Note though, that if you are not utterly appalled by the very existance of Overwatch, then you are probably a terrible terrible person for reasons that I don't quite get due to us terrible people not being self aware. However, some clue to the reason for our awfulness can possibly be gleaned from the following video that lays out the reason some are offended rather better than the people who say they are offended...which isn't saying much.
The first video has a problem, not enough butt-shots of Tracer (Something that some SJWs found "Problematic" even though Widowmaker struck the same pose in the character preview screen).
Of course, they also complain about the female characters in skin tight outfits, but totally fail to notice that half of them are not (Armor and Parkas I guess negate femininity.)
The scenario and all the backstory makes for a great set of movies or something, but that all pretty much gets thrown away in the gameplay.
Posted by: Mauser at Mon Jun 27 21:03:21 2016 (5Ktpu)
Steven, it's a new videogame from Blizzard, the folks that made World of Warcraft and all the various spinoffs. It's the current "Next Big Thing."
Tracer's cute.
Posted by: Wonderduck at Mon Jun 27 21:23:42 2016 (Hdexn)
Is it OK that I don't have the slightest idea what it is?
No Steven. It is not OK.
You have a responsibility to be offended by this and you can't be offended if you are unaware of the problem and ignorance is not only unacceptable as an excuse but actually demonstrates your callous insensitivity to the terrible injustices being perpetrated here. You should be ashamed that you are privilaged enough to be unaware of the problem.
Alternatively, while the game itself looks to be decent, the backstory characterizations and writing in the cinematic trailers at the link are quite compelling, and the character designs are...well...
(Note that out of consideration for our readers we did not use Roadhog as our example...because we care)
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Mon Jun 27 21:48:32 2016 (/4jFR)
@ Mauser....
We studied this issue rather intensely here.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Mon Jun 27 21:58:25 2016 (/4jFR)
I haven't played a pure FPS since Quake3Arena, but Overwatch has got me interested.
Posted by: Ben at Tue Jun 28 19:49:50 2016 (i6nDB)
Before that, I saw someone mock the original complaint about Tracer's buttshot by substituting Winston. It was hilarious. And that was before I knew what it was about!
Although I must admit I find the purple-skinned assassin/sniper a little more intriguing. Plus she has a nice butt too.
Posted by: Mauser at Tue Jun 28 20:06:56 2016 (5Ktpu)
Nearly every season there's a series that surprises me by being a lot better than it sounded like it would be, and this season it was Bakuon!
I thought sure it was going to be a complete disaster. But it's witty and clever and has enough fan service to spice things up without sinking into a swamp of pandering, and in general is surprisingly well done. The manga it's based on is likewise witty and clever and just echi enough to make it nice without sinking into a pattern of pandering.
One of the best things about it is that it doesn't pound its jokes into the ground. The anime is following the manga closely, and the mangaka doesn't feel the need to reach out and grab the reader by the ear and say, "See? SEE? I'm being funny here! Why aren't you laughing?" He's got enough material so he doesn't need to do that, and he's confident enough in his material so he isn't insecure about it all. That kind of restraint is a big part of why the series works so well.
Ep 11 may well have been the best episode in the series so far, because of the Rin-Onsa section in the middle. It was silly and ridiculous and overwrought and terrifically funny, and once they had done it they stopped and went on to something else.
"Kill me while I still have a human soul!" is one of the best comic lines (delivered extraordinarily well by the seiyuu) in recent memory.
The mangaka laughs at his characters (especially Rin) but he isn't cruel to them, and I like that. He loves them, and so do I.
In the latest episode of High School Fleet, our intrepid Captain Akeno has a complete nervous breakdown.
What follows is not the XO relieving her and taking command, but some nonsense about everyone coming together to support the CO because she's the CO and that's what you do...and stuff...
OK that was a mess.
On to more important things....
With Sena Ingenoh having left the show, I think that Wonderduck is right, the stoic lookout is the secret star of this story.
To maintain modesty while doing this in a skirt requires great skill indeed.
She regularly sees ships well before they are noticed on that silly thing called radar, she does her job without drama and a few episodes ago she waltzed in and saved the day when....well...there were zombies and she had a couple of supersoakers filled with Zom-B-Gone. She certainly is the brightest flame in this dumpster fire of a series.
Meanwhile, Captain Catgirl returns. Actually, we find out that the catgirl is a commodore and is named Hiraga. There is still absolutely no explanation for why she has cat ears.
She leads an abortive attack on Musashi using a scratch force of fast but lightly armed vessels which she handles with considerable verve, despite being completely outgunned. If one took away the whiny whininess of Akeno's neurosis in this episode, there would be a very solid 7 minute or so episode revolving around Hiraga's hopeless action and the desperate efforts
of the six un-zombified crew members on the Musashi to alert the world to the threat their ship poses Alas, we had to sit through the other 23 minutes of Akeno sucking her toes.
Captain Akeno's funk is abruptly resolved via condiments and the episode ends with the crew gearing up for the climactic battle which will be next week...rather than this week, presumably because they contracted for 12 episodes and had put this weeks utter non-sequiter into the show to pad out the story.
Firefox 47.0 not displaying .webm's except as garbage "text"
Posted by: Mauser at Sun Jun 19 01:57:05 2016 (5Ktpu)
Yeah, I bailed on the show a few weeks back, but Lookout was, and is, my favorite.
Posted by: Wonderduck at Sun Jun 19 16:18:55 2016 (Hdexn)
In that shot of Lookout, and I can't help but notice that something is missing. Something kind of important to a warship. Say, the gun barrels? The lines are drawn if you look carefully, but the colorist put in background...
Posted by: David at Mon Jun 20 02:48:53 2016 (YHSti)