The Things One Learns From One's Comments
So I got a bizarre spam comment earlier which consisted of what appeared to be a long, obsequious biography of William Dafoe that had been Google Translated from some other language.
While I did not click on the link (obviously) a perusal of the URL indicates that the link was to a site warning that Mr. Dafoe is secretly the leader of a global conspiracy.
Saying something as spicy as this, even yesterday would get you banned from social media and perhaps loose your job or even your bank account.
Now the conspiracy theory is a virtue signal.
Why in God's name would Time publish this?
I can think of four reasons.
1: TIME is a principled publication seeking unfettered truth and published this bombshell out of a sense of civic responsibility.
2: The editors at TIME have lost the plot and decided that the Q-Anon idiots should not be allowed to have all the fun.
3: They are gloating and rubbing our faces in our helplessness to further demoralize us.
4: They aim to incite people on the right to act out of desperation and despair, as the degenerate fuckwits did at the Capitol last month, because they need a better Horst Wessel moment.
That last is kind of outre' but one wonders, given the tensions in the country, and the assumption that the editorial staff at TIME are not blithering idiots, if that isn't at least possible in current year.
Heck, Chris Hayes on January 12 began pulling the curtain away when he tweeted about the "43,000 votes" that "materialized in the right place." Scott Adams was one of the those people who noted it at the time.
Posted by: cxt217 at Fri Feb 5 19:47:03 2021 (4i7w0)
Remember, these are people who believe that the NRA and the 'gun manufacturing lobby' create all of the desire for second amendment rights.
Theory domestic says that these people are top down cultists, and think neutralizing leadership prevents bottom up organization from being able to respond.
They think that they hold an unassailable fortress, and that the peasants would not dare rebel.
Theory foreign says "read some Chinese webnovels. One of the personality types that sought power after Mao was Jinping's flavor of sadist. This type very much cannot enjoy victory before they have rubbed it in the face of the loser. If we really are temporarily living in a satrapy, expect to have your face rubbed in it some more."
It is incorrect to conclude that nothing can be done.
It is incorrect to conclude that they can only get a bloody flag to wave if they provoke actual right wingers.
The level of premeditation and covert action that now seems apparent suggests that the FBI could have killed some guy, put his corpse with the bomb, and blown it up on Christmas.
They have no clue what they are doing. If my conspiracy theory
suspicions are correct, they are in fact certain to screw things up.
Giving them time to alienate people with these bizarre acts of insanity makes it more likely that regime opponents can win the civil war with a coalition that can bring a measure of lasting peace. Or even a peaceful transition out of the regime, because these actions seem to convey a lack of confidence.
The thing you can do is be a little bit more cautious about accepting official information, especially that which comes with suspicious timing.
It's naive to accept at face value the assertions Nancy Pelosi issues
wrt to an event whose details clearly make the case that she could have
let people into the building to turn Trump's protest to her own ends.
She has been moving to capitalize on it in the exact way she would if
she had been involved with malice. This theory might be false if she does not purge the house during and after the impeachment.
Posted by: PatBuckman at Fri Feb 5 22:02:55 2021 (6y7dz)
In fact, this was initially studied as an alternate history study by the British Interplanetary Society of what COULD have been developed given a more robust space program from the mid-'90s on.
The ship design is pretty interesting, with a layout similar to the Eagles from Space 1999. That is is because the nuclear engines can't really be throttled, and landing in one's own radioactive dust cloud is not a spaceflight best practice.
The landing engines are at 90 degrees to the main engines and the ship is designed to carry cargo in the manner of a flying crane.
"Tell them about the engine! The engine!"
The SCORPION nuclear rockets are similar to the old NERVA rockets but use integral arc-jets in the nozzles to accelerate the exhaust to insane velocities. This gives both good thrust AND a very high exhaust velocity. It's not quite a torch ship but it combines the best traits of arc-jets and ion drives with nuclear thermal rockets.
But wait.
There's more!
Once a nuclear, thermal rocket is lit off, it becomes deadly to any unshielded people within about 100 miles. There is a shadow shield that protects the crew quarters of a nuclear ship, but operating around space stations, or even in lunar orbit passing over a settlement is problematic.
This reactor design has enough thrust to allow for a shield that completely surrounds the engine, and the fuel rods can be retracted into a sort of safe when the engine is not thrusting. this allows the rocket 360 degree safety when the main engine is disconnected, allowing it to dock at space stations or land on moons near settlements without worry.
Because the control rods, once activated, will be hot (thermally as well as radioactively) a liquid cooler and radiators will be required. This has the happy side effect of using the waste heat of even the inactive main engine to power a generator or thermocouple, allowing for enough auxiliary power to support an active cooling system for the propellant and any conceivable hotel load.
