July 07, 2019

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at
09:02 AM
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July 06, 2019
The re-entry capsule was shaking like a paint mixer as Christine punched impotently at the now black touch screen. The blood droplets that had hung in the air were now red rivulets running off her facemask. Callahan's corpse was pressed against the floor with his lifeless leg now draped across her torso, 3 times as heavy as it should be. Christine took a moment to note that there seemed to be far more blood in the capsule than ought to have been accounted for by such a little man, when a loud pop shook her from her contemplation and all that blood began to foam and boil. Her heart nearly broke but didn't at first. It took a minute later. "Christ, do you hear that?" the other woman cried. The smell of dead animal was overpowering at that rate. Christine nodded. The liquid of her life was dripping down her body to the floor, pouring right and left. "We can keep moving forward if you please, Christine," Callahan replied. It dawned on Christine that maybe he couldn't hear her when she was calling him names. "I do not think you're listening," he told her. "But if you hear me," she repeated, trying to drown out the pounding in her chest and head, "I'm getting off your back; get out of here. Please, you are not listening to me, callah
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at
11:47 AM
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Watching a movie where the bad guys win does not make you cheer real life criminals. The reason is very simple, those things are not real life. Real life is people like Andy Ngo being beat up by a bunch of masked thugs. The mainstream media and left wing activist cheering these cowards on, that will turn people into Nazis long before any video game.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at
11:02 AM
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Post contains 168 words, total size 2 kb.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at
10:00 AM
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July 04, 2019
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at
08:14 PM
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Posted by: The Brickmuppet at
08:01 PM
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Posted by: The Brickmuppet at
07:54 PM
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June 30, 2019

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at
10:08 PM
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Posted by: The Brickmuppet at
07:45 PM
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Post contains 11 words, total size 1 kb.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at
07:42 PM
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Posted by: The Brickmuppet at
07:10 PM
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Slow clap for the title.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at
04:42 PM
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June 28, 2019
Dustbury points us to ...this...

...which tells us nothing, but certainly has my attention.
Pete notes what appears to be a cunningly executed trap.

J.Greely seems to be a deeply problematic individual whose tastes are not global at all.
And that's OK.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at
01:23 AM
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Post contains 122 words, total size 2 kb.

I suspect that the reason Fauxcahontas is at the top of the search queries The Sooner State (and nowhere else) is not reflective of any groundswell of affection for her by the locals.
Gabbard must have done pretty well though.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at
12:43 AM
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Post contains 56 words, total size 1 kb.
June 24, 2019

