Wrath of Khan and The Voyage Home (which Myer directed) were Star Trek at its best and the last that really kept faithful to the spirit of the old series before the deliberate shift in philosophy and tone that was evident in TNG.
CBS seems to be shooting for the old Desilu magic.
This could actually warrant some attention.
UPDATE:Belay my last Meyer's role is not so critical as we were led to believe. So much the better...
...it will make the inevitable disappointment that much more exquisite.
I am curious as to how much of the pre-existing story will be considered canon (if any). It might be worth a watch, but I am not feeling optimistic at this point.
Posted by: Siergen at Sun Feb 28 17:09:13 2016 (De/yN)
Also, this series is behind a paywall after the first free hit. I'm not subscribing to yet another service.
This is a new Star Trek series..and it tasks me. It tasks me and I shall watch it! I'll watch it if I have to watch it 'round the moons of Nibia and 'round the Antares Maelstrom and 'round perdition's flames before I give it up!
Well...the pilot at least.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Mon Feb 29 14:07:30 2016 (AaBUm)
In our latest story, Itami and friends go dowsing for adventure, which takes them far, far away from the actual plot.
Said plot focuses on the the continuing political machinations in the Imperial capital, the efforts of the Japanese government to not exacerbate the situation and a brave little girl who can think on her feet.
"Well, sir, these may look like mother of pearl, but if you observe them closely you'll note they are, in fact, solid brass."
Some days, even the best efforts just do not pan out.
The above captures a moment of introspection from this week's Sir Mix-A-Lot tribute episode of Phantom World which, despite a few cute moments and an amusing attempt to get Minase to smile, pretty much involved the audience doing this for 28 minutes....
This episode was just a weird occurrence at the school and was pretty episodic..
However, unlike most stories that mention a certain thought experiment, they got Schrödinger's cat right!
Not only that, but our heroines all turn into catgirls for some reason.
Thus the episode still counts as a win.
This despite the fact that the "problem" is, regrettably, solved. (To our hero's credit, he has nothing to do with that unhappy development.) Additionally, this story may tie somewhat into continuity going forward. We'll find out as we are still enjoying this silly, slightly pretentious, but surprisingly enjoyable show.
I'm not sure how to react to that. Astonishment will have to do for now.
This final episode did not exactly end the series on an happy and upbeat note in much the same way that sticking ones hand in boiling fry oil will not exactly result in relief from sunburn. However it did provide the audience with surprises and emotional gravity in copious amounts.
The ending of this leaves several issues unresolved and lays the groundwork for either another season (or perhaps a sequel series).
Holy crap.
Ozpin engages Cinder and sends Pyrrha and Jaune to get help...but his fight is a short one and Cinder makes for the tower. Pyrrha kisses Jaune good-bye and after making sure he cannot follow her into the fight runs off to buy time for the others to gather and stop Cinder.
Pyrrha, who has been an awesome character and , in many ways, a Mary Sue done right, puts up a tremendous fight against Cinder, but the villainess is, by now, something of an eldritch horror. Pyrrha does everything right and genuinely annoys Cinder, but it was to no avail, An arrow she actually disintegrated in flight reforms and imbeds itself in her heel, and, thus paralyzed, the proud heroine suffers the ignominy of being on her knees when the death blow is delivered and is reduced to whimpers as Cinder consumed her soul and her powers.
The screen cap can't do the scene justice...THAT was hard to watch. The quivering and the gasping, and the visage of this awesome person paralyzed in a position of utter supplication was the stuff of nightmares and made for one of the more disturbing death scenes in recent years.
Meanwhile, Jaune (who Pyrrha had kissed, stuffed in a locker and propelled to the other side of town) suffers the cumulation of his worst nightmares. He could do NOTHING except beg Ruby and Weiss to try and save Pyrrha...he has to confront the fact that he is AGAIN the fifth wheel, the failure, the man who cannot rise to the occasion. That he has punched far above his weight and exceeded all expectations can be of no consolation to him as his inability to offer so much as a distraction has resulted in the woman he loved, the only person who ever showed him a kindness not founded in pity, dyeing the most horrible death imaginable. The only mercy shown him is that he did not witness her death.
That wretched visage is reserved for Ruby, who unlike Jaune is able to arrive just in time to be too late. She goes a little nuts and.....
