March 17, 2020

At The Intersection of Vigilanteism, Consumer Advocacy, and Internet Videography

In a world that is enmeshed in stupid regulation those who expose the corrupt can find themselves breaking the law. 

Then there's these two loons from the current arc of My Hero Academia

"While we wait for the cops to respond, let's read the super-chats."

Gentleman Criminal and LaBrava are two obnoxious LARPers who stream their petty (Ever. SO. Petty.) crimes in pursuit of clicks. Being supervillains, their campy videos keep getting deplatformed, which is playing havoc with their income stream.  Given that monstrous propoganda videos by actual psychopaths continue to stay up (and get more clicks than the silly antics of these two) it seems that their targeting by content providers stems mainly from the fact that they keep embarrassing bad actors who have a lot of clout.  

I'm 3 episodes behind, but this subplot now looks to be rather more consequential than it first appeared. This show, an ode to American comic books, has had some villains that are both well realized and truly terrifying, so I find myself both surprised and amused that this world actually has some 'silver age' villains running around.

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 07:37 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Most of us are probably not going to be going out for green beer, corned beef and cabbage today, but wherever you're spending this holiday may it be pleasant. 

Art by Enuni

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 06:15 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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March 15, 2020


On January 23 this post was put up noting the surreal situation in Wuhan. 3 days later it was apparent to even a Z-List-redneck-blogger that this was real and a disaster.

This was not an obscure, below the radar story either. On the same day this blog published a post consisting of no content other than 4 separate videos from TV channels and You-Tubers. ALSO on the 26th, the Bitchute channel CoronaChan, was set up to aggregate videos pertaining to the outbreak that were being censored by You-Tube and the media in general. . 

The very next day SFO was chiming in with a video containing footage from his time living in Wuhan and Vee (a doctor) was reporting on the situation and  predicting EXACTLY what is transpiring now in Italy.

On January 30th this was posted on 4-chan's /pol/ board. Ignoring the anti-semitic vermin trolling the thread's OP it lays out a bunch of very good guesses about what would transpire over the next two months.

This was not hard to see coming.

It was actually in the news. A bunch of mid-level you-tubers were on it like ugly on a moose ringing the church bell to get the word out.. HUNDREDS of videos many on site from Hubei were posted about it.  A frickking shiposter on /pol/ played Cassandra and laid out a prophecy two months in advance that proved to be every bit as accurate as Nostradamus wasn't.

 Hell, even your humble Z-list blogger saw this coming and advised all 4 people who drop in here to buy canned goods two months ago.

This was not hard to see coming. The cold equations of exponential growth and the reality of logistics leave few options and present difficult decisions, but there is one question that infuriates given the ample warning and coverage...

How is it that there are so many of the powers that be, and the media acting so surprised?

Art by KeeRaizy

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 07:19 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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A Bitchute Question

The blog's crack team of embed management technicians has encountered a conundrum. 

(Actual footage of our North American IT department at work.)

If someone is watching an embedded a Bitchute video, is there any way to watch it on Bitchute the same way one can with Youtube? Given Bitchute's diffident search engine, this seems like it's another hurdle for new channels to get traction. 

Obviously this has no real impact on the blog's active channel, which has had 6 posts in 14 months. The active Bitchute channel is just to post videos for this blog especially stuff that's likely to be taken down by You-Tube. I don't create much content and don't migrate stuff unless it's run afoul the YT censorbots.

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 05:30 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 124 words, total size 1 kb.

A Video Primer on Hygiene in Current Year

Besides the hand-washing, one should familiarize oneself with PPE, its proper use of protective equipment and  ideas for extemporization in a pinch. . 

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 10:10 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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March 13, 2020

On This Day in Triskaidekaphobia

Friday the 13th does not necessarily bode ill.

For example, on March 13th 1781, William Herschel discovered Uranus!

"March 13, 1781 was a Tuesday, not a Friday, thus invalidating this whole post."

Besides, the seventh planet from the sun is actually quite interesting despite the tedious jokes revolving around its name. 

 The planet and its moons have surprising potential. In fact, here is a long post by Matter Beam on how to colonize Uranus!


The planet has an anomalously large percentage of helium 3 in its clouds and a bunch of cool icy moons which seem quite comparable to Ceres. 

