On the one hand the probe collected much more stuff than NASA had hoped. On he other hand a piece of gravel has wedged the sample container open and the probe is now surounded by orbiting gravel. .
Maybe this shouldn't surprise me, but there are already calls to impeach her. And more who are saying "impeach if she does ANYTHING to help Trump get elected, like hear cases."
I don't really have an opinion on her... she certainly seems competent, but my knowledge of the law spans four calls to jury duty... but I'm fairly sure she shouldn't be impeached before she takes her seat on the Supreme Court.
Posted by: Wonderduck at Tue Oct 27 01:48:58 2020 (vNkOW)
I'm surprised they're not calling for her to be court-martialed; they don't know what that word means, either.
Posted by: J Greely at Tue Oct 27 11:07:38 2020 (ZlYZd)
Imagine the screams if they do try to impeach her, and find that it's just as meaningless as it was with Trump. More so, because they won't even get Romney this time.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Tue Oct 27 23:42:55 2020 (PiXy!)
And she didn't join in a ruling that she had commented on, but I don't think she's been sworn in, either.
SCOTUS justices are a crap shoot. Or a box of chocolates. You never know what you'll get once they're sworn in. You never know how they'll rule ten years later, on top of that. Kavanaugh is the only recent nomination that has turned out to be embarrassing, but that's only because he keeps saying ignorant things in public. His actual opinions have been more-or-less fine, from what I remember.
Posted by: Ben at Thu Oct 29 13:35:39 2020 (BBhgz)
5She was sworn in IMMEDIATELY after confirmation,
As to the rest of your comment. Yes indeed, they are independent human beings appointed to make judgements...that adds a bit of chaos to the equation.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Thu Oct 29 14:19:50 2020 (5iiQK)
My bad, I thought that was going to be this week. Although, that makes it even more impressive that she didn't join a decision that she could have, that she had expressed an opinion on.
Restraint is an admirable quality.
Posted by: Ben at Thu Oct 29 14:44:28 2020 (BBhgz)
It seems that a species of parthenogenic prawns previously possessed as pets popped up pestiferously procreating in a Belgian cemetery and cant be dealt with because of a combination of local regulations and the fact that the graveyard can't be dug up.
That they are escaped pets is disappointing. I was hoping for another lab experiment gone horribly wrong, but alien crustacean plague is suitably seasonal nevertheless.
Actual photo of the crawdad in question by
; font-weight: 700; text-decoration-line: underline;">白兎マリコ(@Maryko)
The speculation is that it's hinting at hidden camera footage, but I also think O'Keefe has been bored at home and has been dancing.
Anyway, telling the big news guys that they are zombies is harsh but accurate.
This is the only Michael Jackson cover of this that I have heard lately. Some of the local Halloween stations have been playing covers by other musicians.
Posted by: Suburbanbanshee at Sat Oct 24 16:42:52 2020 (sF8WE)
NASA has successfully slammed the Osiris-REX space probe into the Earth Crossing asteroid Bennu, knocking debris into space that will hopefully be collected and returned. Our Crack Team of Science Babes have some thoughts on the matter.
"We hit it!"
The probe will collect sample of the debris that it kicked up. If it has room and weight reserves for more it will punch the asteroid and blow on it again with the aim of collecting more. Assuming it survives its various assaults on the asteroid, it will return its samples to Earth in 2023.
"The probe will no doubt land in Piedmont Arizona and..."
C'est la Tempête Qui Arrive.
As part of our ongoing policy of attempting to appear big brained and sophisticated, we at Brickmuppet Blog are going to evaluate the results of having the post title in French, which none of us actually speak.
Incoming Storm?
It may not seem like it, but Brickmuppet Blog does generally try to put the political posts below the fold. There are, of course some exceptions to this in an election year, and in general things like the Chinese Social Credit System or clear and present threats to free speech may not be fastidiously placed below, but we do try to not get struggle sessions in your fluff.
Of course in current year, when everything is crazy and political the policy just not always tenable.
As much as I'd love this to be true, I have to think they'd have led with it. Also, a lot of mail in ballots are getting sent in already, information such as this needs to be out now, not a week from now.
Posted by: David at Mon Oct 19 00:42:14 2020 (jdGUg)
FWIW, Rion has, apparently, denied having anything to do with those 4chan posts on her Twitter account.
I'm inclined to think this is some 4channer working on some QAnon-style BS.
Posted by: Canthros at Mon Oct 19 07:22:08 2020 (mToqK)
One of our Crack Team of Science Babes discusses the implications...
"Planet Mars. Liquid water. The Space Opera writes itself."
The lakes cover 75,000 square kilometers, a bit more than 91% of Lake Superior's 82,100 km. Depth and therefore volume are unknown at this time. Similar lakes are known to exist beneath the icecaps of Antarctica, Greenland, and the Canadian Archipelago, so this is not entirely unexpected. It is interesting though, both because it might represent a ready resource for future Martian settlements, and because such place could potentially be a haven for life
(Though that latter case could put up a major obstacle to proposed attempts to terraform the red planet.)
This is merely confirmation of something many of us already knew: ARIA was a documentary.
Posted by: Wonderduck at Sat Oct 17 13:42:26 2020 (vNkOW)
What the Duck said.
Aside: in my future history novels of Machine Civilization, there is talk in my short story collection, "Empire's Agent,"* of terraforming Mars as Earth enters another Maunder Minimum/Ice Age. I also let drop that one of the AI's of tribe Arpeggio from Milan is named Aqua. Foreshadowing, much?
*There's a pic on the back cover of Nichole 5 showing off her bikini next to one of the defunct rovers.
Posted by: Clayton Barnett at Mon Oct 19 17:00:51 2020 (ug1Mc)
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