Automatic Update is evil and you should disable it. (You've already learned one reason why; it can take your computer away from you at inopportune times.)
You normally get lots of warning that Windows is going to reboot (as in up to two days).
Posted by: RickC at Wed Nov 12 15:56:30 2014 (ECH2/)
This is coming perilously close to blaming the victim. They were probably using school computers where the previous students ignored the warnings.
Posted by: Pete Zaitcev at Wed Nov 12 17:04:19 2014 (RqRa5)
Or his school's administrators are like the ones where I work, and don't think there is any reason to schedule updates for the convenience of the users. They were actually shocked that rebooting the conference room computers during a presentation to the admiral caused any complaints...
Posted by: Siergen at Wed Nov 12 19:19:17 2014 (r3+4f)
I was using my netbook. I'd actually checked for updates on it (and had it restart) before class. However, it found another 'helpful' update. Moreover, the BLACKBOARD system used by ODU seems to conceal the Windows update box...otherwise, when it asked if I wanted to restart or delay, I'd have taken the "Do not fail" option. I generally access Blackboard via my Mac and so I did not know this before...so I learned something...which is what college is for....and....yet.....
I've made more than my share of PEBKAC errors, but this was not one of them.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Wed Nov 12 19:30:34 2014 (DnAJl)
Pete, that was not my intent, which was why I said "normally." Also, he did say "my machine" originally.
I used to not use auto update, but I got tired of doing it manually all the time, so now I mostly just let Windows do it--the chance a forced reboot will bother me is almost infinitesimal, but I do every once in a while expand the logoff/shutdown menu to see if it's wanting a reboot, just in case.
Posted by: RickC at Wed Nov 12 20:57:35 2014 (0a7VZ)
I've been down hard with a relapse of the flu or flu-like thing that I was beset with over the weekend. I noticed while perusing the aftermath of the election that the Republicans did rather well.
Then I heard that they won the governorship in Illinois.
Now having read that, I should have woken up immediately, but I didn't, and I can't.
I appear to be trapped in a coma or something and experiencing a bizarre hallucination...I'm kind of afraid.
And Maryland. And Massachusetts. And only MA was particularly close, at least as it currently stands. It's kinda wacky.
Posted by: ReallyBored at Wed Nov 5 14:41:02 2014 (n3V1X)
You need to really stress your current "reality" to make sure it's not just a nice dream. Quick, run out and check the condition of your car! Is it brand new, with no mechanical defects?
Posted by: Siergen at Wed Nov 5 20:11:16 2014 (r3+4f)
If this were anime, someone would pinch your cheek to prove to you that you aren't still dreaming.
I hold absolutely no hope that Rauner will be much different than the
preceding Governors of Illinois... I just hope he won't be indicted or
arrested before his term in office is over.
Posted by: Wonderduck at Wed Nov 5 22:43:44 2014 (jGQR+)
5"...I just hope he won't be indicted or arrested before his term in office is over."
Let's not get carried away. Isn't that against the Illinois Constitution?
Pat Quinn was the first Illinois governor in 15 years who served out a term without being convicted (not just arrested or indicted). And voters booted him out. The incentives seem out of whack there.
Posted by: Pete Zaitcev at Thu Nov 6 11:28:43 2014 (RqRa5)
Posted by: Wonderduck at Thu Nov 6 18:14:09 2014 (jGQR+)
I think that "staying out of jail" isn't a sufficient achievement to justify reelection. Voters were looking at the dismal financial shape of Illinois government, I suspect, and decided the Democrats couldn't cut it.
The radio this morning had caller after caller going on about the issues in Virginia Beach, where the touch screen machines have apparently become self aware...and decided that they are Democrats.
Fortunately, here in Portsmouth, we use paper ballots and thus do our bit to keep Skynet at bay.
However, this morning at my polling place there were only three other voters present and I spent less time ther than I would have if I'd stopped for gas.
Elections are decided by those who bother to vote.
If I can't persuade you of the importance of doing your civic duty, perhaps this young lady can.
Pie 5--yum!
(also: wow, they're spreading fast. IIRC only a couple of years ago there were only about 5 stores, and I think they were all roughly speaking in the Dallas area.)
Posted by: RickC at Sun Nov 2 16:34:20 2014 (0a7VZ)
Alas, I did not take the pic, but nicked it from another blog a while back to use as a reaction shot in case I ever came across a story like this one. I don't remember now where I got it, but I'm guessing they were Texan.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Sun Nov 2 16:58:29 2014 (DnAJl)
I've often heard friends comment that delivery pizza "tastes like cardboard". Your post has got me wondering if maybe they missed the instructions...
Posted by: Siergen at Sun Nov 2 22:20:39 2014 (r3+4f)
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Mon Nov 3 08:47:15 2014 (DnAJl)
Those are take-home boxes. Pie 5 doesn't do delivery. It's like Subway or Chipotle--you stand in line and tell them what crust, what sauce, what toppings and so on.
Posted by: RickC at Mon Nov 3 17:51:04 2014 (ECH2/)
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