I missed at least an hour's worth of kids because my normally reliable as the sun setting porch light light sensor switch didn't switch on. It was 7:00 and I was thinking"Where the hell are the kids?" then I discovered it.
Posted by: Mauser at Wed Oct 31 22:54:26 2018 (Ix1l6)
My new apartment complex is gated, but in spite of that I didn't get a single trick-or-treater. Disappointing. (I used to live in places that had throngs of kids.)
Posted by: Rick C at Thu Nov 1 11:49:15 2018 (Q/JG2)
Anyone want 50 pounds of candy? I got maybe a third the number of kids I had last year. Maybe their parents read the knot joke on my blog...
Posted by: J Greely at Thu Nov 1 13:55:08 2018 (tgyIO)
A friend of mine who runs a comics store (that is usually besieged by candy vacuums on Halloween) reported the same thing.
My neighborhood (which is generally quite busy on All Hallow's Eve) was reportedly dead as well.
3 data points are not a reliable survey of course, but I do wonder if the SJWs actually impacted the holiday this year?
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Thu Nov 1 14:36:28 2018 (Oqyrj)
It is time like Halloween that reminds me of Steve. You could always count on him to post updates on the status of his candy bowl.
Posted by: cxt217 at Thu Nov 1 21:08:19 2018 (LMsTt)
I was listening to a podcast recently where they got in to the waxing of Halloween and waning of Christmas in perceived cultural influence. As part of the discussion they got in to the changing ways in which Halloween is celebrated. They guessed greater adult participation and a shift to house parties and discrete events is supplanting youths wandering the streets. We also don't know our neighbors like we used to.
Our Halloween here has been a washout two years in a row, which can kill a kid's interest without active parental hype.
Posted by: Will at Fri Nov 2 13:25:56 2018 (QZOP+)
Thoughts on Proxima B
Shortly after the discovery that Proxima Centauri, the closest star to our sun has a planet in the habitable zone, NASA pointed out that Proxima is known to be a flare star and the planet is so close that it would probably be grilled, baked and flash fried.
Now, two years later, they've finished a study adding potential variables to see if anything could mitigate the effects of the flaring, and surprisingly, there some scenarios which allow for a habitable planet and a few with a sort of Earthlike biosphere. These are HIGHLY speculative numbers as we know almost nothing about the planet except its orbit and mass. They are interesting nonetheless...
The odds are still on it being a burned out cinder, but even for this planet, that is not a given.
Note that the second closest planet to our solar system, (Ross128b) is a better candidate, not only because it doesn't face the flare issue, but is even closer in mass and temperature to Earth. With such variables as discussed in the Proxima-B video, its odds might be better still.
A Lesson From the Antipodes
A few days ago, a scientist in Antarctica got all stabby with a colleague, who was critically injured and airlifted to Chile.
Meanwhile on the Slingshot Channel...
The Slingshot Channel is run by this glorious loon in Deutschland who is taking the principles of mad science and applying them to slingshots, and crossbows and trebuchets.
Now our Crack team of Science Babes note a year old video we'd missed that mentioned a slight change in the channel's focus from pure research to applied science...and retail.
"Do Want! Do Want!"
Thats pretty impressive. I've never seen ballistic gelatin used with a crossbow.
And a coconut.
Alas, the expansion of his store turned out to be fortuitous since his channel has just been demonetized.
Palate Cleanser
A few weeks ago we looked at the official video of this K-Pop song. Well it's a hit, so there are now the inevitable MMD videos. Well, instead of just downloading the rotoscoping into MMD, some circle named DD Animations seems to have taken the same bog-standard MMD motion capture file and plugged it into Yandere Simulator.
But then they got creative with the editing.
This is really well done.
The only issue with this is the troubling fact that there actually is a Yandere Simulator.
The Chances of Anything Coming From Mars Are a Million to One He Said
It's been a week from hell and you may be asking yourself "What next?!"
This is next...
