Posted by: Wonderduck at Sun Dec 23 22:49:05 2012 (cymHZ)
She has a weird relative, who gives her a relevantly-injured bear every time Miho gets injured.
Posted by: Suburbanbanshee at Mon Dec 24 20:15:18 2012 (cvXSV)
Well, that relieves us of the fear that Miho is nuts, but it means she's accident prone, which is nearly as bad. And it means that "nuts" runs in the family.
Posted by: Suburbanbanshee at Thu Jan 3 08:11:50 2013 (cvXSV)
"Nuts" may be somewhat culture-defined. Remember the preschooler rhyme "Neko funjatta", made known by Kampher? The kids sing it in preschool. So yeah, maybe not "nuts" but "slightly eccentric".
Posted by: Pete Zaitcev at Thu Jan 3 09:03:47 2013 (RqRa5)
When last we left our hero he was riding a bike all out... at a snowstorm...trying to get to the hospital to check on his beloved.
As the episode begins, Kazuto is haunted by two visions, one of Asuna warmly greeting him,... the other of her glassy eyed corpse lying in bed, her brain fried by the log out kill switch which Sugo might have re-instated as a safeguard...
Arriving at the hospital he ditches his bike at the gate, gingerly makes his way across the icy parking lot, nearly collides with another pedestrian, almost falling over in the process, regains his balance, bleeds profusely as he approaches the steps and....wait.....what?
Hemophilia perhaps?
Oh...that lone pedestrian.
His name is Nobuyuki Sugo.
Perhaps you remember him. He's the villain who just got killed in the virtual world with the pain blockers set to zero. He hurt a LOT. He's not happy and he's not in the virtual world anymore. This is reality, and in the real world he's not actually a fairy king. He's the number two man in a major zaibatsu. He has people who will lie for him and a staff of people willing to carry out Block 10 type experiments on people minds for him. Whatever setback he may have had in a dippy VR game, there are only two things that stand between him and total victory right now. Those two things are Asuna Yuki and Kazuto and he aims to rid the world of them. Asuna, being in a hospital room will take some finesse, but Kazuto is a nobody, a gamer, sad little out of shape teenager who hid from the world in a VR game and who now stands before Sugo armed with nothing but his own clotting blood and his shattered delusions of adequacy.
It's Mad Doctor Stabby!
Sugo is armed with big ass diving knife (which is illegal BTW). Kazuto is a law abiding citizen in a weapons free zone. It SUCKS to be Kazuto. Kazuto tries "dodge" but it is ineffective. Kazuto slips on the ice and hurts himself. He gets a nasty knife cut to his face and Sugo uses "kicks the living crap out of Kazuto". It's super effective.
All those years of video games didn't actually prepare Kazuto for this.
"This boss-fight is serious business!"
Of course Sugo is not running at 100%. His painful virtual death burst a blood vessel in his right eye and his depth perception is shot. This causes him to miss his killing blow by a wide margin. Kazuto is not completely helpless either, he HAS been practicing ken-do all this time and as Sugo lunges again he forces the fiend to loose his footing on the ice. Kazuto finally gets the knife to Sugo's throat.... there is a quick flashback to Sugo molesting Asuna in the hospital bed, in the virtual world, of the pain he inflicted on Kazuto, of the sadism Kazuto and Asuna endured and.....the knife dances across Sugo's throat...
...but only just.
Kazuto, with great effort, refrains from killing the bastard, who visibly wets himself and collapses.
Kazuto staggers into the hospital only to find it empty. The receptionists, the nursing station, security....gone. No doubt Sugo has ordered them away...Sugo was already here.
He goes to the twelfth floor and stands outside Asuna's room in terror. He then hears the voice of Y.U.I. telling him to go in...he does of course and...
Well that was a nice ending. We...wait what? 12 more minutes?
What follows is some perfunctory narration and a few character bits as we learn the following:
*Sugo went to jail because one of his employees ratted on him.
*The whole virtual reality online gaming industry collapsed as a result of the ensuing scandal.
*The 300 "test subjects" awoke with no memory of their ordeal.
*All those in Japan who were in school at the time they were trapped in SAO, are indeed now in a special school just for them.
*Asuna and Kazuto are still dating.
*A few friends from SAO (the cast from the first cour) gather at Sigils bar from time to time to reminisce.
*Oh...and that world seed Kazuto received from Kayaba?
its a starting program for virtual worlds. Sigil and Kazuto put it online as freeware and now the web is full of many versions of VRMMORPGs run by small groups, tiny companies and even individuals. All are cross compatible and based on the world designs of a homicidal maniac using the same interface devices proven to have a nearly perfected mind control capability. WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG!?
The last scene of the show is all the surviving cast gathering in Alfheim (which has been migrated to a private server ) for a momentous event. Someone has rebooted Aincard...the world of Sword Art Online and brought it into Alfheim to replace the rather empty world tree.
...and well....It looks like Kazuto and Asuna really want to LIVE THAT NIGHTMARE AGAIN. They ask "Leaf" to come along just to add a bit of squicky awkwardness to the proceedings. Then they all fly off thumbing their virtual noses at any thoughts of adjusting to life in the real world.
Asuna as a Fairy inviting "Leaf" on their quest, to clear all 100 levels This time fer sure!
So...while the first half of the episode was superb, it ends up being an uneven and rather forced ending to a very uneven series.
