January 24, 2021

Oh. They ARE Going to Finish the Trilogy.

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 11:05 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Perhaps Blair, or Cameron Would Be an Acceptable Compromise?

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 12:59 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Meanwhile, In Russia:

It looks like mass demonstrations have spontaneously broken out all across Russia in protest of the jailing of a Russian opposition party leader named Alexi Nalvany who was  just arrested and jailed after returning from a trip trip to Germany. There is apparently concern for his safety since he was arrested, as he had been in Germany recovering from acute nerve agent poisoning he had contracted from his underwear (as one does). The Russian authorities refused to open an investigation into the attempted murder of a Russian citizen. Given the history of poisonings of Russian political opponents, this was particularly suss, and there seems to be genuine fear for his safety by his political supporters. 

This is not just around Moscow either. There are currently protests in 109 cities across the largest country on Earth and  I've heard reference to Vladivostok and Petropavlovsk in some of the video coverage. Also; according to the NYT article above, these protests are taking place in temperatures as low as minus 68 degrees Fahrenheit which would seem to indicate a certain level of passion and motivation on the part of the protestors. Over 3,000 people had been reported arrested as of 23:05 GMT

Hundreds of thousands of people are protesting  in hundreds cities in the largest country on the planet, which controls a large percentage of the worlds oil reserves and which has the largest nuclear arsenal on Earth....

This seems seems like it ought to be getting rather more coverage than it is here in the U.S.A. 

I do not know anything about Nalvany or how, in what is presented to us as a country with fairly strong social media control, he got such a following, but I'm very interested in finding out. Anyone who, you know,  speaks Russian or has insights into this situation...feel free to sound off in the comments. 

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 12:23 AM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
Post contains 312 words, total size 3 kb.

January 23, 2021

Big Bag o' Meat

So I placed an Amazon Fresh order and this evening my milk, fruit, curry (presumably extracted from the titanic sandworms in the vast deserts of...Vermont) were delivered to my door in 4 paper bags. 

Upon inspection, I realized I'd paid for 3 of those bags. 

So I called Amazon, and took an inordinate ammount of time explaining that "No...my order was fine...I just got someone else's too and it seems like a pretty consequential bag of groceries" After a few minutes I got passed far enough up the chain that I talked to someone capable of making a decision, rather than taking dictation. 

It turns out that they can't send the driver back to pickup the bag for obvious liability reasons but after going through what was in the very full bag, I gather they were able to close out, or correct a concern ticket. As I went through my unexpected loot, I found that I'd scored  a couple of steaks, lots of expensive sausages, children's lunch packs, TexMex cheeses, High end Swiss cheese, diet lemonade, Hamburger  and...Turkey sausage. That last  is, upon reflection, somewhat disturbing in concept, but less so than the realization that someone who'd spent more money on that bag than my cheap ass had on groceries all month....and had ordered them just in  time for dinner...and had kids, was without what was probably their Saturday dinner. Hopefully they got the bag replaced quickly. 

OTOH, Brickmuppet's eatin' lotsa' STEAK this week!
(Not sure about the turkey...sausage though.) 

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 11:14 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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Meanwhile In Colombia


What is this now?

Hippopotamuses are not even FROM South America.  

Escobar's been dead for 30 years. 

Well, it turns out that the late and not very lamented drug lord Pablo Escobar, had a private zoo and when he was forcibly retired and sent to vacation in hell, his hippopotamuses escaped. 

The article rightly makes a big deal of the fact that Hippos are dreadfully disruptive of the environment, not the least because their excrements are quite poisonous to the local wildlife (and people) . 

However, the article fails to mention that these beasts are a direct danger to the populace. Hippos are dreadfully territorial and vicious in a way that just doesn't happen with any herbivore in this hemisphere.  

Thankfully not pictured, the poor man's dismemberment, as reported here

Hippos are superficially cute but they are vicious, aggressive, territorial, killers that would render vast swaths of recreational areas too dangerous to visit, and if they get into the back country the monsters will be a tragic 'out of context problem' for the poor farmers and aboriginal tribes that exist in an on the rivers of South America. We've already seen in places like Florida that fairly large fauna can become endemic. These are worse than any monitor lizard, monkey, or murder hornet. I rather suspect that The Amazon and Orinoco basins are good hippopotamus habitat, and that will be tragic for the local flora, fauna, and citizenry if this invasive species is not dealt with. The goal has to be extinction and not management. 

 At least they'll be easier to find and cull than cane toads or kudzu. 

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 06:10 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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January 22, 2021

In Which I Annoy the Wrong People Again

One of Trumps signature issues and the reason that he got elected was immigration. The fact is that the lack of enforcement of immigration was  (and soon will be again) causing massive disruptions and suffering for American citizens, particularly along the southern border. Unchecked and un-vetted the masses of people, especially those from Central America and Mexico have flooded into the country and caused some genuine disruption. Quite aside from the horrific criminal element that has attached itself like a remora to this desperate migration, the influx of people who don't know the rules, language or mores is a stress on our most vulnerable communities. 

