May 22, 2023

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

Russian forces have moved into Belgorod. 

There is a complicating factor. 

Belgorod is in Russia. 

I have NO idea. 

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 04:44 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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May 15, 2020

Important PSA

Watch on Bitchute.

It is reported that spambots are hacking YouTube accounts via the comments section by asking "Wanna be friends?". Hambly, with permission, pasted the original  Evanz111 video on the end of his which goes into depth on the matter. 

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 05:15 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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February 28, 2020

Chinese Sends Expeditionary Forces To Assist Pakistan Against Invaders (UPDATED)

UPDATE: Noting some skepticism about this story our crackerjak team of fact checkers and damage control specialists was going to update the post, however, the AP has "helpfully" replaced the article at the below hyperlink with a completely different one Titled : Questions raised about of China anti-locust ‘duck army’

Which notes that the proposal is not, in fact an official one.

China is dispatching 100,000 ducks to Pakistan to assist with repelling an invasion of locusts.

Things are getting serious in Asia. 

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 05:52 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 93 words, total size 1 kb.

January 16, 2020

The Oddness Gets Odder

One of the The Brickmuppet's First Class Team of Drone Experts brings us news of the weird from the land of the big sky.

BM-1CToDE is akshually from VA-11 HallA and is by Saru

Way out west, there's been a spate of U.F.O. sightings since late last year...

Well, not really.

WHAT they are is not at all unidentified. They are Radio Controlled drones. However, these are flying in what are described as  large formations and have attracted the attention of the authorities, to such an extent that 9 days ago the newly formed Colorado drone task force instituted a search for a hypothetical command vehicle.

This was rescinded 3 days later but the drones continue to fly in night, one nearly colliding with an air ambulance.

The government has announced almost simultaneously that they haven't been able to confirm the drones exist and that the FAA needs new and intrusive powers to  monitor every drone in the country to deal with this burgeoning threat*.

More recently on the heels of those two government assessments, the drones continue to be reported, In some cases, the drones are being described as being as big as cars, which, if true** means that this is a much more impressive phenomenon and potentially worrying give the numbers involved and the formation flying.

Here at Brickmuppet Blog, the running theory has been that this was a combination of kids being kids, ranchers patrolling their property, and business doing their business in a way that hasn't been a thing until the last decade or so. When a bunch of reports of unexpected new things flying are combined this could have resulted in peoples perfectly reasonable pattern spotting tendencies resulting in alarm. In this case the"perpetrators" are all blissfully unaware of the pandemonium that they're causing. However, the large numbers of reports of drone formations mean that there may well be something more substantive going on**. 

Other possibilities besides mass hysteria include some small company testing out new drone rigs, (a big company like Amazon would have someone who watched the news and would have filed the proper FAA paperwork). The large number of such sightings indicate that if they are all connected (not at all certain) that there is an extensive training/testing program going on. It could be a secret Air-Force or Army program. It could be something as benign ad a bunch of students trying to practice a drone aerobatics demonstration. On the more sinister side of the spectrum there could be criminal activity such as drug running (though that is unlikely to involve formation flying)  or terrorists testing out formation flying and ground attack methods in anticipation of an upcoming attack. Al-Qaeda and ISIS have both used drones to attack civilian and military targets, but this is an awful lot of testing and training in plain sight with no civilian deaths to show for it.

At this point (assuming the press reports and video footage are in proper context...a big assumption nowadays) it looks like there's SOMETHING going on here. It's just unclear what.

* Hat tip Pete, I had not seen this anywhere else
**some skepticism is warranted : the devices are being observed at night, and this report of the being car sized  is from The Sun.

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 03:46 PM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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January 15, 2020

Tachyon Interference?

This new Kyocera is impressive!

I just got a text on my new phone dated January 18.

Update: And I just now figured out how to do a screencap of it too.

Today is the 15th.
The text is reminding me that my voice mail subscription ends tomorrow...which presumably means in 4 days.

I'm getting spam from the future.

"Oh I'm sure it's nothing!"

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 07:08 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 67 words, total size 1 kb.

September 18, 2019

SyFy Friday Night Movie... or News?

Deep in the Amazon rain-forest, a genetic experiment to end mosquito-borne diseases goes horribly wrong, resulting in a implacable mutant strain of mosquitoes.

Investigators looking into the death of a doctor in a rural Indiana town stumble upon a malign conspiracy when they find 2,246 dead children ritually preserved in jars.