For the past few weeks, while we've been distracted by hurricanes, lunatics and blacklists, astronomers have been observing plumes coming from the Arisa Mons volcano on Mars. 'Top Men' have concluded that this steam coming out of the top of a volcano is not, in fact volcanic. The leading publicly discussed theories seem to be the seasonal sublimation of a dust covered glacier or clouds condensing around water droplets blown off the volcano.
Of course, gentle readers, we have watched enough of the Discovery Channel to know that a fuzzy picture means Bigfoot, UFOs or worse and I think we are all well read enough to grasp what the sighting of anomalous plumes on Mars right before Halloween really means.
Fortunately, I live nowhere near Grovers Mill.
signed, 2X2L
Posted by: Wonderduck at Mon Oct 29 02:08:23 2018 (9gv+L)
'duck, these are "Body Snatcher" types, so chances are they're all around you already. These plumes have been going on for a while, so I would guess about 45% of the country is already being controlled.
Posted by: Ben at Mon Oct 29 08:55:34 2018 (osxtX)
Season 6 of RWBY is off to a rollicking good start.The production values are now almost movie quality and this first episode has best action scene the show has had since Monty died. The fight scene is so much of the episode that it arguably derails the story at one point, but the episode doesn't really suffer for it.. Regards pacing and plotting, this does not even look like it was done by the same people who did the end of last season.
After the dumpster fire that was last season's finale, I'm on my guard, but this season is really REALLY looking promising.
From radio and TV, It looks like an unknown number of people-shaped colostomy bags have blasted their way into a Pittsburgh Synagogue which, it being Saturday, was full of worshippers. Reports point to a lot of fatalities. There is still gunfire.
It looks like there was a Bris ceremony being performed when the fiend came in.
8 dead at least.
There are reports that the fellow, in addition to being a vile anti-semite, also despises the President with a passion. This makes perfect sense given the Presidents family ties and his actual policies. However, as far as I can tell, these reports, while being widely disseminated, all track back to one, rather dubious source. However, there is reportedly an archive of the murderer's Gab feed here.
You have to hand it to them - of all the different ways to respond to the tragedy in Pittsburgh, the 'correct' people have managed to pick the worst option, which is likely not to help their position, but will hurt it.
If you are an Anti-Semite, you blame the Jews for everything bad, especially when it happens to the Jewish people.
Posted by: cxt217 at Sun Oct 28 17:46:40 2018 (LMsTt)
4-Channers are supposedly finding information that his voter registration changed to Republican about the time he was arrested.... Others note that the "Vanifesto" (h/t Mike Kupari) showed a very distinct lack of sun fading.
Posted by: Mauser at Sat Oct 27 00:30:57 2018 (Ix1l6)
When asked about motivation, the girls reportedly told police that they were Satan worshipers. According to police, the girls planned to drink their victims’ blood out of the goblet they were found with. They also discussed eating their victims' flesh and leaving body parts at the school's entrance before killing themselves."Killing all of these students was in hopes it would make them worse sinners ensuring that after they committed suicide ... (they) would go to hell so they could be with Satan," the arrest affidavit reads.
They were hiding in the bathroom to pounce on the first and second graders who they were confident they could overpower.
Fortunately they were not the brightest bulbs on the tree so no one was hurt.
Meanwhile, in Wisconsin, some dude was caught trying to purchase radioactive material to use as a murder weapon. He is a career criminal and politician known to the police as Segway Boy.
There are those who believe that watching anime and reading comic books has no benefits or applicability to day to day life, but it is really beginning to look like the U.S. has developed a need for at least one Magical Girl and a costumed superhero.
Reality is actually far more nasty. I lost the link, but Sarah Hoyt had an article on PJMedia about how a group of girls attending the same school one of her sons attended, conspired in a determine effort to get the kid in trouble (As in, both 'expelled from school' and 'arrested by the police' all on false charges.) because they thought he looked retarded and unattractive. It also turns out that many, if not most, of the girls were the daughters of teachers and staff at the school district who, at the very least, knowingly condoned and excused their offsprings' behavior. And these girls were known to track the boy down after he transferred out of the school district, as well as go to the Hoyts' home, and try to make his life a living hell.