However, I think that the issue is being misidentified by both sides of the argument. 

The problem is that new arrivals are NOT being screened for criminal histories nor assimilated into those values. Rather we're importing the pathologies that these people are trying to escape from. Sothwestern cities and even moreso California ones are increasingly surrounded by the sorts of favelas that these people tried to get away from, and, bypassing the immigration test they don't get a primer on U.S. civics...

I'm not nearly as concerned about immigration per se as I am the lack of assimilation with regards to civics. As long as you learn English and accept the tenets of U.S. civics like equality before the law, freedom of speech, and that the state's near monopoly of force does not extend to self defense, ( and, er, the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo) then everything's OK. Even if you have a completely different background culture that's OK. we've got 17 vastly different ones , hundreds of reservations and thousands of ethnoburbs already.

(Nicked from Reddit, source Unknown)

America is not The Borg.

However much certain of our ruling class would like you to think that the Toni stops on the Acela corridor and boardrooms of Palo Alto are the only acceptable cultures, (aside from some exotica kept for their amusement). The US is , and has been from the beginning a collection of wildly diferent societies. 

It's why E Pluribus Unum is a thing. 

Having wildly different points of view that agree on the basic tenets of society (and don't mess with each other) is a good thing and can keep us on our toes. Yielding to demands that we give up these myriad quirks for the sake of unity will result in something much less interesting free and robust that America. 

So as long as we are assimilating people with regard to language and civics, we're fine. The problem is that we aren't. The concerns about wage competition are legitimate, but they are occasionally overblown and separate from the concerns about demography. 

I note that the people I've known from Eastern Europe, Haiti, Latin America, and even Afganistan tend to be way more "red pilled", entrepenurial, civic minded and concerned about freedom of speech ect. than most of the college or immediately post-college age native born types.

Unless, perhaps, I'm an evolutionary biologist, I'd rather have a recently immigrated member of the Falun Gong working for me than Triggly Puff.

So what inspired this rant? 

Well, the UK. recently passed legislation allowing the population of Hong Kong to immigrate there en mass. I think we missed out.

5.4 million highly educated people who have seen the horrors of the social credit system up close, who have been waving American flags for a year and are highly motivated to protect free speech and hate communism would have been a fine addition to our polity. I suspect the Dems are breathing a sigh of relief that this did not happen. 

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 06:16 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 614 words, total size 5 kb.

January 21, 2021

A Learning Moment

Hickock 45 is a popular GunTuber (one of the first ever IIRC). He does gun reviews, but focuses on Cowboy Action, and firearms safety. Now, he's just counting the days until YouTube yeets him.  Today he and his son get an unexpected visitor who tries to explain what a STTGU is...

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 05:51 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 55 words, total size 1 kb.

January 20, 2021

Honestly, I Really Thought He Would Last a Bit Longer in Office

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 06:42 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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See!? We Read the Comments

In the previous post about the Washington Post story about..."multiracial whiteness" Pete comments...

I don't see a contradiction, honestly. "Whiteness" is basically a compact term for "everything good, which liberals want to stamp out". It acquired its term because good things are historically associated with whites, in particular WASPs.

...and indeed the left does use the term that way. 

However, I think it acquired this meaning because the left is racist in a weird Rousseauean* sort of way.  First off, they buy Rousseau's silly notion of primitive savages being superior to the civilized, which is both destructive and patronizing. Second, by conflating "white" with the benefits of western civilization they are saying that other peoples don't have the mental ability to deal with this complex wonder. In essence they are espousing white supremacy. 

This claim is easily falsifiable by simply invoking the names of accomplished Americans of Non-Caucasian extraction, Fredrick Douglass, G.W. Carver, Cochise, Sequoyah, Dr. King, Katherine Johnson, C.J. Walker and we'll stop there to keep the list from going on forever. 

For a comparison between the West and the rest that's corrected for differences in culture, background, and opportunity one can look to the difference between Nelson Mandela and Robert Mugabe. Mandela was influenced by western ideals and was able to liberate his people and keep in check the worst primitive impulses for vengeance (until he died) whereas Mugabe turned his nation into an abattoir. He did this evil deed by simply behaving as all people usually did up till the enlightenment.  Sadly Mandela's influence on the culture was not as long lasting as one might have hoped. 

