It's still a week out, but this one is looking bad. It's very likely Florence will be CAT 4 or worse when it makes landfall. Meanwhile the ground here is saturated. There are still streets impassable due to high water and power is out in a few places due to a string of back to back rainstorms. As I type this, it is about to rain again.
The situation is similar at my parents house down between Cape Hatteras and Wilmington, so I'm assuming those conditions extend from Norfolk to Wilmington. This means when the hurricane dumps its rain the ground will be soup. When 80 -100 knot winds arrive (let alone full cat 4 winds, which will cover a limited area) it will be knocking over trees, power poles, streetlights and causing taller buildings to settle and topple.
This storm is not getting as much coverage as it warrants and people seem oblivious to the menace that is approaching, Certainly, I'm not seeing anything like the sense of urgency I witnessed in the week before Isabel hit.
If this system follows its predicted path and has winds even 2/3 as high as predicted then this storm has the potential to be a first order catastrophe.
Stein's Gate is a series from 2011 that was popular and fairly well regarded. I'd missed it at the time, but as the one reported beacon of goodness in the vast wasteland that is this season is a sequel to that show, I decided to check it out before starting Sten's Gate Zero.
This turned out to be a sound decision, not only because Stein's Gate Zero makes exactly zero sense without the prequel, but because Stein's Gate is a very neat show.
The story begins with Rintaro Okabe and Itaru Hashida two nerdy male college students and Mayuri Shiina, a moe-blob cosplayer. They run a small applied sciences lab in an apartment rented over a used electronics store. Their current project involves a highly modified food service microwave oven which has been modified to operate via cell phone and internet connection. As the dumpster derived device had no working magnetron, they're also working on a magnetron analog of their own design which is performing...rather erratically.
When two of them decide to go to a physics lecture being given by a controversial scientist, they bump into Kurisu Makise, a neuroscience graduate student on summer break from her studies in the U.S.
And then things get weird.
This is an odd show with all sorts of overused cliche's, gratuitous fanboy references and adult onset Chuunibyou.
It also manages to be absolutely riveting.
In the course of 24 episodes our band of 3 nerdy tinkerers and their otaku shield bearers find themselves involved with a whole slew of science weirdness, international conspiracies, the Akihabara chamber of commerce, the Large Hadron Collider and...traps.
Be advised that the superficial wackieness serves as comic relief and a tension breaker. This is dark science fantasy. The story is absolutely gut wrenching at times, almost to the point of sadism in some scenes. However, the characters are endearing and there is a most definite thread of hope that runs through the whole show.
All the characters tend to have surprising (often hidden) depths. My only complaint is that Kurisu Makise, the awesome female lead is somewhat underutilized, at least at first.
All in all, I quite enjoyed Stein's Gate. It's smart, enjoyable and full of surprises.
Aside from the caveat that you go in understanding that it is occasionally quite brutal, I highly recommend this series.
Traps sounds bad. In the current society, anyway.
Posted by: Pete Zaitcev at Thu Sep 6 10:36:13 2018 (LZ7Bg)
And a bit gratuitous. Which did nothing to change the fact that this was an awesome show. The sequel is not quite up to the same standards, but doesn't miss by much. A couple of serious refrigerator moments involving a certain redhead.
Yes, but they're generally fridge brilliance when you realize that..
Kurisu is doing the same thing Okabe is and ALSO saving the world, (she saves him
when their paths cross in it is heavily implied by their dialog that SHE has also time jumped). She's just not doing it as many times, or
suffering as much, because unlike him, she doesn't have full memory of
alternate timelines, so she has to text herself and figure out what's
going on each time she does it.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Thu Nov 21 22:17:51 2019 (5iiQK)
An Orion Spaceship, albeit not a battleship drawn by Adrian Mann
Next Big Future gives a concise overview of the Orion Project, though aside from the headline no explanation for why the political hurdles to nuclear pulsed propulsion might be overcome.
