February 20, 2023

Home Again Home Again Giggity Gig

Dad's surgery was much more successful than had been feared. The doctor called Friday to assure us that the surgeons HAD gotten all the cancer and no chemo would be needed. 

Dad is in pain, but he's ambulatory and can take care of himself, So I have returned to home and went to work this morning. 

Pleasant, Celebratory Picture With Just a Touch of Fan Service Goes Here:

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 03:32 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 74 words, total size 1 kb.

February 16, 2023


Dad went in for some out-paitent surgery day before yesterday. 

It became in-paitent surgery. It's pretty serious.  He gets discharged this evening. 

I'm concerned enough that I've taken off work and am going down today to help help them out for a few days. 

My folks do not have internet and even cell-service is spotty, so there will be no streams for a while. 

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 09:47 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 65 words, total size 1 kb.

February 14, 2023

Meanwhile: At FarmCon

You might learn more at the Agricultural Commodities Convention than you would ordinarily think. 

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 06:43 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 17 words, total size 1 kb.

Happy Single's Awareness Day!

I hope everyone is doing well! 

I will leave this here to compensate for the banality below the fold. 

Cute and Sexy Narmaya Being Cute and Sexy Cutely and Sexily and yet SFW Goes Here

 Narmaya Drawing That's SFW Despite Being Fanart With a Valentine Theme is by Samgo.

Oh well. 

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 06:39 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 241 words, total size 2 kb.

January 30, 2023

Nothing to See Here! This is NOT Happening!

So.  Note the grammatical error to prove an AI didn't write this

Last week Project Veritas released footage of the number 4 man at Pfizer Pharmaceuticals talking up a Grinder date and attempting to impress said date by displaying a knack for psychopathy and mass murder. Specifically, he was talking about Pfizer mutating COVID 19 and releasing new variants into the environment in order to create a market for new vaccine boosters...that would presumably be made to order by Pfizer before hand.

 Reaction Image Goes Here

Of course, WHY, exactly, he thought that revealing that he was working in the proud traditions of Vault Tech, Umbrella Corporation, and Weyland Yutani was gonna get him some sexy-fun-times is unclear. I'd think that anyone turned on by this is probably a bug chaser. 

Additionally, what he was boasting about is not just a summer movie plot, it's an atrocity that if true has resulted in upwards of a million deaths. This is beyond even most of the more lurid conspiracy theories.

Veritas attempted to follow up with the fellow who went kind of bonkers...

He claimed that he had lied....please believe him, he was a liar, and he didn't even work for Pfizer (shockingly that last bit was a lie, as he is an executive at Pfizer meaning that, he is indeed a liar, just as he said he was before he attacked James O'Keefe. So I guess we should believe him...no wait). 

Now as I write this, there seems to be a huge effort to bury this story. Uh...which does not engender the skepticism I wish to feel at this point.

And of course that proves that there's nothing going on. Because such coverups only happen in movies. 

Reaction Image Goes Here

This is how you get clickers. 

I don't know what to believe about this. But given the craziness of the last few years, I'm not nearly as skeptical as I ought to be.  

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 10:09 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 332 words, total size 3 kb.

January 29, 2023

I'm beginning to think....

...that Velma might not be worth watching. 

I'm not a Scooby Doo fanboy, but like most Americans my age, I'm pretty familiar with the franchise, which was a fairly inoffensive kids show  that had the benefit of explaining, in very kid friendly terms, Occam's Razor. That is; those unusual goings on are probably not actually aliens, tar monsters, or ghost pirates. Instead, there's probably a perfectly mundane explanation, like a real estate scam or something. 
This seems to me to be a good thing to be teaching kids.
Besides killing off the eponymous talking dog, Velma appears, like so much of today's media, to be injecting critical theory into every aspect of the show. Additionally, it seems to have just been vindictively bad. What I mean is, if the reviews are to be believed, every plot point seems designed to insult or piss off fans of the show, which makes me wonder who the target audience for this fiasco actually is. I am spectacularly unconcerned with the race swapping, but basically everything else looks horrid. 