Nevertheless the above examples disprove the implication of the left's conflation of Western and "White" as the basically patronizing racism that it is. The weird thing is that many progressives don't see it this way because they despise much of western civilization's core concepts. Why this is is unclear. It's easy to assume that they are malevolent or simply throwback, troglodytic minds in rich, privileged bodies, but their malevolent politics aside, these are generally well educated people who think they are doing good. Trying to figure out lefty motivations is tiring and can lead to the dangerous shortcuts in the beginning of the last sentence....but by happy coincidence Sara Hoyt has, this very evening, posted thoughts on this very matter

* That's totally a word

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 06:13 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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January 19, 2021

Democracy Dies in the Derpness

By now most of you are familiar with the running gag that is the intersection of current events with R.A. Heinlein's Future History, the period he called The Crazy Years

He wasn't quite as prescient as it may seem. In his timeline, the era of looniness took place before the first moon landing and ended thereafter, whereas in ours, the first wave of Cray-Cray  took place during and immediately after the Apollo program, which despite its success saw space development subsequently faceplant and suck its toes until recently when private industry began to take the lead and make real strides in space access .

Anyway, this was brought to mind by my encountering, just before I went to bed, this headline, which was so fractally crazy that it kept me up all night. 

To understand Trump’s support, we must think in terms of multiracial Whiteness

'..the fuck!?'




I cannot even. 

  Readers may also wish to ponder how a distaste for racial preoccupation is framed, rather boldly, as "a discriminatory worldview.”

Multiracial whiteness promises Latino Trump supporters freedom from the politics of diversity and recognition. For voters who see the very act of acknowledging one’s racial identity as itself racist, the politics of multiracial whiteness reinforces their desired approach to colour-blind individualism.

That being bad, you see. 

Racism is one of the most pernicious and vile evils in the annals of humankind, and the notion that treating people the same regardless of their skin color is bigoted is so far from reality as to be diseased thinking.  

A.E. Van Vought had thoughts on what constitutes "crazy"...

"Craziness can be measured by maladaptive behavior. The behavior the society uses to solve one kind of problem, when applied to an incorrect category, disorients it. When this happens the whole society, even if some members are aware of the disorientation, cannot reach the correct conclusion, or react in a fashion that preserves society from harm. As if society were a dolphin that called itself a fish: when it suffered the sensation of drowning, it would dive. But a dolphin is a mammal, a member of a different category of being. When dolphins are low on air, they surface, rather than dive. Putting yourself in the wrong category leads to the wrong behavior.”

It's hard to  conceive of less correct categorizations than having "Judge people not by the color of their skin, but the content of their character" under the heading "Racist" and judging people by their ethnicity as virtuousness. Indeed, like Vought's deep diving drowning dolphin, it is the exact opposite of correct and can only lead to a grim end.

One indication that a current event might be crazy is when the best, and most succinct take is from the Babylon Bee

However, while it's easy to dismiss the WaPo writer's perspective as crazy, it should not be dismissed out of hand that they might actually be aware of the contradictions, and therefore are evil. Dividing the nation is useful, not only to our enemies(who in the case of China have deep pockets to pay for such services) but to a subset of civil rights non-profits which has become quite a lucrative profession for a certain swath of our upper middle class. Furthermore, note the horror expressed at "color blind individualism". Ruling individuals is like herding cats...a philosophy of rugged individualism and personal freedom is a good bit check on tyranny. Conversely, tribes, or other groups can be moved about and controlled much more efficiently, like sheep or cattle, even a dog can do it. As such a collection of competing, mutually suspicious groups are easier for a totalitarian to deal with. (In much the same way, regulators prefer a few large companies to thousands of small businesses, as they are easier to keep track of and pay off or punish.) 

So it is possible that this is not so much insanity as pure malevolence. 

However, "multi-racial white supremacy" is such a categorical contradiction that for now, I'll grant them the benefit of the doubt and assume they're just stark-raving-cuckoo-for-Coca-Puffs. 

Note though, that craziness, especially that which is hard to distinguish from evil, is not benign, quite the contrary, so we should stay aware of this nonsense and observe this numbnuttery with a wary eye, because whether crazy or evil, this affront to reason has the potential to take us down a dark path indeed. 

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 07:35 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 761 words, total size 8 kb.

January 18, 2021

Oh Look: A Good Old-Fashioned Fisking

And it's an excellent example of the art too.

"He exploded a Law Professor!...With the Bill of Rights!"

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 06:39 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 24 words, total size 1 kb.

January 17, 2021

Today On SFIA

Isaac Arthur blinks in morse code. 

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 01:58 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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January 16, 2021

Recently in Occidental V-Tubery

Ewica FINALLY passed her Voight-Kamph test. There had been some "talk" because this had gone on for 7 minutes and because her business plan seems....dubious

IronMouse continues to have issues with her new 3-D rig, but using her old one was able to council a rogue AI and a Russian cat-thingie on American Civics.