Finally, the ship does have artificial gravity, but without the engineering malpractice involved with a rotating pressure seal.
This is a really interesting design particularly when one remembers that it was designed with more modest lift capabilities than we now have in prospect in the form of Musk and Bezos's new large rockets.
So is this thing nuclear thermal or nuclear electric? The limitations on Isp in either case is the temperature you can operate at with hydrogen. Hydrogen for the low molecular mass - ve ~ sqrt(k*T/m) where m is the average mass of your molecule or atom.
(Don't have time to read the paper right now, but skimming - it looks like an arcjet.)
Posted by: MadRocketSci at Wed Feb 3 10:10:19 2021 (hRoyQ)
So is this thing nuclear thermal or nuclear electric?
It's an NTR rocket that has its propellant accelerated by an arcjet giving it a performance in the same ball-park as the theoretical performance of a gas core nuclear rocket that somehow doesn't instantly become space Chernobyl.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Wed Feb 3 10:26:41 2021 (5iiQK)
It belatedly occurs to me that we maybe ought not to continue referring to Nuclear Thermal Rockets as NTRs because....
Well...just because.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Wed Feb 3 10:33:21 2021 (5iiQK)
Like everything nowadays this has become polarized. I've had conversations with and read missives by people, including a few friends who are convinced the Redditards are in the wrong, and are the only bad actor here. Some have made it plain that to disagree with them on this point is to reveal oneself as a bad person.
Here is where I take off the mask and reveal myself to have been secretly working for the forces of darkness all along.
I think the Redditards are probably assholes. They likely are vulgar, blunt and rude people, who don't engage in the insincere social niceties so necessary for polite upper middle class society. Hell, they're probably just jerks and I don't think they'd be fun to hang out with.
I do NOT think they did anything wrong here.
I think the hedgefund shortsellers in the affair are probably well-spoken affable individuals, articulate and fun to be around.
I think that shorting struggling companies 140 percent is and this being a common practice, is troubling. I think that the ability of a few firms to do this in such a way it affects the whole market is scary. And I think that the stink of corruption in the firms with fiduciary responsibilities to the hedge funds ; the ones that stopped trading, but not selling, on the very stocks that the hedge funds desperately wanted people to suss to say the least. I think that lying about one's liquidity to investors and customers is not a best practice.
Finally, I think that struggling companies that might have turned the corner, not being crushed like grapes before they have the chance to maybe save the livelihoods of their owners, investors and at least some of their employees...well that's not bad per se.
As for a bunch of assholes making money because they saw a legal opportunity and took it? Well, more power to them.
Did some people get hurt in this? Yes, those with retirement mine have gotten burned. But they got hurt, not because some asshole on Reddit NOTICED that hedge funds were manipulating the market, but because the hedge funds pursued a short squeeze in the first place.
So there, your milage may vary, but now you all know.
The vast depth and breadth of my evil is laid out before you. Get your affairs in order, I'll be crossing the Rivr Isen on Midsummer Eve...and I'll be wearing black.
(Or something...June 21st is in the middle of my vacation this year but COVID makes it hard to plan. )
Meanwhile: In the world of English V-Tubers (Updated)V-Shojo had their latest V-Tuber debut. V-Shojo, if you are not aware, consists of several English Language Twitch streamers with large followings by the standards of V-Tubers not from Hololive. Unlike Hololive, the streamers have creative control to the extent that while it is an LLC, it seems to operate more like a Co-Op. All of the members of the group thus far have been, in their own way quite talented and entertaining.
Then this happened.
Today is the first time that someone has actually debuted that was not a very established talent and while all V-Shojo members have had Hololive style intro videos done (after V--Shojo was formed) this was the first time that it it was one of their streamers' actual internet premiere.
Hajime is an alien princess... a robotic space dragon titty monster sent to give a definitive answer to the Fermi Paradox...and conquer Earth...but mostly conquer Earth. Due to various complications she lacks an organization, significant infrastructure, and useful resources. Having landed/crashed/ cunningly concealed her ship outside of Tokyo, she was contacted by a certain rogue A.I. who helped her get a small apartment. Through said A.I. (Projekt Melody), she got a rundown on what a V-Tuber is, and hatched a cunning plan...
She will run a Twitch channel and get thousands of adoring simps to send her money, which she will use to gather resources and eventually take over the world. Her skillset includes, Loudness, Video Games, Serial Killer Trivia, Birthing lots of Dragonspawn, and speaking English, Japanese and Thai. Also lovingly animated fluid dynamics.
As V-Shojo lore goes, this is straightforward and devoid of any caveats*, She's from space. Each of her tits is as big as her head . SHE WANTS YOUR MONEY.
Thats it.
There were some technical issues (she had over 16,000 viewers when she started) and boy is she shrill.