I'm particularly astonished that Ironmouse, one of the most talented indie-V-tubers, who is usually great at improv, finds herself unable to do much more than cuss and describe aspects of the show with dumfounded confusion and horror. 

Both V-tubers note the fact that the cast is in high-school, which is completely inappropriate for the subject matter.

I was not going to watch this show. I don't have enough time to hate watch anything, and doing so would only add to these insane writer's click-count. However, this show seems so monumentally, deliberately bad that it is actually bewildering and warrants some comment. 

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 03:26 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 280 words, total size 2 kb.

January 09, 2023

A Documentary

Russian combat capabilities have been in the news lately, so, for your edification and some historical context here is some actual film footage of the Russo-Japanese war. 

Note: Authenticity is disputed by some academics.

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 03:55 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Is This Thing Still On?

Is it BACK on? 

Oh good. 

So, a lot has happened since last I posted, let's skim over four things. 

Kari Lake lost her suit alleging that she was cheated out of the governors' race in Arizona.  Well, she did basically prove that she lost due to chicanery, but she ALSO had to prove intent. Which, in the absence of psychics is basically impossible. Significantly, she DID stay out of jail, and paid no fines beyond court costs which the current, dubious, but legally acknowledged governor was pushing for.

Lake had the receipts, much more so than Trump did in 2020, but like Trump, she ran into the issue that our system has little or no capacity to overturn a certified election. 

Neo had timely thoughts on this here and here

I fear this sordid mess will only radicalize people.



For some years whackaloons of all stripes (except the tankies...oddly enough) have been spinning crazy tales of conspiritoria regarding how the "deep state", especially the FBI and CIA have been censoring people and interfering in elections to keep people not in "the club" from political power. Over Christmas, Elon Musk responded to this silly conspiracy theory by providing actual documentation that confirmed everybody's worst fears. Apparently someone did not realize The Lives of Others was a cautionary tale and not a civics lesson. 

It's amusing to watch the Wikipedia page on this change minute to minute. 



We still can't post images, but our crack team of bloggers (Me, myself, & I) are not gonna wait for that to get fixed anymore and are posting again. 

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 03:43 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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December 25, 2022

Mission Accomplished

The last brown truck has left the building.

All the presents are out. 

The blog won't let me publish images, and I'm still too tired and busy to type.

But the upcoming week's schedule is.....sane.

Stay tuned. 

The blog is back.

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 02:09 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
Post contains 43 words, total size 1 kb.

December 10, 2022

"Ack!" (Thud)

Banality follows:


Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 08:29 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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December 04, 2022

The Blog Works Again

However, posting will remain light for a time because....well....

In the meantime, stop by from 5:30PM to 8:30 PM (EST) tonight to witness an act of premeditated Regicide as we deal with GOOD KING MOOGLE-MOG THE 12th! @twitch.tv/brickmuppet

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 05:32 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 42 words, total size 1 kb.

November 27, 2022

About Those Desks

In the previous post's fusillade of excuses, I noted offhandedly that, because of what they are taught in college, today's new hires expect to work at a desk, and not lift desks. 

This may be a self correcting problem, because I suspect there will soon be quite a surplus of desks

This seems in part to be because our "best and brightest" are neither the best, nor the brightest

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 08:11 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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"Tap Tap Tap"....... "Helloooo...?..." (Rubs Foot in Dirt Guiltily)

"Is this thing on?"

A reader of the blog reacts appropriately to my lack of sedulity.

Art by Lansane (Support him on Fanbox)


Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 07:51 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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November 20, 2022

Categorizing the Un-Discussable

Devon Del Veccio has done a superb job of breaking down what fascism is and has divided it into 3 broad categories. He's brought the receipts, with a reading list that is as turgid as it is extensive. 