Note that as I type this, the post over there seems to stop in mid-sentence while discussing Casaba Howitzers.
Speculative Technology in Sci-Fi
Sometimes it doesn't age well..
I've started watching Stein's Gate a well regarded series from 2011 that I'd never gotten around to. There's a short bit in the first episode where we learn that one of the future technologies our scientist protagonists are working on is household appliances that can be remotely operated by cellphone.
Alas. No one went back in time and warned them about the internet of things.
That aside, I must say that, one episode in, this show has me quite effectively hooked.
Been trying to get back into it, I got it back in 2011 (Man, I've been doing this longer than I thought) but I keep getting distracted, and haven't finished ep 2 in either of my attempts. (And I even went so far as to track down the 25th episode the first team never released).
Posted by: Mauser at Sun Sep 2 18:08:14 2018 (Ix1l6)
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Mon Sep 3 05:38:53 2018 (Es+wK)
You could always play the game. I think J-List has it.
Posted by: Mauser at Mon Sep 3 22:44:29 2018 (Ix1l6)
I haven't seen any of this series. Will take a look once I get through Index/Railgun - but there's a new season of that starting next month so it might be a while.
Two weeks ago I noted that I'd been logged into You-Tube automatically and found in the course of some browsing, a number of surprisingly risque MMD videos. I'd half-joked that teh Googleplex was thus made aware of my observation of certain MMD channels of debatable societal merit.
Last night I got an alert that some site I was unfamiliar with had published another video. I initially ignored it as a phishing scheme, but later looked up the site name through You tube search and discovered that it was one of the aforementioned sites.
Now I double checked and I'm subscribed to two channels...both of them safe for work.
So I'm getting alerts for these male gaze oriented channels, which would not be an issue if not for the fact that this means I'm on Google's perv list.
I really can never get married now.
One odd bit. The Channel in question, seems to have had several updates since my initial visit, though this was the first new content alert I'd gotten from it.
The channel is here if you are interested in doing scholarly research of this troubling privacy issue...or perhaps low gravity fluid dynamics. It is likely to be of dubious utility for researching anatomy since I don't think boobs work that way.
The U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command is investigating a serious equipment and ammunition theft from the US Army’s Fort Hood base. A quantity of ammunition and Chemical, Biological, Radological and Nuclear equipment has been stolen from a storage cage at Fort Hood in Texas.
It looks like the quantity of ammo was 480 rounds, hardly a massive arsenal (about a day at the range). It might, or might not be significant that in contrast to the 9mm rounds, the type of 5.56 ammo was not disclosed. Still, even assuming some armor piercing-explosive 22 round, it seems that the radiological equipment would be of greater concern.
Per a later update, it was a user error during construction. Someone accidentally drilled a hole in the exterior wall. He then patched it with glue... that couldn't survive vacuum over the long haul. Since meticulous records are kept, they already found the drunken bolshevik* responsible.
*No idea if he was really drunk, or a bolshevik, or just a clumsy idiot.
Ubu, where are you seeing reporting that they identified the person who drilled the hole? I haven't seen that reported anywhere, the most recent reporting I've seen is on Rogozin's claim that this might have been sabotage, possibly even by ISS personnel. Of course, that's generally being treated as deflection from admitting that they have such serious quality problems...
Posted by: David at Fri Sep 7 13:25:43 2018 (A/T0R)
I saw that mentioned in a RT article. (Russia Today).
Posted by: Mauser at Fri Sep 7 19:39:19 2018 (Ix1l6)
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Thu Aug 30 01:49:00 2018 (PiXy!)
No. But when you mentioned it I went and looked up on Crunchyroll, which doesn't have it but has a blurb for it...
One day, an ordinal high school girl, Ma$%^&* (her name is left to your imagination), met Cheko, who was a maid came from a village of maids. She could melt, fly, and pull her head off .... Anyway, strange people began to come, for example, a snow fairly who disliked cold, a large squid that could speak, scary persons, and the like. Pyguru is a world of absurdity drawn by a hope of comedy, Konnotohiro.