I'm not sure about this. Aside from any cringing that might or might not have occurred, the word "simp" is now against Twitch TOS. (because the world is stupid).
But after enduring a chunk of the debut, I wonder if V-Shojo is going to be doing something like Pro-Wrestling and having her be a designated villain.
That might be her niche.
UPDATE: Well. Twitch suspended her after her first stream. Rumors are that her character design was too sexy...though I note the use of the word "simp" multiple times is a TOS violation.
As Good A Rundown as I've Seen On The Gamestop Thing
I've seen people asking what Musk is commenting on this for, and I think it's because Musk was almost put out of business by shortsellers in 2017-18. Musk sued the shortsellers in 2018, and still is trying to end the crooked practice.
The speculation I saw last night is that the FAA was treating the engine swap as having created a new vehicle, which seems stupid. They did rush out to claim they were working with SX to try to approve the launch.
Posted by: Rick C at Fri Jan 29 15:25:00 2021 (eqaFC)
There is tons of speculation, all of it without any backup. First we were hearing that it was related to the engine swaps, which doesn't make sense. I was also hearing that it was related to the flight termination system, and there is now a story from the Verge that the FAA is considering the SN8 flight to have violated it's permit and they are taking the tongs to SpaceX this time around because of that. But nobody else is confirming that, and it seems like we'd have heard of that weeks ago. I'm now hearing that this is all nonsense, and it's just the FAA reviewing and reconsidering what altitude to allow, they're apparently not happy with either very high nor very low target altitudes, and are trying to determine what is actually the safest criteria for all the various things that could happen.
Posted by: David at Sun Jan 31 05:16:52 2021 (jdGUg)
"there is now a story from the Verge that the FAA is considering the SN8 flight to have violated it's permit and they are taking the tongs to SpaceX this time around because of that."
I'm pretty sure I read something a couple days ago that the FAA said they were working hard with SpaceX to get the permit reinstated or whatever. That doesn't mesh well with the Verge's story, FWIW.
Posted by: Rick C at Sun Jan 31 15:16:54 2021 (eqaFC)
Well This Bodes IllYesterday there was a bit of confusion regarding Space-X's test flight (which failed to transpire). Specifically, there were conflicting reports that the FAA had or had not rescinded their flight authorization at the last minute.
Well, Space-X does appear to be in trouble with at least one other branch of the government, the Justice Department.
They're gonna be prosecuted for not hiring foreigners at an ITAR sensitive firm, and one of the Few U.S. firms with a global technological lead in its fields. There is no info on what the nationality is but as this doesn't seem to have been an issue until president Djo Bai Din came into office, I would be very interested in knowing that crucial fact.
After the voting related process in November, I noticed some interesting noise, that could have been bragging and a victory lap, asserting that Biden is a restoration of normal when it comes to travel, etc.
The Biden affair was already certain to be an interesting situation, with all sorts of academically fascinating stuff to learn, and unforeseeable possibilities for what will actually happen.
I, personally, was expecting a public failure of Chang'e 5, and a loss of confidence in Xi Jinping Thought's claim to technical management excellence, with results to follow as expected. I hadn't thought about US private space companies being a goad to PRC status.
If this really represents PRC influence, and if that is a determination to take a victory lap and rub the truth in everyone's face, things may collapse faster than expected.
On the other hand, Musk is relocating out of California, and that may come with the loss of protection arrangements, for which revenge is to be taken. Right now, the California delegation should have a lot of influence, so is a plausible source.
Posted by: PatBuckman at Fri Jan 29 09:13:31 2021 (6y7dz)
So for those who may have missed it GamestopGate (seriously, does it HAVE a name?) is where a bunch of Redditards, on a lark, decided to use their $600.00 dollar stimulus checks to white-knight for the dying retail chain that meant so much to them in their youth. The firm was being targeted by short sellers whose business plan is to kick struggling businesses in the nuts. The Redditatrds in question, thousands and thousands of them, did the exact mirror image of what Melvin Capital was doing to Gamestop, and boosted its stock from 3 dollars to over 300. The result is that Melvin Capital is loosing their shirts, having borrowed money with which to invest in Gamestop stock once they wrecked its price.
The problem as I see it is that people whose retirement funds are locked up in Melvin Capital are getting burnt by this too. This is sad.
It's also dangerous.
The outrage by the Wall Street types is shining a light on the fact that they are really angry that someone from outside the their clique doing what they do all the time, just without sneakiness or subtlety. And that is a genuine danger because it brings into stark relief how fake the current Wall Street situation is, and that brings to mind...Tulips.
Oh. Oh no.
And that's not good for ANYBODY.