The last 20 minutes are a brief montage of the characters dealing with the ramifications of the battle. It seems that Ruby has a rather spectacular hidden power that is activated by watching awesome characters die. It also results in her being in a coma for some days, and it does not actually thwart the villains plan so much as alter it slightly. The tremendous Lovecraftian abomination that was oozing out monsters was put to sleep by Ruby's manifestation of her powers, however, while not adding to the local monster population it , in its slumber serves as a beacon drawing in all the creatures of darkness to the university section of the city, which has been largely abandoned except for the various monster hunters trying to retake it. The global internet and communications array is down and the planet's various kingdoms and smaller outposts of humanity are now isolated.
Blake is missing, Weiss has been recalled to her nation by her father and Yang, now missing her right arm, is sinking deep into a bitter depression. Before leaving, Ruby's uncle Qrow confides in her two pieces of information. Ruby's late mother had a similar power and while it is known, it is so rare that is literally the stuff of legends.Also, with Ozpin gone (presumably eaten by Cinder) Qrow is taking over his organization and heading off to the Kingdom of Haven to carry on the fight in the shadows.
Fall turns to winter and Ruby quietly slips away to trek off to Haven, in the hopes that she can help to avenge her friends and save the world from the encroaching darkness.
She is joined by three highly motivated companions...
So, whether it's titled RWBY, JNRR, AVRR, RAVL, RRAV, NJRL, LAVR, RALV, RLAV ,NARR, VAR,L NRAR, JNR,L ARVR, VARR, NRLJ, NRJL, ARLN, ARLV, JRRV or perhaps LRVA there is a good chance that we'll be seeing more of this story, which is good as the many worrisome implications of that stinger really need to be elaborated upon.
On the other hand the prospect of seeing Jaune burned at the stake is a bit off-putting.
If, as seems likely, that comes to pass, then rest assured, we're going to give it a try.
I think Rooster Teeth made it clear that the intentions are for at least one more series, and I suspect they actually have plans for this storyline to go on for two or more additional series. The plot in the third series seemed a bit sloppier, but there's really only one major problem I'm having...I don't understand the four sisters/seasons thing at all. They built it up like they were literal forces of nature in human form, but then
the previous Fall went down pretty easy...and after Cinder
had absorbed the power it took a distraction for her to get away from Pyrrha...and yet if she's able to just crush/break a weapon, why did she need a distraction? Which get's me to one other problem I'm having with the story: to quote Dragonball Z Abridged's Vegeta, "Power Levels are BS."
Posted by: Ben at Sun Feb 14 21:31:43 2016 (DRaH+)
"after Cinder ]had absorbed the power it took a distraction for her to get away from Pyrrha...and yet if she's able to just crush/break a weapon, why did she need a distraction?"
Pyrrha is extremely skilled and she's fighting in a room full of giant ferro-magnetic clock gears and such. She is a female magneto and so has astounding leverage and even...tourqe at her disposal. This is Pyrrha's turf, and Pyrrha is a prodigy anyway. Cinder is competent, but she is relying on raw power and clearly underestimated Pyrrha's subtlety and ability to get inside her 6. Pyrrha was fighting very smart (aside from the larger error that involved engaging an Eldritch horror alone). As it turns out the raw power WAS enough. Pyrrha successfully deflected that arrow...destroyed it outright to boot...but it just didn't matter.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Sun Feb 14 21:48:39 2016 (AaBUm)
3An arrow she actually disintegrated in flight reforms
It looked more to me that the arrow flowed around the thrown shield, more than being destroyed in flight... an intentional, as opposed to reactionary, act.
I expect that we'll see Pyrrha again. One doesn't throw away a character like that.
Posted by: Wonderduck at Sun Feb 14 23:32:34 2016 (KiM/Y)
From Episode 18 of GATE, a series where Leilei has, until recently, mainly to her laconic mannerisms, been something of a background character. A competent apprentice mage with a knack for languages, she has been absolutely vital to the progression of the story, having acted as interpreter, had enough on the ball to inquire about the dragon scales and add her knowledge and the authority that comes with her status to the group's tookit. Leili finally got to shine in a big way last episode when she turned the tide in the fight against the dragon. .
Now, despite her very young age, she's going to a city of mages where she is going to attempt to give what amounts to a dissertation in front of a group of elders and gain the title of Master Mage. (Some time ago, she got her hands on a middle school chemistry book and learned the basics of covalent bonds...her demonstration should be entertaining).