...from which I gather it is a Twitter violation.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Thu Aug 30 18:43:23 2018 (3bBAK)
This video is three years old and it looks like Extra Credits was not only ahead of the curve on this story, but, due to their area of expertise, had some very interesting perspectives about the Chinesesocialcreditsystem. The video also has some facinating bits of info regarding the Orwellian nightmare in question that haven't been widely reported.
One of the entities that runs the SCS is Tencent, the company that owns Riot Games, Epic Games and... Blizzard.
Furthermore, it looks like a couple of specific features of the social credit system seem to have been given beta tests in Blizzard's popular MMO, World of Warcraft.
The whole social credit system is the stuff of nightmares, but the fact that western game companies are so heavily involved in the development of this is even more worrying as this has some...implications.
Perhaps Twittermobs are a beta test to explore more social manipulation of a more kinetic nature.
This might sound paranoid. And you might think to yourself "That's retarded!" ...but if you didn't just think that...but you tweeted it, well, then you just got banned.
So who's retarded now?
UPDATE: OK, so you so you just got suspended for a week. These things add up.
Tencent has an undisclosed minority shareholding of Blizzard Activision, which while, yes, you can say they 'own' Blizzard, does not mean they 'owned Blizzard and has access to all the data that Activision-Blizzard has.'
In so far as the Chinese copying mechanics from World of Warcraft - I would not surprised but they hardly need a data dump of everything Blizzard know to do so - Tencent is the owner/operator of much of Blizzard's franchises in the PRC. That includes World of Warcraft - though if the PRC had thought some feature from WoW was useful they would not needed any sort of ownership of Blizzard to copy and implement said feature.
Of all the things to worry about in this discussion - I would rank whatever Blizzard and other Western gaming companies have as being low on the totem pole.
Posted by: cxt217 at Tue Aug 28 22:23:18 2018 (BcQU4)
I only got suspended for a week for using the r-word.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Wed Aug 29 03:36:51 2018 (PiXy!)
Extra Credit's History series was quite enjoyable. Their history of sci-fi didn't start off too well, telling too much of the story of Frankenstein, but has gotten better as they focused more on the authors. Their relatively new Politics series was.. laughable. On one of the episodes they were basically making a plea for better discourse and treating each other's positions with respect, but all of their examples of good and bad showed their biases. They were naive enough they didn't even realize it nor the irony.
Posted by: StargazerA5 at Wed Aug 29 17:26:01 2018 (06P2d)
@cxt217: True, but its still troubling. The idea that WOW was used as a Beta run for a population control program is so outlandish that it's just....
Wait. There's nothing surprising about that at all.
@PixyMisa: I have amended the post.
@StargazerA5: That's the thing about biases....if you're not exposed to heterodox views, it's the easiest thing in the world to not be aware of.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Thu Aug 30 19:02:54 2018 (3bBAK)
Of course Boot knows who Cromwell was. It's just that he's been driven insane with rage that Hillary lost.
Posted by: Rick C at Fri Aug 24 14:32:39 2018 (Q/JG2)
I really cannot find fault with Boot's statement (or, really, statements). He's not White; he's not American. He speaks only in support of his tribe.
Good for him. He should just eff the hell off to Israel and leave us alone.
Posted by: Clayton Barnett at Fri Aug 24 21:23:10 2018 (ug1Mc)
Max Boot has not been an Israel supporter since Benjamin Netanyahu became prime minister against. So no, unless he is going to drop into Gaza, that is not happening.
Posted by: cxt217 at Fri Aug 24 21:40:27 2018 (BcQU4)
Boot's an American citizen, though he's an immigrant from Russia, He is just about as white as I am and I'm one pasty honkey. I don't know how Israel gets into it. His "tribe", as far as I can tell, is low-T self appointed aristocrats. His statement is all manner of faulty.