I firmly believe that along with other crimes, any child charged with criminal conspiracy should be tried as an adult. These children almost certainly will never grow up to become decent adults.
Posted by: cxt217 at Fri Oct 26 19:56:28 2018 (LMsTt)
Oh This Will Help Calm Things I'm Sure (UPDATED)
It looks like some creep has sent pipe bombs to prominent Democrats. I guess he/she decided that the actions of the Unabomber and James Hodgkinson are examples and not horrible warnings.
Also. Regarding today's outbreak of TwitterMadness: We really don't know anything about these things or who sent them other than the silly logo, so holding forth about False Flag ops, Incel edgelords or Larry The Cable Guy fandom is the exact opposite of helpful.
Remember, whoever did this was probably a nutbar. This would make trying to figure out motive via inferring who logically and rationally stands to benefit a fools errand since logic and rationality may not be in play.
Finally! Some actual facts from Pixy in the comments.
...those fake ISIS stickers are literal false flags.
So THERE! No matter how this turns out, certain people will be able to save face. Thanks Pixy!
The part me that possesses morbid curiosity is interested in seeing the reactions of the usual suspects if the responsible party turns out to be a whack-a-doodle who targeted Soros, Obama, Clinton et al because they were not left-wing or progressive enough.
Then I realize that we would know exactly what the reactions would be.
Posted by: cxt217 at Wed Oct 24 17:17:58 2018 (LMsTt)
It's pretty easy to tell. If the news goes nuts when they find the guy, he was a conservative nutbar. If the story disappears completely, he was a Liberal.
Posted by: Mauser at Wed Oct 24 21:10:18 2018 (Ix1l6)
The modern version of Occam's Razor is Ahmed's Clock: if it looks like a Hollywood bomb, it probably is. This is related to Viagra News: if the story stays up for more than four days, they found a conservative to pin it on.
Posted by: J Greely at Thu Oct 25 00:30:54 2018 (tgyIO)
The NY Post has an article this morning saying these were "bombs": they had no detonation device.
Posted by: Rick C at Thu Oct 25 11:02:07 2018 (Iwkd4)
What are we at now, seven bombs? And not ONE went off. Seriously, the Unabomber was an old guy living in a shack in Mexico on a shoestring and did better than that. Fireworks explosives? Not even black powder, or cordite removed from bullets? I'd expect a reich-winger to do better than that. CNN was even comfortable with taking a picture of theirs, rather than getting the h__l out of the room. Hmmmm.
Some were hand delivered? Where's the security camera video -- when the Austin bomber struck, it was up within about 72-96 hours after the second one -- so I'm waiting. If he's that incompetent a bomb builder, it would be VERY suspicious if
he were able to perfectly avoid leaving any trace for the FBI to track
him down.
There's only two ways it's going to turn out
Prediction 1: this "incompetent bomber" will somehow be a perfect genius in erasing his or her tracks and never be found. = FALSE FLAG
Prediction 2: He'll turn out to be a loon and the FBI will catch him very soon. = CRAZY
Posted by: Ubu at Thu Oct 25 12:39:41 2018 (SlLGE)
Someone pointed out that those fake ISIS stickers are literal false flags. I don't know if our Evil Midnight Bomber What Bombs at Midnight is that smart though.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Thu Oct 25 23:44:01 2018 (PiXy!)
Looks like he's a right-wing lunatic who was arrested for making bomb threats back in 2002.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Fri Oct 26 11:40:32 2018 (PiXy!)
Annnnnnnd.... prediction 2 it is. Some have asked "seriously how could he have run around will all that on his van and not have it vandalized?" Well, if I saw that many stickers on a van, I wouldn't mess with it!
I've said for years: anyone with two or more bumper-stickers on their car is too damn proud of their kids, or a loon.
Posted by: Ubu at Fri Oct 26 12:51:28 2018 (SlLGE)
Also in Colorado, some of the voting instruction books are missing pages.