A rock solid argument can be made that this is unacceptable. But if that's the case, then it has to be unacceptable for everybody including the people who were perfectly content to profit mightily from doing the exact same thing to the less powerful and now whine like stuck pigs that what they did to the peasants is now being done to T...THEM!
Meanwhile, regulators huffed and puffed, and CNBC was filled with industry bigshots arguing that this sort of thing shouldn’t be allowed — although, as critics noted, the Reddit mob was just doing to the short-sellers what Wall Street insiders do all the time to retail investors.
The Biden administration, meanwhile, weighed in with the sort of response we’ve come to expect from the Really Smart Peopleâ„¢. Asked if the White House was concerned about the stock market and the movement of GameStop stock, Press Secretary Jen Psaki responded: "Well, I’m also happy to repeat that we have the first female Treasury secretary.â€
That we are in fact living in Clown World is demonstrated by the fact that the pithiest and most cogent take is from...Glenn Greenwald.
I'm unsure if there's relevant retirement funds locked up in Melvin Capital. Usually there's "qualified investor" requirements to get put into the LP funding vehicle and one of those requirements tends to be "can survive this LP going to zero"
Posted by: Really Bored at Fri Jan 29 11:02:03 2021 (cp/J1)
After moving to Silicon Valley, I often found myself saying, "California drivers in rain are like Ohio drivers in snow". Still holds true after 27 years.
Posted by: J Greely at Thu Jan 28 14:55:28 2021 (ZlYZd)
We had about as much snow in Austin, too. But it melted in 3 days.
Posted by: Pete Zaitcev at Thu Jan 28 16:10:56 2021 (LZ7Bg)
We had ~5" of snow overnight Monday to Tuesday. THEN it got cold.
We've been lucky so far with the snow.... wingtips crossed, we'll stay that way.
Posted by: Wonderduck at Thu Jan 28 19:45:12 2021 (Bkp4m)
We've gotten a couple inches up here in MA so far and maybe some more tomorrow.
Posted by: ReallyBored at Thu Jan 28 22:56:54 2021 (cp/J1)
However, about a week ago I noted the U.K.s decision to allow Hong Kongers to immigrate there and stated that our not doing the same was a missed opportunity for the U.S..
Uighurs, really?
Not everyone who's persecuted is worth our sympathy.
Posted by: Pete Zaitcev at Thu Jan 28 10:53:19 2021 (LZ7Bg)
Indeed, I'm much more amenable to the Hong-Kongers, as well as Chinese Christians, Taoists, Falun Gong and Jews. I have heard that the Uighurs are a very moderate sect, but American anthropologists don't know much that's true and know a lot that's false about The Scots-Irish living in America, so confidence is not high. Besides, I imagine that if they were moderate, they are justly radicalized now.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Thu Jan 28 11:02:25 2021 (5iiQK)
Leading Indicators
Today was the first day in 2 weeks I've worked more than an hour and a half. There's been an astonishing drop in volume at my work over the last 2 weeks. There always is a severe drop after Christmas, but before Christmas we had Christmas level volume because of the COVID restrictions...which have gotten much more onerous during that time.. Now I'm not laid off, I have sufficient seniority that when they lay people off I can volunteer to be one of them and I've had errands, family issues and doctors appointments so I've taken advantage of that several days, but we're still very short of volume. Even in slack years, even in January, we did not finish unloading packages after an hour and a half on a nominally 4-5 hour shift.
Given the increasing intensity of he lockdowns and the volume of vaccines that we were getting before this week, one would expect a heavier than normal January. Indeed the first two weeks of the month (which in my 28 years of experience are usually dead) were remarkably heavy.
In general the end of January and beginning of February are a bit heavier than most of the post-Christmas winter since stores are restocking their inventory. However, this is the very time that we're seeing volume DROP.
One shipping center is not representative of the company, let alone the economy. In fact it's a ridiculously inadequate data point, but it is concerning, and the lack of pay is of some personal concern.
U.S. economic numbers lag a fair bit in relation to the current time, so I checked out the Baltic Dry Index, which is a current measure of the cost of international shipping. It is an imperfect metric, particularly now as COVID restrictions have likely added considerable overhead to shipping costs, but in general it is a leading indicator of how robust world trade is, the lower the cost the less trade is happening.
However, the BDI is an indicator of bulk raw material shipping prices, not retail. It proceeds in fits and starts with production.
Other leading indicators are at the precise moment that I type this, on a generally downward trend, but I don't know enough to say if it is precipitously so.
The sudden, unexpected drop in volume from its aberrant and bonecrushing highs to lay-offs where I am may be a localized phenomenon and should not be a cause for undue concern.
A focus group of one is a woefully inadequate data set.
However, in my 28 years of experience our volume trends quite closely with the overall economic health of the nation, so I'm very curious if anyone else here has noted any drop-offs in economic activity.
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