that we had somehow lost their indestructible window. I explained that yes, I had processed a damage that fit that description, and it had had no packing whatsoever and had struck on its edge when being loaded on the truck and...I'd put it in the dumpster as of no salvageable value.
I then got a stern talking down to by some civil servant explaining that the window was supposed to be indestructible and that astronauts lives were at risk and this was beyond my pay grade, so I went out to the trash compactor, had the plant engineer lock it out and recovered the very heavy slabs of broken glass and as much of the plastic and dust as I could recover. During this time the government employee expressed his absolute astonishment that an uncredentialed individual such as myself (which he referred to by various non-complementary slang terms for southern white folks) was allowed to even go near something as important as this piece of kit. After recovering the space shuttle window I explained to one of the NASA employees who was not HickHater that laminated glass cannot take blows to the side and if there had been so much as a bit of cardboard along the edge, the window would have been fine, and that if a meteor entered the window from the side, it was passing through the bulkhead perpendicular to the axis of the shuttle and that there would be greater concerns than the integrity of the window. He laughed and agreed that basic packing was needed (he was an engineer, not a...whatever effete hysteric the other guy was) and they took their window crumbs and left.
I've been in dumpsters to get academic papers, spreadsheets and all manner of things, because U.P.S. does actually give a damn.
Well, that was a digression....
Hopefully there was no foul play with these Biden papers, and it was just something like a poorly sealed envelope. We should find out what horrors reside within them tonight or tomorrow.
Also: Tucker, SEND COPIES not originals. "The dog ate my homework" is never a valid excuse.
This is another example of one of the things that infuriates me. UPS, a private corporation of enormous scale, is able to track this down within hours, the documents are found and we know the name of who lost them. It won't be long before we know how they got lost. But our state and federal bureaucracies are complete black holes for any kind of accountability. Fast and Furious and Crossfire Hurricane are two obvious examples, where Congress should be able to ask for, and receive in hours or days, complete lists of who met with whom and who gave the permissions, but in fact we'll never, ever, get all that information. It's deliberately made to be impossible to track down.
Posted by: David at Thu Oct 29 20:07:02 2020 (jdGUg)
They did keep and send copies. Just also the original, or alleged original.
Interestingly, the Daily Mail says they found it in a dumpster... at a department store. So somebody had sticky fingers of some sort.
Posted by: Suburbanbanshee at Fri Oct 30 09:35:08 2020 (cHUaN)
Tucker asserts the envelope was "securely sealed" and UPS officials repeatedly refused to answer the question of how the flash drive could've gotten out of it.
"The envelope was securely sealed. We know that. Two witnesses saw our producer seal it and UPSdoes not dispute that.
Was the package torn open accidentally by a machine? That seems unlikely. UPS says that almost never happens."
Posted by: Rick C at Fri Oct 30 13:10:40 2020 (eqaFC)
Of course this is the Tucker Carlson that won his court case by arguing that no one would believe the stuff he makes up.
"US District Judge Mary Kay Vyskocil agreed with Fox's premise, adding
that the network "persuasively argues" that "given Mr. Carlson's
reputation, any reasonable viewer 'arrive with an appropriate amount
of skepticism' about the statements he makes.""
Posted by: punchy at Mon Nov 2 13:46:23 2020 (3Ihg2)
Amazon? There are two Ramune flavors in our local Kroger in middle-of-nowhere Newark, Ohio. I always made them a treat for my girls when they did someone reward-able.
Posted by: Clayton Barnett at Fri Oct 30 14:11:34 2020 (ug1Mc)
Years before The Dark Days Cometh, there was a "World Market" store here in Duckford. Not only were they the very best source for rubber ducks in the world, but they also carried foreign beverages and snacks.
Pocky, of course, was plentiful, but they also sold Ramune by the bottle in at least half-a-dozen flavors... for $1.00 each. I know this price exactly, because in Pond Central's fridge are three bottles of some melon or lemon (I just realized those are anagrams!) flavored thing that are a dreadfully unappealing yellow in shade. AND in taste, I might add, which is why they're in the fridge after many years.
Why haven't I tossed them out? A fine question, that.
Posted by: Wonderduck at Fri Oct 30 22:42:51 2020 (vNkOW)
We've discussed Apophis before, but not recently...we were still on Blogspot back then. Basically Apophis is an Earth crossing asteroid that someone decided to tempt fate by naming after an Egyptian god of destruction. In late 2005 there was some speculation that it would impact the Earth in 2036, but subsequent calculations indicated that was not actually the case.