It's unclear if the Adams county ballots have been found or replaced, but according to the article, the Weld County Ballots were duplicated, meaning that there are thousands of extra ballots floating around in the wilds of Colorado.
Regarding some of the concerns brought up by cxt217 in the comments of the earlier post:
The agent/human beatbox/cosmetologist is actually a character trope of sports manga and to an extent idol shows as well.
Of course he also is pretty solid as a stark-raving mad scientist/necromancer. Also, regarding his not being at all likable, I don't think he's actually a protagonist...at all. He's rather over the top, but not by as much as one might think given the genres involved.
Regarding concerns about Hoshikawa,
A dead loli is always in poor taste but there is no dead loli here as she's not technically dead...well...there may be legal issues, involving blood pressure, heartbeats and respiration but as an American who looks at things from the perspective of individual rights stemming from English common law rather than the Napoleanic code or Confucian precedent, I am actually happy that she has been granted a second chance at experiencing the world rather than having it cut short after 13 years (or 16-19 for the others).
I wonder if, in addition to everything else the show is, this counts as Isekai?
All the main characters have been moved at least 10 years in the future and as many as 160. Just 10 years ago was a different world. Also, they've been granted the ability to take bullets through the neck, fire-pokers through the head and to self-decapitate, so they're stuck in a strange world but with magical powers.
Why do the two metal heads keep showing up? Are they going to be romantic interests for two of the girls or something? 'cause that would be...wrong.
I deal enough with jerks in real life that seeing jerks in entertainment as anything except targets of plot karma, tends to rub me the wrong way. Given how the overwhelming majority of jerks in entertainment as just there to be jerks instead of, say, "He's a jerk but he's the one keeping the squad safe during the war,' and I am not incline to be generous with Kotaro. Especially, since I suspect:
He was the person who killed at least several members of the group before raising them back up - which would help explain why Sakura is in the group. Also, I strongly suspect that Sakura might not actually be in the same state as the other girls.
Posted by: cxt217 at Tue Oct 23 15:46:03 2018 (LMsTt)
I dunno, that's pretty dark for this kind of show. Also, I don't think the dates work - Sakura's really the only one we know died recently (Tae is anyone's guess...)
Posted by: Avatar_exADV at Wed Oct 24 03:09:35 2018 (v29Tn)
We've got 4 rough dates. Kotaru tells Sakura she's been dead for 10 years. In the opening scene she's looking at the "Legendary Heisei Idol" on TV who presumably died shortly thereafter. Junko, the "Legendary Showa Idol" was one of the first idols from the Early '80s and Courtesan Lass is from the Meiji era. Taking Tae out of the mix due to lack of data, every one of the girls except Saki was (or was aspiring to be) an entertainer. Saki was the leader of a biker gang that took over Kyushu. I think that last bit is counterfactual, so, applying contemporary standards of logic, it's possible that "biker chick" was actually the persona of an 80's female pro-wrestler. That, in turn, would raise the possibility that this series is actually a darkly woke commentary on the way society discards its female entertainers. It would also open the alternate possibility that this is actually a docudrama offering one possible explanation, (but not the only one) for a series of unexplained disappearances. It is also conceivable that I'm overthinking this.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Wed Oct 24 06:23:48 2018 (Oqyrj)
My experience with anime, is that if you're thinking, you're overthinking. The rare exceptions are awesome.
Posted by: Ubu at Wed Oct 24 09:19:12 2018 (SlLGE)
She is the only girl who has no info given on the official website. Even Tae had an age attached to her. Add to certain other little things, such as having an obvious pain response shown in the anime, and I have to wonder what is her actual status. Also, I was actually being nice in my initial description of Kotaro. My Fandom Post included this acidic bit: "A particularly grating moment was his calling out of Ai and Junko in Episode 3 which, had it come from any other character, might have been moving and positive. Instead, Kotaro came off as a milder version of a killer who murdered a kid's parents and is now telling the kid to stop moping. It just does not work and coming from the man who supposedly raised Ai and Junk from the grave, sounds insulting as the final cherry on top.