Clayton, it looks like someone is logged into your account and is posting crazy stuff!
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Fri Aug 24 22:12:54 2018 (3bBAK)
I've never understood the "Jews aren't white" thing. All the Jews I've know have been white. Sure, they're a distinct sub-set of white, but so what? Regardless of their cultural distinctiveness, they're not hijacking planes to fly into buildings, or raping and murdering their way through Europe and the US.
Their tendency to vote for the politicians whose policies are not in alignment with my own is annoying, but that can be said of plenty of other groups as well, and there are enough exceptions to make blanket condemnation rather silly.
Posted by: jabrwok at Mon Aug 27 07:42:20 2018 (BlRin)
You can do that for subs vs dubs, too, can't you?
Posted by: Rick C at Thu Aug 23 07:45:22 2018 (ITnFO)
BTW--and maybe I should mention this on Pixy's blog instead--lately sometimes when I post a comment, the browser briefly goes "can't find the server" and I have to refresh to make the comment post. Whether it's a coincidence or not, now I see your header image has disappeared again, and just see the blue bar at the top.
Posted by: Rick C at Thu Aug 23 07:46:41 2018 (ITnFO)
Yeah, that sounds like a couple of our old dub directors. Mind you, I'm not saying it was bad - writing a dub script is a completely different challenge compared to subtitling, and frankly, a more difficult one!
Posted by: Avatar_exADV at Thu Aug 23 14:07:05 2018 (v29Tn)
Sometimes it's the little things. I've been watching Index, and every time Kuroko says "sissy" for "onee-sama", I cry a little.
Posted by: J Greely at Thu Aug 23 19:02:19 2018 (LGSd2)
Rick C - I turned down the DNS refresh time before the server migration so people would get stuck in limbo when I cut over. That's very likely the cause (though it still shouldn't happen). I'll dial it back up again.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Fri Aug 24 03:16:31 2018 (PiXy!)
Been watching Gegege no Kitaro (Was working on a writeup last weekend before hitting back on the wrong tab lost 90% of it). There's a character Neko-Musume and they've been subbing it as Cat Chick. Which gets even more messed up when Mana calls her Neko-neesan.
They made that Cat Girl.
Posted by: Mauser at Sat Aug 25 02:48:54 2018 (Ix1l6)
People who manage these pages that have significant followings are going to be asked to complete an authorization process in order to keep posting on their page.
"Well...that doesn't have any troubling implications."
Oh lighten up Sarcastic Coffee Girl. It's obvious that the idealistic nerds are just building a road to a glorious** future that we can get a glimpse of in this two year old Wired article and these two pieces that (entirely coincidentally I'm sure) ran on Drudge today.
* definition of "big" is not firmly established at this time.
** definition of "glorious" may involve momentary discomfort.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Tue Aug 21 22:53:32 2018 (PiXy!)
"complete an authorization process"
Time to root your phone & spoof your location, *before* they start watching for that like the makers of Pokemon Go have started doing.
Posted by: Rick C at Tue Aug 21 23:51:20 2018 (ITnFO)
Are the people doing the authorizing going to be formerly 'rehabilitated' inhabitants of Saudi-controlled or influenced institutions of incarceration? You know, like Youtube allegedly employed?
Posted by: cxt217 at Wed Aug 22 22:34:26 2018 (BcQU4)
Reports on this system are somewhat contradictory. The Russians seem to be giving 2027 as the date it is fully operational, while it appears that the system is in service now aboard RFS Belgorod, which has the capacity to carry 6 of these devices. The press reports also report that this thing has a yield of 2 megatons, (down considerably from 100MT)but that makes exactly no sense.
Here's why.
