May 10, 2008


An attempt at an animated banner that failed....

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 09:21 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 9 words, total size 1 kb.

May 09, 2008

Weather Bleg

God loves Virginia, we get to have ALL the weather.

Picture taken by my sister of the obnoxious thing as it swept across Portsmouth.

Amazingly, despite the fact that it hit the hospital in Suffolk, destroyed over a hundred homes, a strip mall, damaged the container terminals, the navy base and crossed the bay to wreak damage on the eastern shore....nobody was killed.

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 10:32 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 65 words, total size 1 kb.

May 01, 2008

Hey!!? Where Are the Posts!?

Not that any cute stalker girls in dungaree skirts are ever likely to inquire...but in case any of the rest of you  were wondering.

5 days till the first of 2 Japanese exams...Japanese is currently kicking my arse, so these are crucial. I'm also doing an extra shift at work, some minor repairs around my parents house and looking at further extensive repairs to my highest level artifact....the +4 trailer of money banishment.

Anyway, As I'm bleeding from the eyes from kanji induced wounds I'm vegging for a few hours before bed, here are a few random thoughts, observations and links from around the web.

 Steven has a post on a forlorn lawsuit that is nevertheless worthy of lowbrow comment.

Colleen Doran posts on the aftermath of a presumed Whooping Cough outbreak at  the  New York Comic Con....namely her....with whooping cough...ugh.
 The whooping cough vaccine does wear out after time, so all Brickmuppeteers should get boosters. In the meantime, hit the Colleen Doran store and partake of the art.

Glenn Reynolds has a roundup of links concerning the man who is reported to have regrown a finger with an experimental treatment.

The anniversary edition of Carnival of Space is up, and is the biggest ever with scads of space related news.

Via RLV News comes information on an Austrian suborbital spaceship design, as well as this Russian effort.

In the world of naval matters Eagle One has an extensive primer on the threat of sea mines. And SteelJaw Scribe reminds us that a proud warrior had a birthday yesterday.


Don has good things to say about Kaiba.

Wonderduck has posted a Swedish anime video (!?) that is superbly edited...

... and leaves me strangely intrigued about an odd show concerning a duck that is granted her wish of becoming a human ballerina......This despite my deep aversion to any show with the words "Princess" or "Tutu" in the title.

Also well edited and absolutely astonishing in its execution is this fan-produced J-Pop music video concerning a alternate Star Trek history where

Wow...just wow...

Anyway....that's it for now....enough time wasted back to the books.

Inquisitive Stalkergrrrl is, Misaki Nakahara of from the delightfully dark Welcome to the NHK, one of the best shows in recent years which is driving me mad as I await the release of volume four on May13th. 

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 10:18 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 396 words, total size 4 kb.

Buckets of Suck.....

Over at the A Distant Soil Blog, is this  post on  the PlagueCon NYCC which, despite its, er, 'horrifying' illustrations is well worth a read as a whole. However, of particular interest to many here, is this paragraph...

I spoke with a number of the manga/anime sellers, and while all said their manga sales were OK, they had nothing but sad stories about the fansubs on the internet killing the market for anime. So much for “Free on the internet will get you customers!” Several said that they had a number of titles they could not bring to the US commercially because pirating had killed anime sales. However, scanlations of manga did not appear to have had the same effect. Hm.

I suspect that this is what was involved in the recent ADV scare. And I'm pretty sure it was involved in the decisions that killed Geneon.

The sad thing is I know of some people who will take pride in that.

We've had  50 or so years  of socialists  denigrating the very concept of property rights and now technology that has advanced to make intellectual property very difficult to protect without the very social pressures and norms that such rhetoric erodes. This is a perfect storm of suck for creators and those who otherwise innovate.

The bitch of it is that intellectual property, that is invention and creativity, is far more valuable to a society in the long run than tangible property. It is how innovation and creativity happen.

This is bigger than comic books, or film.

If copyrights and patents have no ability to be enforced then the act of creating looses its market value except in the rare cases where the inventor/ creator has access to production and distribution infrastructure to turn a profit imediately on said innovation/creation....before it is copied by those who do not have the costs associated with invention to pay back.

The enforcement of patents and copyrights was one of the primary things that made western civilization possible, because it encouraged rather than discouraged innovation...the vast majority of history was not graced with this and tended to be pretty stagnant.

The products might have value, but inventing new things makes no economic sense if there is not some exclusivity for the creator to profit from his/her invention for a time.

This is rather bigger than our little hobby.

I'm not sure what the ultimate solution is, or if there is one, and if so, if there is one that doesn't involve some pretty draconian and intrusive measures.

And as sick and cold as it makes me to say it....said measures could possibly be the best of a set of bad options...anyway...discuss.

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 08:57 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 451 words, total size 3 kb.

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