From episode 5 of Ascendance of a Bookworm in which our heroine discovers the cost of ink and has her most cunning plans embezzled in good faith.
Also that "eye thing" remains unexplained, but potentially disturbing.
A few possibilities:
1: It seems to be associated with her despair and when it manifests itself, her soul seems to become somewhat un-moored from her body. She only recovers when she remembers some obligation or connection to life. Lutz mostly. So since her whole situation is tenuously preternatural all she needs to do is give into despair and poof, she's dead again.
2: THIS ISN'T HER BODY. Remember our heroine, Motosu Urano, died in an earthquake and woke up in the body of a 5 year old named Mai(e)n, who had presumably just died of being...sickly. This appears to be the case and is pretty bad in and of itself but it could mean that...
3: The real Main is not dead, but possessed by Motosu Urano and the "eye thing" is Main trying to get her body back from this crazy person who's running it into the ground.
Also worrisome, but less likely is the possibility that Otto has eyes for Lutz.
We were thinking #1 or #2. My wife recalled (I drink too much to recall) the opening of the series where a priest/alchemist puts a circlet onto Main to recall* her memories.
The colored-eye thing happens in emotional distress, not despair. If the writers are on their game, that's a point.
*If they are erasing her memories** for bring "a witch" I shall resist the urge to fly to Japan and crucify the writers.
**I know japs see "the person" distinct from "their memories." I not only find this alien but disgusting. Not my blog, not my post to carry on. Still love this show. So far.
Posted by: Clayton Barnett at Sat Nov 2 21:42:17 2019 (ug1Mc)
No on #3, and Otto is very, very devoted to his wife, as will soon become clear. Also no need to smuggle nails into Japan; at the current pace, I don't think she'll even meet the priest this cour. There's a lot of ground to cover.
Posted by: J Greely at Sat Nov 2 23:50:26 2019 (ZlYZd)
I figure the eye-thing is a manifestation of some innate magical talent that's responding to her emotional distress. We know there's magic, based on the priest from the first episode.
Posted by: jabrwok at Sun Nov 3 14:10:45 2019 (wKZS0)
I've seen several places lamenting the fact that Blade Runner was set in November of 2019 and we haven't achieved the milestones presented in the film.
Paraphrasing Lowther, It's true we don't have flying cars, but L.A. is a festering third world disease ridden hell hole. Technology focused Mega Corporations have bribed the powers that be and use their products like a jack boot on the throat of humanity. The outlook for the individual is bleak despite impressive economic growth and while Mr.Musk's Mars plans are are 5-10 years in the future, a number of people DO look at them longingly for a better life (or at least a more rewarding one) in the off-world colonies. Intimately tied to why people might look at a spartan,tenuous and perilous existence working to hew from the bareness of of Utopia-Planatia, Occator or Rheasilvia, homes for future generations is that there are are now beings among us who look human but are childlike in many ways, have pre-programed violent emotional responses to certain phrases and are a fairly dangerous and worrisome addition to society.
So really the differences come down to no flying cars and artistic license in that the SJWs don't look like Rutger Hauer or Daryl Hannah.
Does that mean it's open season to "retire" SJWs?
Posted by: Clayton Barnett at Sat Nov 2 12:18:01 2019 (ug1Mc)
Self defense is allowed but one must not become the monsters one is fighting.
'Cause then there is no point.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Sat Nov 2 12:20:37 2019 (5iiQK)
I am not certain where this idea of an open season is coming from, but I caution everyone to follow proper conservation practices. Please leave enough for breeding purposes. Think of the future generations.