Deep in the subtropical forests of an isolated Texas barrier island, an eccentric billionaire builds an enormous rocket with the intention to colonize Mars.

Researchers ruefully ponder the fact that the biggest selling point of their implacable robot army is its lack of a moral compass.

Fire sparks mass explosion of semen at cattle breeding center; hi-jinks ensue.

Deep in the Siberian wastes, an isolated former Soviet biowarfare facility is researching myriad exotic pathogens, when it is wracked by a series of explosions

In a world where the the vast majority of people are addicted to and surveilled by a non-surgical brain prosthetic, a series of validation-seeking, conformity-enforcing mobs become the backbone of surveillance for an insidious system that seeks to expunge those who do not harmonize their views with those of their overlords.

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 09:44 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 191 words, total size 2 kb.

October 24, 2018

These Are Those Crazy Years Heinlein Warned Us About

It's not just Washington, there is crazy all over the country.

In Florida, some middle school girls decided to bring knives to school and were going to cause mischief. 

Well that's sad but not completely unhear....

When asked about motivation, the girls reportedly told police that they were Satan worshipers. According to police, the girls planned to drink their victims’ blood out of the goblet they were found with. They also discussed eating their victims' flesh and leaving body parts at the school's entrance before killing themselves."Killing all of these students was in hopes it would make them worse sinners ensuring that after they committed suicide ... (they) would go to hell so they could be with Satan," the arrest affidavit reads.

They were hiding in the bathroom to pounce on the first and second graders who they were confident they could overpower. 

Fortunately they were not the brightest bulbs on the tree so no one was hurt. 

Meanwhile, in Wisconsin, some dude was caught trying to purchase radioactive material to use as a murder weapon. He is a career criminal and politician known to the police as Segway Boy.

There are those who believe that watching anime and reading comic books has no benefits or applicability to day to day life, but it is really beginning to look like the U.S. has developed a need for at least one Magical Girl and a costumed superhero.

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 09:34 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 247 words, total size 2 kb.

May 01, 2017

Dustbury has a Question

 How would that even happen? What bizarre sort of circumstances would cause this situation? 
There's some context here, but as you can see, not nearly enough.

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 02:29 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 30 words, total size 1 kb.

April 27, 2017

Missing The Most Obvious Explanation

A history buff on Reddit asked an art history question, which stumped some historians and led to further research and a number of theories, none of which confront the most reasonable and simple explanation. 

"DAMN the GM! This random encounter table SUCKS!"

Obviously Europe was invaded in the late 13th century by an force of predatory and possibly sentient giant snails that terrorized the local population and were individually a match for even an armored knight.

The Snail of Caerbannog?

As is documented below, these vile beasts would drop on people out of trees. 

"Tree-Snail! TREE-SNAI..."

The historians at the linked article have a number of alternative explanations for the art, none of which are supported by know...actual art which clearly show a number of enormous, deadly... eating...

...snails terrorizing the people of France and Flanders in the 1290s. Furthermore, none of their explanations, would make nearly as awesome a movie or (gruesome late night anime) as the obvious evidence presented by the medieval artists. 

This is a production that NEEDS to be made. This little known heroic stand against an implacable enemy could be as consequential to the development of western civilization as Charles Martel at Tours. After all, if Europe had been overrun and its inhabitants eaten by giant snails in the 1290's, history would have taken a very different course.

I doubt any serious historian would disagree with that last sentence. 

So we need to find out two things. 

1: How did the people of France and Flanders vanquish these beasts?
2: What filmaker can we get to document this? This little known story has the potential to be an unbelievably awesome period piece with monsters and swordsmen and the eras' handful of early cannon that justify spectacular explosions ! It'll be The Beast the Challenged the World meets the Lion in Winter!

WHY is this not being made?

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 06:54 PM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
Post contains 319 words, total size 4 kb.

April 26, 2017

Possibly the Very Best Story in the History of News.

I initially refrained from posting about this because it just seemed too good to be true.

It now seems to have been verified.

 Three Islamic State jihadis have reportedly been killed by rampaging wild boars near Iraqi farmland.

I remind you that Muslims consider all members of Suidae to be singularly unclean, and while eating them is considered a dreadful sin, being eaten BY them is just the Worst. Possible. Death. for a member of ISIS. 

We should all take a moment from obsessing about out petty worries and reflect upon this development.

'cause mindfulness can be rewarding.

