Speaking of Dumpster Fires. It looks like China is stealing WorldCon 2023 by its own rules.
And when the guy counting them leaked rough numbers, he got canned. Probably because that now makes it impossible to fudge the numbers and give it back to Canada.
Posted by: Mauser at Sat Dec 18 01:21:46 2021 (Ix1l6)
What the heck did people.think would happen? If Chinese fans were allowed to bid, they were expected to win. And of course bribery/votebuying in the form of memberships is a pretty easy way to win.
I wish the actual Chinese fans well, but I am sure they are more interested in random web novels than in anything coming out from US publishers.
Posted by: Suburbanbanshee at Sat Dec 18 09:44:47 2021 (sF8WE)
This may break TOR's stranglehold on the Hugos.... Of course, it will still be impossible to read the winners, but in this case, because you have to wait for the translations.
China is large enough that they can meet the 800 mile distance requirement between cons, so they could theoretically just KEEP the worldcon in China.
Posted by: Mauser at Sat Dec 18 14:10:03 2021 (Ix1l6)