Posted by: cxt217 at Wed Oct 24 12:28:26 2018 (LMsTt)
So, Berg Katze, Rory Mercury, and Excel Excel walk into a bar...
I'm not sure what's going on here, but I'm pretty sure it's not what we've been shown so far. Also, the makeup in episode 3 is extremely thorough.
Posted by: J Greely at Thu Oct 25 07:26:31 2018 (tgyIO)
Via Pixy, comes news that researchers have discovered references to a novel length version of John Campbell's short story Who Goes There?(The literary basis for The Thing,The ThingandThe Thing, that Hammer movie about the Russian train and ...this thing.)
It's Kickstarter and rewards are $7 for e-book, $12, for paperback and $25 for hardcover plus all three have 10 different bundles of classic sci-fi stories including the John W. Campbell megapack.
Happy Ruger Day
10/22 is Ruger Day. Everyone celebrate! Sadly there were no format relevant 10/22 pictures that weren't nightmare fuel so here's a Blackhawk instead.
Image is Colt Revolver Tan from Girls Frontline, but if you look closely you'll note she's holding a Blackhawk complete with Ruger Logo.
And her belt buckle is backwards....
Sorry, pet peeve of mine.
Posted by: Mauser at Mon Oct 22 21:00:15 2018 (Ix1l6)
Trademark issues, apparently. In the US she's "SAA", for Single Action Army. (and completely, irrationally obsessed with cola... the only line she has NOT about cola is her passing off the question of her age!)
I'd be tempted to de-mil her and put her dummy cores into something less tropey, but she's got shapely buff tiles and an accuracy skill that won't quit (and anyway, she keeps popping out of the random gun-girl builder!)
Posted by: Avatar_exADV at Tue Oct 23 03:06:35 2018 (v29Tn)
I read the blurb. But what the blurb describes...that's not what I watched.
From the Blurb...
A typical morning. The usual music. Their normal lives. The peace these seven girls experience will suddenly be destroyed. By the living dead... zombies. A reality that they never wanted a part of, an amazing and terrifying zombie world. They all share one wish: "We want to live." These girls will struggle through this saga, in order to achieve a miracle. MAPPA, Avex Pictures, and Cygames team up to bring you a juicy, 100% original anime. A timeless shocker for all audiences, a brand new style of zombie anime, will soon rise.
The one fly in the ointment is that Kotaro (Mamoru Miyano's character.) is moving well into the 'complete jerk' department, so it is not perfect. He is also clearly incompetent in most things as well, which make him even more grating.
But...So far, Zombie Land Saga is fantastic. I never watch zombie or undead premise stuff, let alone horror, and I greatly enjoy the series - I actually laughed at what occurred in first TWO minutes of the series.
Posted by: cxt217 at Sun Oct 21 15:39:23 2018 (LMsTt)
There is one other thing that bother me about Zombie Land Saga - though it bothers me far less than it would have bothered Steve:
I can not say I like the idea of an undead loli all that much. At least it somehow works in context.
Posted by: cxt217 at Sun Oct 21 19:32:23 2018 (LMsTt)
She's just remarkably well-preserved.
I'm of two minds about this show. It's got about two or three minutes of pure brilliance per episode. But a lot of the rest of it is -really- just not enjoyable. Too much awkward "we're up on stage and would rather not be here" points where I just turn it off and walk away. And Kotaro is no Ilpalazzo.
Posted by: Avatar_exADV at Sun Oct 21 22:08:59 2018 (v29Tn)
From the perspective of just the first episode, Kotaro seems like the Sorcerer's Apprentice: he read the first page of the book, and now he thinks he knows enough. Details he doesn't have the answer to are irrelevant.
Posted by: Rick C at Mon Oct 22 20:51:13 2018 (Iwkd4)
Thank You Mauser
If not for your post, I never would have watched this show.
It's not like the poster is devoid of appeal...
...but it and the blurb didn't really grab me.
However, unlike the show reviewed below, this is not exactly what it says on the tin. While that poster is not, strictly speaking, dishonest, it does not adequately convey what this show is about.