Computer model of Apophis from Wikipedia
Now, in 2020, astronomers looked at the space rock's most recent pass and amended their amendment to their calculations with the result that they think this dollop of deep-space detritus has a 0.00067% chance of impacting the earth with the force of 1.2 gigatons of TNT in 2068.
This is not a high probability event, but if it comes to pass it is a very consequential, as a blast yield of 1200 megatons is a, shall we say, impactful, event no matter where on Earth it happens. Furthermore, this asteroid tends to have close calls frequently, meaning that in the long term, an eventual impact is almost certain.
The good news is that we've got plenty of time to mitigate this and try, fail, and try again to deflect the object and still have time to reflect upon and learn from mistakes made and lessons learned.
The Brickmuppet's Crack team of Science Babes begin training to take care of business.
For instance: The next time one discovers an Earth crossing asteroid, name it Fluttershy or Snorlax rather than after some ancient Egyptian god of chaos and death.
On the one hand the probe collected much more stuff than NASA had hoped. On he other hand a piece of gravel has wedged the sample container open and the probe is now surounded by orbiting gravel. .
Maybe this shouldn't surprise me, but there are already calls to impeach her. And more who are saying "impeach if she does ANYTHING to help Trump get elected, like hear cases."
I don't really have an opinion on her... she certainly seems competent, but my knowledge of the law spans four calls to jury duty... but I'm fairly sure she shouldn't be impeached before she takes her seat on the Supreme Court.
Posted by: Wonderduck at Tue Oct 27 01:48:58 2020 (vNkOW)
I'm surprised they're not calling for her to be court-martialed; they don't know what that word means, either.
Posted by: J Greely at Tue Oct 27 11:07:38 2020 (ZlYZd)
Imagine the screams if they do try to impeach her, and find that it's just as meaningless as it was with Trump. More so, because they won't even get Romney this time.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Tue Oct 27 23:42:55 2020 (PiXy!)
And she didn't join in a ruling that she had commented on, but I don't think she's been sworn in, either.
SCOTUS justices are a crap shoot. Or a box of chocolates. You never know what you'll get once they're sworn in. You never know how they'll rule ten years later, on top of that. Kavanaugh is the only recent nomination that has turned out to be embarrassing, but that's only because he keeps saying ignorant things in public. His actual opinions have been more-or-less fine, from what I remember.
Posted by: Ben at Thu Oct 29 13:35:39 2020 (BBhgz)
5She was sworn in IMMEDIATELY after confirmation,
As to the rest of your comment. Yes indeed, they are independent human beings appointed to make judgements...that adds a bit of chaos to the equation.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Thu Oct 29 14:19:50 2020 (5iiQK)
My bad, I thought that was going to be this week. Although, that makes it even more impressive that she didn't join a decision that she could have, that she had expressed an opinion on.
Restraint is an admirable quality.
Posted by: Ben at Thu Oct 29 14:44:28 2020 (BBhgz)
It seems that a species of parthenogenic prawns previously possessed as pets popped up pestiferously procreating in a Belgian cemetery and cant be dealt with because of a combination of local regulations and the fact that the graveyard can't be dug up.
That they are escaped pets is disappointing. I was hoping for another lab experiment gone horribly wrong, but alien crustacean plague is suitably seasonal nevertheless.
Actual photo of the crawdad in question by
; font-weight: 700; text-decoration-line: underline;">白兎マリコ(@Maryko)
The speculation is that it's hinting at hidden camera footage, but I also think O'Keefe has been bored at home and has been dancing.
Anyway, telling the big news guys that they are zombies is harsh but accurate.
This is the only Michael Jackson cover of this that I have heard lately. Some of the local Halloween stations have been playing covers by other musicians.
Posted by: Suburbanbanshee at Sat Oct 24 16:42:52 2020 (sF8WE)
NASA has successfully slammed the Osiris-REX space probe into the Earth Crossing asteroid Bennu, knocking debris into space that will hopefully be collected and returned. Our Crack Team of Science Babes have some thoughts on the matter.
"We hit it!"
The probe will collect sample of the debris that it kicked up. If it has room and weight reserves for more it will punch the asteroid and blow on it again with the aim of collecting more. Assuming it survives its various assaults on the asteroid, it will return its samples to Earth in 2023.
"The probe will no doubt land in Piedmont Arizona and..."
C'est la Tempête Qui Arrive.
As part of our ongoing policy of attempting to appear big brained and sophisticated, we at Brickmuppet Blog are going to evaluate the results of having the post title in French, which none of us actually speak.
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