Luna the MajiKarp is a V-Tuber with a mid-sized following who sings a little ditty every time someone subscribes or follows. At the beginning of the month she got raided by Nyanners who was leading 7,000 viewers...a fair percentage of whom subbed or followed. This went on for 27 minutes

Bunny.gif explained to her audience what reality isn't

Nerine the Swedish werewolf provided some profound philosophical insights.

Finally Little-S reminds us that CDProjekt Red continues to provide us with comedy gold (unless one paid for the game).

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 12:30 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 145 words, total size 2 kb.

A Useful Life Hack

The Instant Vortex Air Fryer is attractively designed , its facade consisting of alternating stainless steel and a black bakelite like material. 

Note however that its interior is ALL stainless steel. 

That black bottom in the fry compartment is actually waxed or otherwise shiny cardboard. 

Art by Luisa Rafidi, Support her on Patreon!

It should be removed for best results. 

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 11:12 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 64 words, total size 1 kb.

January 14, 2021

Hopefully Not Cassandra (Updated) (Bumped)

One of the commenters here posted the following three days ago.

 ALERT: Someone is planning a false flag event this weekend. Either the 16th, 17th, or 19th at state capitols and DC (the date of the supposed patriot event varies). Poorly designed posters have been mailed out to conservatives and conservative groups....there's some unconfirmable conspiracy theorizing in the middle...The posters call for armed men to show up at the capitols for a march..

Note that while I have not encountered one of these posters myself, other people who I trust (Including our brilliant and wise web host...praise the lathe of the maker) have verified that these posters & memes are, in fact, circulating. 

So, maybe, don't show up armed in D.C. or in front of state Capitol buildings in the next few weeks. 

(Alternatively: you can lie down with dogs & get up with fleas.)

Also, if you are aware of an imminent threat of violent mischief, and have evidence, perhaps let the authorities know.  

UPDATE: Styxhexenhammer has seen these fliers too and his thoughts on the matter are similar to mine. 

I should note that I don't think that most of these protests are "false flags", but I do think that they are a very bad idea and that both the Boogaloo Blockheads and leftist provocateurs are intending to hijack these to foment various flavors of chaos.

UPDATIER: As of 15:10 (Jan. 13) Dr. Reynolds over at Instapundit has now noted this too and in the comments Rick C has turned up one of the posters...and boy howdy... Yes, it looks like the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks are joining hands with the Tankies in doing a synchronized propeller dance to give all the oxygen they can to this impending dumpster fire. 

That or these LARPers today have only ever seen commie agitprop before. 

Don't go to these things, they will only end in tears. Also: Pixy has unearthed more evidence of derpitude

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 07:55 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 265 words, total size 3 kb.


...just about sums it all up doesn't it?

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 07:21 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 10 words, total size 1 kb.

January 13, 2021

Oh Wow. They're Going to Test This Thing Next Month

They've been best known until now for cool CGI animations of stuff they say they'll do eventually, but now The Gateway Foundation is announcing plans to do a 40% scale test of their fabrication robot 'D-Star'.  

If this thing works, even the 40% version will have massive potential to assemble things in orbit and beyond. If Space-X gets their rockets working and produced in the quantities that Mr. Musk is promising, then we could have the solar system from Mercury to Pallas opened up in less than a decade.  

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 05:40 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Good Grief! It's Real.

We covered the rumors of the Kel-Tec P50 before. And expressed skepticism that anything this cool could exist. Commenters reported seeing magazine articles on it, but now there is confirmation from Kel-Tec themselves via The Gun Hipster Network

Sadly, Kel-Tec will not be getting it to market before January 20th, so there is still some doubt as to whether it will ever be available. 

Without handling the thing it's hard to make any judgements on handling, but the mag change looks flakier than it should be, not because its bad in concept, but because it opens SO wide that in the dark it looks like there's too big an area that the mag might go. It's certainly not "hand finds hand".  

Still, that's what practice is for and a pistol shooting 50 rounds of 5.7x28 for under a grand is quite compelling and a potential budgetary hazard. 

I'd been looking at an 1858 Remington, and then THIS goes and happens.  

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 11:47 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Signs and Portents

If you find yourself in a reality where one of the most nuanced and level headed takes on the Capital riot and subsequent Orwellian responses is coming to you from...BEARING...you are likely approaching some scary, crazy times. 

Watch on Bitchute

UPDATE: To be clear, while his overview of the situation we are in post riot is as good as any, Bearing is way out in front of some people I used to read until last week in that he is emphatic that the assholes who stormed through the capitol windows and stole stuff were, in fact, assholes. 

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 06:23 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 100 words, total size 1 kb.

January 12, 2021

This is Fine.

Every Deleted Parler Post, Many With Users' Location Data, Has Been Archived,

I'm OK with the events that are unfolding currently. 

That's OK.

Things are going to be OK. 

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 01:53 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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