The system is far enough out to keep the pesky tourists at bay. 
Interestingly though, Matter Beam's article has an idea for a potentially interesting "killer app" that could make the the two "ice giants" quite useful in the far future. 

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 09:10 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 149 words, total size 2 kb.

March 12, 2020




Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 03:41 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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March 11, 2020

Well. THAT Was an Odd Glitch

For those of you arriving late the front page just filled up with  duplicates of a half typed post title. 

Anyway, the President just gave his speech and by Trump standards it was  reasonably short on the hyperbole and such. Between sniffles and wheezes he laid out several things being done to deal with the current crisis, among them being a rather belated set of restrictions on travel to and from Europe and pending financial assistance for those ill or caring for family members with the virus which is intended to prevent people from going to work sick.

I think the big takeaway from this will be the sniffling and wheezing though.

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 08:36 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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March 08, 2020

An Unusual Source of Protein

Scientists examining a meteorite think they have discovered a protein inside it. This is significant because, while amino acids have been found in space rocks, proteins had not. The researchers are reasonably sure that the protein is not due to terrestrial contamination due to its isotope signature and the fact that the protein is like nothing ever seen before. 

The hemolithin protein found by the researchers was a small one, and was made up mostly of glycine, and amino acids. It also had oxygen, lithium and iron atoms at its ends—an arrangement never seen before. 

"Hemolethin appears to be a new word invented just for this protein. but that's not NEARLY as important as the validating fact that one actually CAN find protein in space!"

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 07:19 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 136 words, total size 2 kb.

March 06, 2020

Science Babe Doing Science Things

...with varying degrees of utility. 

Side effects may include blunt force trauma, forrest fires, suicidal thoughts. 

Seriously, would you buy underpants from this woman?

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 10:25 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 29 words, total size 1 kb.

March 03, 2020

A List That Ought to Be Shared Far and Wide

Deep in the heart of Coronaville , it appears that Uyghers are being trucked in from their "re-education" camps to staff the factories in the plague zones that are either unsafe to operate due to contamination or have massive numbers of people out sick. The purpose of this appears to meet government mandated targets for production in an attempt to rescue an economy hammered by having its workforce immobilized by this disease. Of course if members of a demographic that the CCP is trying to exterminate are infected with a deadly pathogen, then, (presumably) they won't be required to be trucked back to the concentration camps. As far as the CCP is concerned, "two bats, one stone". 

As vile as it is, this situation is actually worse than that. 

The utilization of these people in the disease wracked regions is a current expedient, but it turns out that this pool of 80,000 or so workers has been used as a sort of slavery temp service since at least 2017.Long before COVID19 was unleashed upon the world, this cadre has been used by various firms to round out the labor pools at factories that include those of western companies set up in China. 

This practice has been noted in a in-depth report by The Australian Strategic Policy Institute a PDF of which is here. It gives extensive citations regarding the practice and helpfully notes which companies have been taking advantage of this abhorrent service.

Abercrombie & Fitch, 
BAIC Motor,
Calvin Klein, 
Cerruti 1881, 
Changan Automobile, 
Founder Group, 
GAC Group (automobiles), 
Geely Auto, 
General Motors, 
Hart Schaffner Marx, 
Jack & Jones,
 Japan Display Inc., 
Land Rover, 
The North Face, 
Polo Ralph Lauren, 
SAIC Motor, 
Tommy Hilfiger, 
Tsinghua Tongfang, 
Victoria’s Secret, 

I note that many of the western entities on this list not only profess their own piousness but frequently presume to lecture us on what they claim are our moral failings (usually sins involving mere words).

China is a brutal dictatorship, and a nuclear power. Our ability to affect their internal affairs are necessarily limited. However, while we can't stamp out all evil in the world, willingly engaging in this atrocity is another matter entirely.

This is a list that needs to get some distribution and attention. 

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 10:37 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 449 words, total size 14 kb.

March 02, 2020

Leading Indicators of the National Mood

I spent about 55 bucks apiece on virtually identical items I bought myself and my family in 2018-19.  

That screenshot is actually from the 27th. As I type this, this whole category is largely sold out or won't be delivered until mid-March at the earliest.  

