School Live Episode 6
In the latest episode of School Live, Yuki organizes a school athletic event, Sakura Sensei tries to get Yuki to address her properly and not drive off a potential new club member and Miki gains some insights into why Sakura Sensei seems so clumsy. Later Kurumi and Yuri explain to Miki some important facts about the school's rooftop garden and the yearbook project is finished.
In the meantime, hijinks ensue.
I must say that the music in this show is used to truly excellent effect.
"Good grief Yuki, you're SCARING the poor girl"
This is actually much more than a show about a bunch of girls in school...
Holy CRAP!
ReallyBored called it. I had given up on this theory because of the fact that Yuri was speaking to Megune (Sakura Sensei)...but she's just been humoring Yuki's insanity...Megune has been dead for...well for a while. Possibly since the first day of the outbreak.
I began to suspect the possibility again in this episode only because they were doing very peculiar things with POV shots moments before....wham. The music here was just sublime, capturing the sheer madness of the situation perfectly and the pan and zoom into Yuki's blissfully insane eyes capture just a hint of rage that Miki might contradict the elaborate edifice that Yuki's psyche has built...Yuki's not just pitiable she's quite scary.
I had not realized that pretty much ALL of the school looked like this and most of what we've been seeing is Yukivision.
Sakura Sensei had apparently been a Christian, at least she'd been wearing a crucifix throughout the series, so it was a particularly nice touch that they buried her and put a cross on her grave.
For all of its grim, post apocalyptic nature, the show is about people retaining their humanity and remaining upbeat and decent against all odds. its own bizarre way this show almost one of those Iyashikei (healing anime).
As usual, gentle readers, we admonish everyone to use spoiler tags in the comments.
And if you are not yet watching this show we admonish you to start with episode ONE.
I've introduced this anime to my friend and illustrator, to Daughter #1, and to a couple of her friends. There are jaws on the floor all over central Ohio.
PS Not to be pedantic, but it is my faith: Megu-nee has a Cross, not a Crucifix (which bears an image of Christ).
This is one of those awful stories where I cannot wait to turn the page, and I dread doing it.
Posted by: Clayton Barnett at Sat Aug 15 18:45:06 2015 (lU4ZJ)
I have to admit, I thought that "Megu-nee is dead" was sort of obvious*. My out there theory is the whole 'Yuki sees dead people" thing.
Posted by: ReallyBored at Sat Aug 15 19:43:40 2015 (DOcWF)
Posted by: J Greely at Sat Aug 15 22:59:38 2015 (ZlYZd)
I just did...and was reminded that #3 was the episode that had really convinced me that she was real. Yeah...that bit at the end of the episode takes on a whole different meaning now. As to what happened, she was definitively ON THE ROOF with the others. Assuming the office segment with her writing her epitaph was real, she may have survived for some time and gotten the girls on their feet. Of course episode 4 is full of hints but she really seemed to be part of the conversation. Of course the more egregious moments of Megune's utter fecklessness are no longer contrived or problematic anymore.
I also don't rule out the notion that RB was right and she's a ghost.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Sun Aug 16 04:11:56 2015 (1zM3A)
My initial thought was that she died on the roof around the same time as the flashback*, but I don't think that squares up the timeline properly. I don't think that gives her enough time to write the diary and I think that is a real scene. I think there will be another rooftop fight, probably to retake the garden/water supply/solar charging system. The diary entry is written immediately before that.
*The really downer version of this is that Yuki opens the door they had blocked off, letting the zombies in. Megu-nee gets attacked and bitten then shoves them out another door. Some combination of guilt and horror at causing this causes Yuki to fully break.
Posted by: ReallyBored at Mon Aug 17 08:35:28 2015 (ulGxe)
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