Meanwhile, Itami, got sacked and relieved of his command (for abandoning his post to kill the dragon...despite the wink and the nod he received prior) . He was also presented with multiple medals, awards as well as titles of nobility (and a slave girl!?) from the locals. Itami is told to just "go out and explore". He is to keep reconnoitering the new world paying special attention to its resources. Thus he decides to accompany Leili on her journey since she's really useful to have around a city of mages sounds potentially facinating and rich in a resource that warrants some study. Rory is along because, I gather, she wants to desecrate a local shrine and the jeep beats walking, Yao insists on coming because she's the aforementioned slave girl (WTF!?). Tuka tags along for...reasons. Leili brings a letter of recommendation from her teacher which is sufficiently glowing to get her an audience.
The result of this is that the group is nowhere NEAR the Imperial capital when Princes Penã throws a diplomatic soiree involving the Emperor and a bunch of minor characters that successfully kicks off the peace talks. With our heroes, the chaos magnets, on the other side of the Empire, and the Japanese ambassador and Penã overseeing the event, odds seem pretty good that nothing can go wron...
Almost nothing can go wrong when two very different societies meet and one has no concept of a statute of limitations and considers giving a necklace to a 12 year old girl a contractual promise to marry.
On a less problematic note, , the emperor is assassinated via poison during the ceremony.
I have no doubt Rory wishes to desecrate a shrine, especially considering her recent encounter with the apostle of Hardy and her constant machinizations...but I would bet the main reason she tagged along is standing next to her.
Posted by: Ben at Sat Feb 13 13:24:19 2016 (RRfF8)
Hey, one of the hallmarks of superior time management is the ability to combine business trips and vacations!
Posted by: Avatar_exADV at Sat Feb 13 14:17:43 2016 (v29Tn)
OK that second paragraph now reads much more coherently as three.
@ Steven: What did I get wro....Ah HA. A particularly cunning spoiler tag trap. Masterfully done sir. Touche'.
@ Ben: Yes, because she has made arrangements to eat his soul and the more great deeds he does before he dies, the better he will taste, so he's kind of like Sous-vide or (Itami dearly hopes) a wine that she wants to have aged.
@AvatarX: Yes! Yes it is.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Sat Feb 13 17:56:58 2016 (AaBUm)
She wants to eat more than his soul. Wink wink nudge nudge knowwhatImean?
sorry, that should have been below me. And yet I wrote this before I clicked "post".
Posted by: Ben at Sat Feb 13 19:39:05 2016 (S4UJw)
Puddles are an under appreciated menace in our modern world. They can contain all manner of perils such as typhoid, cholera, water moccasins, brain eating amoebas, mosquitoes, industrial pollutants, snapping turtles, leeches, trench foot, ducks, Guinea Worms...portals.
Portals in puddles portend a parade of peril to people predisposed to perplexity
You have found the intersection of cuteness and existential dread.
Even by the standards of this show this is an unexpectedly odd story, but actually works beautifully and has a surprising amount of character development in it. This series definitely warrants further attention.
When our protagonist got the call from Ruru (Lulu?) I immediately asked myself how the hell the 12 inch tall genie got a cellphone, and if it's magical how does she connect to...oh...
I've heard of a hair-shirt, but a hair-wallet is new to me.
From the latest episode of MC Phantom World, which is another in a string of character background stories, but this one felt much less like a discrete, stand alone tale as it not only references previous episodes, but manages to intersect with what appears to be the larger plot.
A ferocious but poorly drawn dragon is menacing middle school chicken-coops and rabbit hutches and our heroes are...unaware of the situation actually since no one would trust them with this assignment. However, due to a series unrelated misunderstandings they manage to thoroughly screw things up anyway and end up trying to come to the rescue of the young lady assigned to their school's lepus lounge and save the bunnies...
Things do not go as anticipated
I must say, I did NOT see this coming...
The little girl's teddy bear is a kaiju and saves their collective ass.
It may not actually be, strictly speaking, "nice" either.
Interestingly, while I mentioned this was a character episode, it is NOT about the little girl, rather it focuses on the background of Minase, the aloof red-head who through no fault of her own gets in over her head. Despite the ignominy of having their bacon saved by a Teddy bear, Mai and Haruhiko actually do ultimately save the day with a solid, unambiguous win...which is refreshing.
I'm convinced that the club advisor is manipulating the protagonists, whether for good or ill remains to be seen.
The story seems to be back on track and resuming its quirky and occasionally thoughtful direction. If we can avoid a Maudlin episode about the loli I think we'll be fine.