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 08:55 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 108 words, total size 2 kb.

April 15, 2017

Come for the Beatings, Stay For the Scorpions

I really thought that this story HAD to be a joke.

"Well, snakes would be derivative."

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 10:44 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 27 words, total size 1 kb.

November 15, 2015

I Suppose One Could, in Good Faith, Quibble Over Whether

...the following embedded video is THE sign of the end times or simply one of many. However, Steven's query has, as I type this, generated 7 responses, none of which definitively answer his question.

I'm going to say yes. 

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 11:42 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 49 words, total size 1 kb.

January 01, 2015

Epic Has Its Limits

Tonight, by chance, I googled something, which is unusual as I normally use DDG or Bing. I was curious as to why the Google Doodle did not appear to be particularly new-years specific.

Thus, I moved my cursor over it.

The sentiment is appreciated, but..


Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 02:24 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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December 13, 2014


It appears that the Treasury Department is equipping its bank inspectors with survival kits.

 The survival kits must come in a fanny-pack or backpack that can fit all of the items, including a 33-piece personal first aid kit with "decongestant tablets,” a variety of bandages, and medicines.

The kits must also include a "reusable solar blanket” 52 by 84 inches long, a 2,400-calorie food bar, "50 water purification tablets,” a "dust mask,” "one-size fits all poncho with hood,” a rechargeable lantern with built-in radio, and an "Air-Aid emergency mask” for protection against airborne viruses.

They are also being delivered to what is described as "every major bank".


What is this in preparation for?

One possible scenario.

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 05:26 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 118 words, total size 1 kb.

August 24, 2013

Titanic Musical Pig Fixed: Mystery Solved!

Allow me to explain...

When the RMS Titanic sank in 1912, the band played to cheer the spirits of the passengers until the ship slipped beneath the waves. However there was long reported to be a mysterious piece of music that was heard AFTER the ship sank.

It turns out it was a pig.

A toy pig with an internal music box to be precise. It was played after the ship sank to comfort children in the lifeboat and drown out the sound of the people dieing in the water around them.

Well, curators at the museum where the pig resides have fixed it. They made a recording of the tune that wafted across the waves of a frigid Atlantic night 101 years ago.

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 08:36 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 130 words, total size 1 kb.

April 17, 2013

"...And THAT Miss Crumpler, is Why I Don't Have My Homework."

Just across the river from Brickmuppetburg, a suspicious black backpack left by the side of the road resulted in the Norfolk Bomb Squad bringing out their stalwart bomb disposal  robot today. It courageously blew up the backpack, which was found to contain some charred homework and a can of soup.
Video here of non gory 'splodies.

 "That was...anticlimactic for some reason."

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 10:05 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 72 words, total size 1 kb.

March 07, 2013

Malignant Jackassery

Over at Colleen Doran's Facebook page it is mentioned that someone is making the claim that they contributed creatively to her book (A Distant Soil ) and have had credit denied them.


Reading this post it is clear to me that I know the person in question. He worked in her mail room. I know this because I worked briefly in the mail room. I know this because he was briefly a business partner of mine and I spent a decade paying off the bills he left me with. I know this because he tried to frame a friend of mine for Kiddie Pr0n. (Read the whole thing.)

As far as I know the only contribution he made to the comic book was applying zipatone (badly), packing boxes, running a table at conventions and a lot of unwelcome drama. He was fired primarily for passing himself off as a creative contributor. This was a highly dishonorable and quite deliberate act. His termination was over a decade ago.

I'm not going to name the fink unless he attempts something else, but as  my friend found out to his dismay, this fellow has a nasty habit of holding grudges and acting on them in a potentially very destructive and always quite passive aggressive manner. He is exceedingly good at passing himself off as harmless and likeable. He is neither.

So let me state that if you've encountered the claim that an affable, seemingly innocent fan is an uncredited contributor to A Distant Soil it is not in any way true and the gentleman's affability is an astoundingly convincing mask concealing a dark dark soul. 

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 12:42 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 275 words, total size 2 kb.

February 03, 2013 Blacklisted?


I got a Malware Alert when trying to visit Breitbart.

UPDATE: Via Instapundit, It was a hack. More here.

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 09:27 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 106 words, total size 1 kb.

April 05, 2012

Meanwhile, In Australia


Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 02:35 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 4 words, total size 1 kb.

November 17, 2011

A Thing of Beauty....and Safety

...and ACTING!


Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 07:27 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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