Eight Word Title With Bunny Girl In It now has me totally hooked. Despite the poster and an early scene with one of the characters running around in a bunny suit, this is a really creepy show and reminds me most of the Josei horror that was popular at the turn of the century.
It's low key. It's well written and it's keeping me on the edge of my seat.
and by the second episode, I realized that the first scene of the show is such terrifying forshadowing that I've GOT to find out how this turns out.
The characters are well done, likable and react to the just plain "off" things happening around them in rational but believable ways, while still trying to deal with day to day life.
" Yeah. I agree. Shadowbanning is a real problem."
2 episodes in this is definitely looking like a keeper.
I haven't had much of a chance to write about it, but Bunny Girl is flat-out my favorite show of this season... and considering it's up against the anime adaptation of Bloom Into You, that's saying a lot.
A lot of people, myself included, are getting Haruhi vibes (though not plot-wise) from it. And I'm not ashamed to say that I think Mai Sakurajima is one of the best female leads to come down the pike in a very long time indeed.
Posted by: Wonderduck at Sun Oct 21 17:33:39 2018 (OjmJE)
I'm really curious about where the second girl's story is going to go.
And I'm glad you enjoyed it. I guess I do have a talent for picking out the quirky but good shows (Mysterious Girlfriend X anyone?)
Posted by: Mauser at Sun Oct 21 22:18:45 2018 (Ix1l6)
A slime, for those of you who don't know, is a low level monster in a lot of computer role playing games, in the fantasy genre 'inspired' by D&D. They are essentially a carnivorous blob of jello for beginning and low level players to learn the ropes on. The lowest and weakest of monsters.
Our hero, having done a genuinely heroic thing which got him killed, is granted a request by the what appears to be the Samsarra AI. However, his dying requests are contradictory and the transmigration algorithm screws up, reincarnating him in a suspiciously D&D like fantasy world....but as a slime.
Yeah, it's another Isekai show, but the loser wish fulfillment is somewhat tempered by...
Our hero.
But he's not just a slime! He has an intellect and all of his memories of his education, his job in construction oversight...and playing D&D.
He quickly becomes the most OP...uh slime... you've ever seen.
This is genuinely odd.
It's not, necessarily good mind you, but it has potential and at episode 3 it is amusing me quite a bit more than it perhaps ought to.
1I wrote about the manga back last November, and my enthusiasm level for the anime, while reduced, is still pretty high. The manga wore out its party trick by Volume 4, but seeing it animated brings some new energy to it.
I've watched the first two episodes, and it hews very close to the manga indeed.
Posted by: Wonderduck at Sun Oct 21 17:40:36 2018 (OjmJE)
I'm put in mind of "Kumo desu ga, Nani Ka?" where the Heroine is reincarnated as a spider monster, and levels up absurdly.
Posted by: Mauser at Sun Oct 21 22:30:46 2018 (Ix1l6)
3Kumoko is a different thing in a sense that it's high-stakes, razor-thin margin combat in every installment. Her arachine plot is surprisingly secondary to her daily struggle. Her world is narrow (for now - yes, I know, okay?). So, the phenomenally gripping action is the schtick. And how well it is done. I never was disgusted by the artificial, too convenient tricks - like the ending of Starship Operators, for example. No matter how crazy her trickery becomes, it has a certain consistency and fidelity to the setting.
Slime is a traditional isekai with only the MC being a slime. And yeah, he/she just eats everything in the end. The world is wide and has a ton of varying creatures, with national politics, etc. Sadly, love and romance are absent entirely, but it's quite rich otherwise.
I heard a lot of people complained how boring the slime anime was. Without the manga, they could not handle the infodump in ep.1.
Posted by: Pete Zaitcev at Mon Oct 22 13:35:48 2018 (LZ7Bg)
Kumoko drives me a bit nuts because so much of the state/system just seem pulled out of nowhere.
Posted by: Mauser at Wed Oct 24 21:13:22 2018 (Ix1l6)
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