April 29, 2009

Oh Panic Oh Hysteria....

...Perhaps not.
I took a break a few minutes ago from my marathon 2 day 20 page research paper tizzy to peruse the internet and saw this at Instapundit.

Heh...Obama greeted by a Tea Party.
Normally that'd be kewel.
But today there was also this.

Anyone who has any knowledge of the how Spanish Influenza became such a nightmare in 1918 knows about the role that Bond Rallies played. 

WHO just went to level 5 alert with regard to the Mexican Pig Flu so Tea Parties are probably not a good idea from a public health standpoint. Removing the opportunities for vectoring a disease is a basic public health notion.

         One of the Brickmuppets Crack team of Science Babes deals with one of the vectors of a different pandemic..

 This may well be over hyped as SARS and Bird Flu were and skepticism is completely rational when the current administration has casually talked about "Never letting a good crisis go to waste" but this is the WHO...and while they are certainly not the friends of small government types they are unlikely to stage something like this for the benefit of an American administration.

This flu does spread from person to person and if the numbers from Mexico are to be believed it is, while certainly not the bug from The Stand, a strain with a worrisome mortality rate. Anyway since NO ONE seems to have made this connection  in the spirit of civic minded hysteria I banged out the following letter to several Right and Libertarian leaning A-List bloggers today.

The shameless link whoring is just to set peoples mind at ease...Due to lifes little quirks, I haven't posted anything original or thoughtful in months, so now is not a time I'd normally like to be making a first impression.
There is a lot of understandable skepticism about the flu hype but if it is legit then holding tea parties right now would be an unforced error on our part.


Me, I'm back to the term paper....and the recovering from teh pneumonia.

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