Global Elf
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at
10:46 AM
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Post contains 18 words, total size 1 kb.
June 23, 2019
Interestingly, this policy was implemented by Sony in in 2018, which was about the same time that a wave of censorious shenanigans descended upon the internet in various places. That timeframe is significant because looking for info on "Global Standards"turned up this rather long but fascinating article at Medium, which deserves your full attention.
Let’s take this timeline for example; In, July of 2017, Stripe announces a partnership with Chinese Companies WeChat (Tencent) and AliPay. What happened less than a quarter of a year later? Well, Patreon (who as stated earlier relies on Stripe for processing), had their guidelines updated with further scrutiny paid to adult content, seemingly out of nowhere. As time went on, Patreon would be on and off with the adult content they allowed, eventually allowing it as long as the outward page being presented was not itself explicit. The NSFW community on the site was left in a cloud of doubt about what the official position was when it came to terms of service; much akin to what is currently happening on platforms like Steam. Are there any other examples of this, however? The archived list we used notes that Circle, which was at one point accepting of this content, apparently changed their mind.
This explains a couple of things like why Patreon and Tumblr suddenly got all wonky regards adult content and still can't seem to define it consistently. Note that Stripe, is believed to have been the payment processor mentioned in the Matt Christensen video and transcript of his interaction with Patreon customer service after the second series of their purges last year, and Stripe and PayPal attempted to shut down SubscribeStar when it presented itself as an alternative.
It gets worse...
...there’s been an oddly increasing number of incidents related to so-called "problematic content†being stripped from or outright barred from a number of sites. However, when looking into it deeper, there seems to be a simple, central trait shared by all of these incidents; Chinese Investment, or entrance into the Chinese Market. All of this also corresponds to reports that cross-border investment from China is reaching new levels, as there is proof of China actively attempting to move their money overseas. What’s terrifying about this revelation is, as you’ll see, the issue with censorship does not come simply from Chinese companies buying out firms so they can censor them; it comes, sometimes, from companies simply wanting to expand into the Chinese market themselves, and be compliant in doing so.
This, of course has far worse implication than the silly notion that "Global" beauty standards are actually being set by insecure members of the CCP's "50 Cent Army".
The article goes on to discuss how this has affected Reddit, Discord, Tumbler, Apple, Google, You-Tube, Steam and the development of the Playstation4, before taking a deep dive into the Chinese influence on various payment processors, how this is tied to Xi Jinping's modern version of The Little Red Book and the dire implications of any TOS that has a "Reactionism" clause.
Also: Epic Games is cancer. (But we knew that)
Of course, this is not entirely the CCP's fault.
On one hand essentially, tech firms are bending over to please the ideals of the Xi Jinping Doctrine, in hopes of courting favor with the party — leading to their eventual approval to begin operations within China.
On the other hand, tech firms are pleasing the ideals of the Xi Jinping Doctrine — without being told to, simply because they already ideologically align.
Again; read the whole thing. Be warned, it's long. Medium estimates 30 minutes, but as I kept cross-checking stuff It took me a bit over 90. It was worth every minute. Joe B. did yeoman's work on this.
The payments processing situation with regard to free speech has been brought up a lot of late, but it bears repeating as it is beginning to look like this is the biggest issue facing freedom of speech.
This dovetails nicely into Dev's latest video...
...and should remind us that the Chinese social credit system is not just a problem for the Chinese people.
Note that the CTV article referenced in the video mentions that Libra will be backed by
"bank deposits and government securities in currencies from stable and reputable central banks."
I'm pretty sure the U.S. isn't investing in this so I imagine those government securities will include a lot of Yuan.
Dev's video also clarifies a widespread misconception about Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, that EFF seems to share.
Anyway, watch the whole video, it's worth the 20 minutes.
Take heart; The situation is grim but not hopeless, and we are far better served to be aware of what's arrayed against us than to be ignorant of what lurks in the dark.
Also, I apologize to anybody, who, having read the first paragraph, read through the entire post thinking they were going to get boobs.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at
03:08 PM
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So. Due to automotive problems and some ill-considered decisions, I have, for the last four days, been in a North Carolina swamp with spotty cell-phone connectivity and no internet whatsoever.
Today, after returning "home" I've discovered that I've returned not to my home, but someplace....else.
It's a dystopian alternate universe where Facebook is actually issuing its own online currency with the backing of multinational corporations, some of whom have a reputation of freezing the bank accounts of people they find politically suspect. This will make the Chinese Sesame Credit System a reality throughout the U.S.A. and the world...like it's some Walter John Williams novel.
In this dark reflection of my world, the news media is CREDULOUSLY reporting that cellphones are causing young people to grow horns out of their heads. Weekly World News must not exist in this universe...(checks Wikipedia)....aaand it went out of business here in 2007.
On the one hand "Yay! Draphs!" on the other hand....Bullshit. Surely it's bullshit? (does a modicum of checking) Yes it's bullshit.
In THIS reality the anti-war left is catatonic with rage that Trump...did...not...start a full blown war...
This grimdark science fiction novel has the poorly written, mustache-twirling, cruel and decadent aristocrats in the cities cutting off power to those in the rural areas just as the hottest days of the years approach...no doubt to maximize the impact of loosing refrigeration, air conditioning and access to home medical equipment.
In this sequel to Harrison Bergeron a beautiful, strong, competent, independent, heroic, mixed-race woman was forced to get a partial mastectomy because the Handicapper General demanded it so that the woman would meet approved global beauty standards.
Akshually that last paragraph consists mostly of snark as the non-story is not, in itself, of any importance...This most inconsequential of udder utter non-issues only becomes an issue because the media in this Orwellian Hellscape I find myself trapped in is, for some reason, literally trying to tell us that this non-event is not happening and that the new design has exactly the same bra size as the old...we're not seeing what we're seeing because 2+2=5.
The actual character design of this Tifa cosplayer is gorgeous (a 9/10 or better if one needs a numerical representation), it's like the Megacorps of this alternate world are hyping largely non-existent outrage in order to distract from the fact that the game is being released in 3 to 5 separate games, over years, looks very much like it may have pay to win issues, will be entirely online and fully embraces the media-as-a-service cancer to the extent that no one will ever really be able to own their game and will always be at risk for loosing it if one crosses the ever changing threshold on speech standards.
In this world, far from being over, the Jussie Smollet case is just getting started.
It seems that Kaiju are real here: The Kyushu shinkansen nework was taken out by a single slug.
This universe seems to have diverged from mine around 1984, because here Atari has a new console coming out.
So. I find myself trapped in an alternate, and slightly crazier world
However, this worlds version of my blog (curiously) is unchanged.
Perhaps this isn't really an isekai situation.
After all. All those years of wasting my life on comic books, video games and playing D&D didn't prepare me for squat in this place..
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at
06:09 AM
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June 18, 2019
I did not see this outcome, and I am happy to be wrong.
It's no doubt a short reprieve, but that the citizens of a city of 8million could achieve this in the face of a a totalitarian nation of 1 and a half billion is nothing short of amazing. Outnumbered about 180 to 1, they successfully staved off further erosion of their liberties. This should serve as both an inspiration and moment of humiliating self-reflection to those of us whose political movements have yielded liberties for generations in the face of similarly minded totalitarians, but at odds of roughly 1:1.
Cdr. Salamander has been following this shamefully under-reported story and, as always, his take on it is well worth your time to read the whole thing.
Finally, there's this....
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at
01:22 PM
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June 17, 2019

This tweet means something, but the tweet's existence suggests it means something other than what is tweeted.

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at
05:51 PM
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Posted by: The Brickmuppet at
05:55 AM
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Post contains 66 words, total size 1 kb.
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