Unlike the U.S. the Russians never stopped designing new nukes. They are at least as advanced as us in this regard. In 1963 the U.S. had a one megaton warhead that weighed only 600-680 pounds and was less than 18 inches in diameter. A 21 inch torpedo like the MK 48 has a 650 pound warhead. The Russians use 660mm torpedos. I have no idea what their warhead weight is but the smaller 610mm Japanese Type93 (Long Lance) had a maximum warhead weight of over 1700 pounds in its mod 3 version. Thus one could conceivably put a 1-4 Megaton warhead in their submarine's standard tubes and carry a dozen or more with no expensive mods to the sub. This weapon has been photographed (in its tube) and is bigger than a WW2 Japanese midget sub. Modern 21 inch Torpedoes already have a 140 kilometer range, and one can assume that the 660mm russian weapons are longer legged still, so it seems unlikely that the entire Russian sub force could be stopped from tossing a dozen of these into major US ports, which aren't moving targets after all. This weapon on the other hand is limited to one boat at the moment, with 1 or 2 more in the pipeline. The only reason to add that vulnerability is if there is a huge increase in capability. This blog has explored cratering and seiche effects on a port before. Now let's look at secondary effects.
Belgorod reportedly carries six of these things, What happens if ONE sub fires a full spread and positions them for maximum effect?
This is 6 x 100Megaton groundbursts in 5 deepwater ports and a Fishing harbor (Bangor, Astoria, Crescent City, San Fransisco, Sacramento, Long Beach) plus a 2 megaton groundburst for perspective in a salt marsh next to Vandenburg AFB. I had the fallout pattern from the smaller blast go south to make it stand out.
Note that the orange circles are the zone of burnination. At the outer edge of those circles, on a clear day, people outside go blind, get third degree burns, leaves, hair and dark clothing can catch fire, everything inside of that gets steadily more combustible. This means that EVERYTHING inside the inner orange ring is on fire. Recent headlines have implications for that effect, and how hard it might be to get under control.
The light grey bit just inside that is the outer limit of smashed windows and associated lacerations of people who might already be blind and on fire . Damage, gets worse in from that, the darker grey circle on each blast pattern is the 5 PSI limit. The effects of 5 pounds per square inch of overpressure can be seen in this helpful .gif .
(The .gifs on the right actually.)
Everything inside that circle gets progressively more unpleasant. None of those effects save the outer burn limit are visible at this scale on the 2mt bomb, which is the smallest that really shows effects at this scale. Still, I very much would not want to be at Vandenburg in this instance.
I picked the west coast not because I hate J.Greely, and Mauser nor because I think that my home next to the largest naval base in the world is not a target, but because of the orange and yellow pointy bits coming out of the blast radii.
Fallout. This is how the Nukemap site explains the visuals for the streamers coming out of the circles.
Fallout contours for a 100 megaton surface burst (52% fission) with a 15 mph wind:
Fallout contour for 1 rads per hour:
Fallout contour for 10 rads per hour:
Fallout contour for 100 rads per hour:
All of those fall under the category of "bad", with10 rads per hour giving acute radiation syndrome in about half a day.
The fallout contours vary in length because I varied the wind speed. The mushroom cloud from a full yield RDS-220 is estimated to get over 30 miles high so it's going to be blown east by high speed upper level winds, especially if it intersects the very high speed winds of the jet stream(s). The wind speeds in the above image vary from 10mph to 180mph.
In practice such fallout patterns would follow a lazy s curve well into Canada (I would not want to be in Saskatoon or Winnipeg) before arcing down intothe U.S. breadbasket and possibly (depending on wind speed) looping up through the northeast and poisoning New England & the Maritimes. This is, of course highly dependent on the time of year (things like is the subtropical jet stream active as well as effects of North America's comparatively mild continental Monsoon pattern).
Here for comparison are three different fallout estimates from the federal government.
Note that these all date from the '80s or earlier and are all based on cold war scenarios involving a thousand or more bombs. The estimate in the first image is for 6.
So a full spread of 6 high yield weapons from Belgorod killed or poisoned at least half of North America and probably killed a majority of Canadians as an afterthought. That is a capability that makes the huge scale and complexity of this system actually make some sense, in exactly the same way that the 2megaton yield being reported doesn't.