20 pound bags of rice are still available for around 20 dollars though pinto and kidney beans are now running about $50-$60  for a 20 pound bag. 

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 02:24 PM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
Post contains 78 words, total size 1 kb.

All That and a Bowl of Grits

On my iMac, for browsers, I've got Safari, Opera, New Moon (A mysterious Macintosh fork of Pale Moon), Epic, and Vivaldi. All have good and bad points. Now I've loaded Brave and it is better than the lot of them. It's closest to Epic in concept and execution, being a "privacy browser" based on Chrome, but it seems rather more polished and is independently verified to be about as private as advertised.  I'm not sure, but I assume given that last fact that Brave would also get maximum utility out of one's VPN. 


Anyway, I'm very pleased with it. The only thing it lacks is a cute personification avatar. But we can rest assured that when it comes, it'll likely be a catgirl.

My curiosity has out argued my skepticism so I've tentatively activated the Brave Rewards option and will keep you appraised.
UPDATE 2: Well. THAT'S annoying. 

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 06:43 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 156 words, total size 2 kb.

March 01, 2020


Musk's second test rig for his giant rocket met the same fate as the first, bursting during a pressure test. 

Well that was demoralizing. 

It went "bloop".

Let's see if one of the Brickmuppet's Crack Team of Science Babes is ready to throw in the towel on Starship. 

"This is why we have tests to destruction. Run to destruction, fix, run to destruction, fix, For context see below."

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 08:17 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 69 words, total size 1 kb.

V-Tuber Gets Doxxed

A tragic, tragic story.

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 12:34 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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February 29, 2020

Meanwhile: in the Commonwealth of Virginia's General Assembly

Much has been made of the fact that one of the more onerous Democrat gun-control bills did not pass the General Assembly, however, it is not actually defeated, just tabled until after the election. Several other anti-second amendment bills have passed and are heading to the governors desk.

There seems to be a virtual news blackout of the Virginia legislative session now except of the few victories or temporary reprieves regarding guns, even in the local news. The exceptions involve silly and tyrannical bills like the ban on balloons (which was defeated).

 Art (sans text) is by Dairin, also here, whose NNV channel is here
(and who is not responsible for the context of her chibi)

These seem to be being  used like the Democrats as chaff, to conceal the rest of their legislation.

One bit of legislation that seems to get no coverage, is the annexation of a chunk of Tazwell County (68 miles, presumably waterfront) into the "Clinch Scenic River State Park". Tazewell County was among the first of the counties to set up a sanctuary and is the first county to have the county government provisionally call up the "militia". Annexing their waterfront property could well be retaliation...or not...but its getting no coverage because the media seems to have a blackout on Richmond's antics.

Likely more important than any of this, are the changes to Virginia voting registration and election law, that are still not getting any coverage. I've posted a hyperlinked list below the fold and some of these are doozies.

This is the big battle, but like a cat we've all been chasing the ephemeral dot.


Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 10:28 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Use This Rare Gift Well.

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 12:38 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 5 words, total size 1 kb.

February 28, 2020

One Way to Achieve Good Trigger Discipline

And yes, this invaluable book is still in print.

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 07:16 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Chinese Sends Expeditionary Forces To Assist Pakistan Against Invaders (UPDATED)

UPDATE: Noting some skepticism about this story our crackerjak team of fact checkers and damage control specialists was going to update the post, however, the AP has "helpfully" replaced the article at the below hyperlink with a completely different one Titled : Questions raised about of China anti-locust ‘duck army’

Which notes that the proposal is not, in fact an official one.

China is dispatching 100,000 ducks to Pakistan to assist with repelling an invasion of locusts.

Things are getting serious in Asia. 

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 05:52 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Freeman Dyson

94 years is a long time. Mr. Dyson did not waste that time. Wikipedia provides a partial overview of his discoveries and concepts, as well as this non-comprehensive list of just the things that were named for him.

Dyson, being a contrarian, was a true scientist, challenging orthodoxies whenever they came up. 

There is an excellent interview with him from a year and a half ago here.  

Thank you Freeman Dyson.



Issac Arthur has a fine tribute to this great man.

Mr. Arthur also links to a Ted Talk and interview with Professor Dyson.

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 03:02 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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