As it happens, I'm currently slogging through ONE of the mentioned tomes now (Sternhell's The Birth of Fascist Ideology) which, sadly, just seems like something one ought to read nowadays. I marvel at Dev's patience in reading through all these mind-numbingly opaque books.

I've been aware of the broad strokes of the origins of Fascism since the mid-90s but this video goes into specifics that are pretty interesting. 

I've long equated the struggle between Fascism and Communism in the '30s to the religious wars of 16th century Europe.One does not consider Catholics, Orthodox Christians, or, Protestants not to be Christian, though they have different means of attaining the same goal (salvation) yet they fought bloody wars over quibbles about ideology. Leftists, likewise seem to have violent, passionate disagreement amongst themselves about the minutia of how they control people's lives and will bring about their utopia, but to those of us not part of that worldview, they look indistinguishable. 

His discussion of 'post fascism' is likely to raise some eyebrows, since some of the ideologies he mentions as having fringe elements fall under that banner are not intuitively fascist by any means. However, I think a very loose analogy can be made to the difference between the American tradition of a commune, which is a voluntary association of idealistic people working together, (who can, of course leave) and the state having much the same philosophy, which always results in much less genteel outcomes. 

It's an interesting watch at any rate. 

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 11:58 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 290 words, total size 2 kb.

November 19, 2022

Suddenly! Streamery!

Tonight,  (21:00 EST / 02:30UTC) my internet alter-ego will be streaming on Twitch. After a few announcements and stream business we'll be showing a fully restored version of THE CABINET OF DR. CALIGARI, the German expressionistic horror classic. 

After that, we'll be doing a bit of grinding in La Pucelle Tactics, a JRPG from 2002.

Stop by and say "Hi!" tonight at https://www.twitch.tv/brickmuppet.

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 09:22 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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November 15, 2022

Seriously, What Could an Attack on Poland POSSIBLY Escalate Into?

Party like it's 1939 guys

A (probably errant) missile has landed in Poland, killing at least 2. Poland has scrambled jets (as one does when one is hit by missiles) and there is a lot of talk and nattering on about Articles 4 and 5 of the NATO  charter, but as I type this it is ALL talk and nattering. 

Lots of people are saying lots of things but nobody seems to know anything. 

So don't panic...yet.

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 04:24 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 87 words, total size 1 kb.

November 07, 2022

A Chat With A College Professor

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 03:49 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Back in the Saddle

...or the chair in front of the computer at least.

Having made my way back from the swamps of North Carolina to the abandoned curry mine in the side of an active volcano amongst the dinosaur infested jungles that constitute Vermont on the internet.... I can announce a return to a regular streaming schedule.

While pondering how I neglected to escape from the internet while on hiatus.

Art by Anime-Gum

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 03:48 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 74 words, total size 1 kb.

October 31, 2022

Bigger Than Watergate. Bigger Than Teapot Dome.

All those crazy-ass, black-pilled conspiracy theories about how elements in the U.S.  government were targeting, cancelling, and censoring individuals just got put to bed, made comfortable, given a good rest, woken up, and fed 23 Red Bulls.

More herehere, here, and here.

This is not really news, as we've suspected this for a while, but it's bigger and worse than many of us have imagined. 

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 05:47 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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October 29, 2022

Streamery Update: Halloween Edition

Tonight at 9:30pm EDT (01:30pm UTC) We will be having a Halloween themed "Follow-Thon" as my internet alter-ego hosts a selection of silent horror films. 

Terror Island: a 1920 Thriller Starring Harry Houdini
The Haunted House: A short "Thrillomedy" from 1908
The Phantom of the Opera : The Lon Chaney Classic From 1925
The Portrait: A short horror film from 1916
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde The Classic John Barrymore version from 1920
A Page of Madness: A 1926 Japanese Horror Film that is oh so very much a JAPANESE horror film. 

We'll also be doing a bit of video gaming for our intro and intermission. 

Grab a drink and a snack and come by and visit us tonight for the spoopy festivities at twitch.tv/brickmuppet.

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 04:00 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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