I strongly suspect that IF this is not a Potemkin torpedo, that the yield is much higher than the 2 megatons that has been surfacing in news reports lately. I'm sticking with between 50 and 150 megatons.
Note too that 150MT was, according to The Johnston Archive, the final maximum design yield for the RDS-220 physics package, when it was intended as a warhead for the ICBM that was re-purposed as the Proton launcher.
Even given space and weight restrictions in the torpedo, 100 MT doesn't seem unreasonable. It seems like a middle of the road estimate.
If you take the parachute, and lay down casing off the old, 1963 Tsar Bomba the actual 'splody bits should just fit into a Poseidon. That weapon fit into the T-15 torpedo designed for it with just fine and its dimensions are similar to Posiedon's (albeit it was a tad shorter). It's been a long time since 1963...a lot of progress has been made.
Nuclear war is hideous to contemplate, but we lived unbder its spectre for decades. However, 'total atomic anihilation' used to require hundreds or even thousands of warheads. An EMP is a real threat, but doesn't involve direct damage or any meaningful fallout. Of course, in the unlikely event they ever use these things then the Russians will be hitting us with everything they have. Even if only to make the rubble bounce.
In my teens, things such as this commanded my attention. Now in my 50s with my own government putting a gun to my head and telling me to "bake the cake, bigot!" I could care less. Sorry.
Posted by: Clayton Barnett at Sun Aug 19 16:35:13 2018 (ug1Mc)
It would sure be nice if the US Navy had not decided to let its' ASW capability whither since the end of the Cold War...
Admittingly, the Navy has not done a good job making its' case since the end of the Cold War...
Posted by: cxt217 at Sun Aug 19 22:23:29 2018 (BcQU4)
I'll be honest: this doesn't concern me in the least.
The nuke torpedo doesn't really do anything an ICBM can't do other than be sneaky. But if a whole bunch of coastal cities go kablooey it's pretty clear that there'll be half a gazillion missiles launching out of the midwest in response.
So as a first strike weapon, it's really pretty weak. Yes, a 100mt warhead will ruin a city's whole day, but not really any more than a MIRV'd missile would. There'd just be a big hole in the harbor, more fallout and a really impressive water column climbing towards the stratosphere.
If it takes out a sub base or two, well... unfortunate, but there's more at sea.
The nuka-torp doesn't really imbalance anything.
Posted by: Wonderduck at Mon Aug 20 22:58:14 2018 (CWc/p)
Yeah, I've got a huge target painted on me, Naval Station Everett, Whidby Island NAS, Bremerton (Subs and carriers!). That thing would scrub Boeing and my house off the map, because they're both basically line of sight from a likely explosion.
Posted by: Mauser at Mon Aug 20 23:21:20 2018 (Ix1l6)
I went perusing MMD videos and was surprised at how....risque they were all of a sudden. In particular there was a whole series of quite lovingly rendered videos involving zaftig young ladies dancing while clad only in stockings, pasties and...radar arrays.
Anyway, I gather that when I logged into my G-mail account, and then opened up You Tube in another tab, I was automatically logged into my You Tube account.
This grants access to R-18 videos.
This in turn means that the Googleplex now knows that I spent about 20 minutes perusing dancing shipgirls in thongs.
2: They'll be able to blackmail me with this, thus compromising my integrity as a blogger if I cling to any pretentions of respectability. So...
Ladies and Gentlemen: I recently spent 20 minutes looking at dancing shipgirls in thongs on You Tube.
3: I can never get married now.
God, I hate Google.
UPDATE: No doubt for scholarly reasons, a request was made in the comments for examples of the aforementioned visual media.
I will not embed these but this link is representative. This one has less elaborate antenna arrays, making due with rabbit ears, but is more impressive from an animation perspective, and this one has (on its margins) something to offer to any remaining female readers I might have.
