Well, the second half of A Certain Scientific Railgun S has finally been released and arrived last Friday. Like its predecessor, it's a 'juvie', though rather dark at times. It's also more thoughtful and entertaining than most.
Because of the ongoing spoiler tag issue, I'll conceal my shameful fanboy prattlings below the fold.
I'd wondered what that .gif was about...now I know.
I don't know if the creator realized the hot property he had in Misaka Mikoto when he created her, but she became so popular that I would not be surprised if the Railgun spinoff sold much more than the original Index series.
In the Light Novels, she is in every main story arc except one which has almost none of the standard characters in it, and serves mostly to introduce new characters.
Posted by: topmaker at Sun Aug 31 20:17:16 2014 (2yZsg)
That is a great scene. (And the one that follows it, when most of Judgement turns out, was even more awesome.) I've lost count of how many times I've rewatched this episode.
It's genuinely awesome that Saten has accepted that she's level 0, and become comfortable with it, and knows that she can still make a difference. (Not that she has given up on her aspiration to become an ESPER, but it no longer eats her inside that she isn't.)
(For those not familiar, this is the last episode of Railgun S.)
This weeks episode of RWBY seems to have been eaten by ants. Instead we were presented with a 2 minute 16 second slideshow explaining the show's main deus ex machina, 'dust'.
Narrated by "Mysterious Narrator" (playing herself) it tells us, the poor hapless viewers very little save for one tantalizing detail.
It does pose some interesting questions, certainly more than it answered.
Posted by: RickC at Thu Aug 21 16:07:10 2014 (ECH2/)
BTW, I'd like to report some silliness in the blog header. It says "tennant" "smith". I picture it going something like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFFqwFv6j-Y. Having said that, the answer to the argument, of course, is "[Tom] Baker."
Posted by: RickC at Thu Aug 21 16:09:20 2014 (ECH2/)
I was sent this by Wonderduck and it is an oddball thing of beauty.
A 19 year old athlete who had previously ignored Sci-Fi recently started doing RPGs and on the advice of some friends, he decided to see Star Wars for the first time.....and he Live Blogged It.
Then he decided he needed to see both of the sequels.
Posted by: Wonderduck at Thu Aug 14 14:53:51 2014 (8KjSa)
I like the show well enough to watch it from time to time but I think sometimes it doesn't have enough material to fill the episode and compensates by stretching it out a bit too much. Worked better for me as a comedy manga.
Posted by: Avatar_exADV at Thu Aug 14 18:40:42 2014 (zJsIy)