Well, it seems that James O'Keefe has been pushed out at Project Veritas.There have been rumors of this for several days along with contradictory reports from the company. There have also been persistent, (but unsourced and vague) reports that during and after the Pfizer story he and others at the company were approached by several members of the board who noted that the organization could get a LOT more money if they just didn't...you know...push the big pharma stories, and that if they'd look the other way they could get LOTS of money to do an awful lot of good....in other areas....reporting on other things.
James has just given an apparently heartfelt, if somewhat rambling speech in which he seems to confirm the darkest rumors including that they are being leaned on by the IRS (which wants them to switch to all zoom meetings!).
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So it looks like someone was sufficiently annoyed by the Pfizer story seeing the light of day that they drove a dump-truck full of money up to Project Veritas and emptied it on those who would take the 30 pieces of silver.
So yeah. One of the few really good investigative news outlets has been nerfed, and rendered completely untrustworthy by the very entities that make such reporting so important. Furthermore it will continue as a zombie organization doing the bidding of it's new masters.
If this is all true, O'Keefe did not take the offer. He kept his integrity, and quit, singing to the four winds, so we know this happened. And we, the public can adjust accordingly.
So, do not give into despair, for the world is indeed a dark place, but it can still be lit with courage, integrity and hope.