And you don't provide your devoted readers with a link to a single such video? For shame!
Posted by: David at Sat Aug 18 03:00:43 2018 (JMkaQ)
Yeah, they changed the Google / YouTube account linkage thing recently. This was good for me because I've been banned from YouTube since 2010 for uploading anime ops and eds, and now it's finally forgotten that old account and associated directly with my Gmail.
Of course, if I get banned again that will take my Gmail account with it, so there's that to consider...
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Sat Aug 18 08:59:03 2018 (PiXy!)
Thank you for a productive scholarly research session...
Posted by: Siergen at Tue Aug 21 20:15:51 2018 (KNzJG)
Hobby Space News of the commercial space industry A Babe In The Universe Rather Eclectic Cosmology Encyclopedia Astronautica Superb spacecraft resource The Unwanted Blog Scott Lowther blogs about forgotten aerospace projects and sells amazingly informative articles on the same. Also, there are cats. Transterrestrial Musings Commentary on Infinity...and beyond! Colony WorldsSpace colonization news! The Alternate Energy Blog It's a blog about alternate energy (DUH!) Next Big Future Brian Wang: Tracking our progress to the FUTURE. Nuclear Green Charles Barton, who seems to be either a cool curmudgeon, or a rational hippy, talks about energy policy and the terrible environmental consequences of not going nuclear Energy From Thorium Focuses on the merits of thorium cycle nuclear reactors WizBang Current events commentary...with a wiz and a bang The Gates of Vienna Tenaciously studying a very old war The Anchoress insightful blogging, presumably from the catacombs Murdoc Online"Howling Mad Murdoc" has a millblog...golly! EaglespeakMaritime security matters Commander Salamander Fullbore blackshoe blogging! Belmont Club Richard Fernandez blogs on current events BaldilocksUnderstated and interesting blog on current events The Dissident Frogman French bi-lingual current events blog The "Moderate" VoiceI don't think that word means what they think it does....but this lefty blog is a worthy read nonetheless. Meryl Yourish News, Jews and Meryls' Views Classical Values Eric Scheie blogs about the culture war and its incompatibility with our republic. Jerry Pournell: Chaos ManorOne of Science fictions greats blogs on futurism, current events, technology and wisdom A Distant Soil The website of Colleen Dorans' superb fantasy comic, includes a blog focused on the comic industry, creator issues and human rights. John C. Wright The Sci-Fi/ Fantasy writer muses on a wide range of topics. Now Read This! The founder of the UK Comics Creators Guild blogs on comics past and present. The Rambling Rebuilder Charity, relief work, roleplaying games Rats NestThe Art and rantings of Vince Riley Gorilla Daze Allan Harvey, UK based cartoonist and comics historian has a comicophillic blog! Pulpjunkie Tim Driscoll reviews old movies, silents and talkies, classics and clunkers. Suburban Banshee Just like a suburban Leprechaun....but taller, more dangerous and a certified genius. Satharn's Musings Through TimeThe Crazy Catlady of The Barony of Tir Ysgithr アニ・ノート(Ani-Nouto) Thoughtful, curmudgeonly, otakuism that pulls no punches and suffers no fools. Chizumatic Stephen Den Beste analyzes anime...with a microscope, a slide rule and a tricorder. Wonderduck Anime, Formula One Racing, Sad Girls in Snow...Duck Triumphalism Beta Waffle What will likely be the most thoroughly tested waffle evah! Zoopraxiscope Too In this thrilling sequel to Zoopraxiscope, Don, Middle American Man of Mystery, keeps tabs on anime, orchids, and absurdities. Mahou Meido MeganekkoUbu blogs on Anime, computer games and other non-vital interests Twentysided More geekery than you can shake a stick at Shoplifting in the Marketplace of Ideas Sounds like Plaigarism...but isn't Ambient IronyAll Meenuvians Praise the lathe of the maker! Hail Pixy!!