The second cour saw Asuna largely wasted (though she quite explicitly never gave up). It must be said that it had some really compelling moments too. The self reflection of Kirito as he contemplated the vast gulf between his online persona and his actual power occurred in a couple of episodes including this one and was neat. The fact that the heroes often got by by being clever was enjoyable too. There were some REALLY cool concepts touched on in the second cour as well, but none of them were really explored well. In particular the epilogue just seems waaay too pat and appears to have overlooked a major plot point of the series.
Yes the various Zaibatsu don't control the VR worlds
anymore, (Yay small developers! Stick it too the man!) but these vr worlds are more widespread than ever...and all use the same
architecture as SAO. If anything, there is more likelihood that some of
these worlds are actually set up to perfect mind control tech...and all the
players potential guinea pigs and slaves.
The show in many ways had a "corporate ending" with everything sort of reset and fan favorite characters re-introduced and no real development other than giving everyone the in game ability to fly. This will allow games, light novels, CDs and perhaps a sequel, but the show which wowed so many of us with it's character development largely tosses that development out the window with the ending of the finale. In the end the virtual world becomes not a reflection of the real world, but an escape from it...Now that could be a cautionary tale itself, but it is not presented as such here.
The show was at its best when it was playing against type.
The first cour (episodes 1-14) was remarkably unpredictable. It was particularly interesting as it became
an adventure/romance with a hero and heroine who were smart, dynamic, awesome and yet believable...and who complemented and completed each other in an unusually exciting but perfectly healthy relationship
...and that is how I'll want to remember this show.
[side note; the unclosed spoiler tag ended up taking out the entry trailer, including the comment button]
Yeah, I was afraid this was how it was going to end, based on what I read about the novels; they weren't willing to go for an original ending, and they should have. Worse, it seems the author doesn't really know what to do with the cast after getting them back together; there are two side stories that take place in Alfheim (one of which is centered on Asuna), but the rest of the novels have Our Hero going off into other virtual worlds alone. And, yes, the author has written a story in which all the girls gang up to marry Tenchi Kirito in an accelerated-time VR, although that one may no longer be canon.
In fairness to The Seed,
it's established that only people wearing first-gen VR helmets are vulnerable to Sugou's mind control; in fact, the impossibility of truly harming someone through the second-gen helmets is pretty much the plot hook for the next arc. (and, no, it doesn't make sense that they'd have added exactly the right safeties to prevent abuses that hadn't been invented yet, especially with Sugou on the team, but...)
Posted by: J Greely at Sun Dec 23 03:46:40 2012 (2XtN5)
2[side note; the unclosed spoiler tag ended up taking out the entry trailer, including the comment button]
Yeah...we're intrigued by that bug and we're working on it.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Sun Dec 23 12:08:39 2012 (vp6an)
While I haven't seen the anime yet, I've read translations of some of the light novels. I'd agree that ALO is very much a low point in the series and I almost dropped at that point It does get better afterwards.
Two of the major side stories are pretty good. The Gale Gun Online (GGO) one introduces Shinon, another strong female character. Unfortunately it also raises Kirito's Marty Stu-ness to new heights. Mother's Rosario, however, gives Kirito the "more deban" sign to Asuna's lead. Both are setup to the Alicilization arc.
The Alicilization arc turns things around with Kirito being the one trapped in a virtual world and Asuna having to do the Real World (tm) leg work to get him back. Though Kirito still maintains a bit too much of his Marty Stu-ness, unfortunately.
Posted by: StargazerA5 at Sun Dec 23 16:07:31 2012 (5YSpE)
As an MMO gamer myself, I found the first cour to particularly satisfying. All of the player types and behaviors in SAO are seen in any popular MMO, but of course with much lesser consequences.
If I'd found myself stuck in SAO, and known that dying was fatal in real life, I'd probably try to lock myself in an inn - I die far too frequently in games to risk "leveling up" and beating the game...
Posted by: Siergen at Sun Dec 23 22:15:27 2012 (Ao4Kw)
Episode 24 of Sword Art Online brings the Asuna in a Cage arc to an end of sorts....maybe.
The biggest disappointment of the episode is that Lightning Flash Asuna doesn't get to do much except put on a brave face. This is terribly unfair to the character who has really been a very well realized female lead.
The journey of Y.U.I. and Kirito to Asuna's prison was almost anticlimactic, until it wasn't.
Sugo is an exquisitely wicked villain. A petty, venal yet brilliant man who is utterly devoid of conscience and on the cusp of controlling human minds. He is also present and has moderator privileges so they're screwed.
What follows is about 12 miutes of really disturbing sadism as he reduces or heroes strength to one, increases the gravity, engages and dials up their pain sensitivity, tortures Kirito, molests Asuna and taunts them with tales of how he will edit their minds. Kirito takes a moment from this agony to reflect upon the fact that for all his skill levels, he is a kid who plays video games and little else and has accomplished nothing in the real world. Yeah...utter defeat.
Fortunately for our heroes, Ubu Roi was right. Akihiko Kayaba is alive, or at least a copy of him exists
in the mainframe. It seems that he and Sugo have been rivals for some
time and he was most displeased when Sugo took over his game and
re-skinned it into Alfheim online. He gives Kirito HIS password, which as he designed the master game, Sword Art Online, trumps Sugos. Kirito "kills" Sugo, but does not do so quickly.
He then logs Asuna out, tries to log log himself out, but is informed by Kayaba that there is a price for his help. Kayaba gived him a shiny he refers to as the world seed and tells Kirito to plant it when the time is right.
Kirito puts it in his inventory and logs out.
Kirito awakens, thanks his cousin for her help and rushes off into the snow to see Asuna.
...And so that's how it ends. Not by wits, skill, determination or courage, but by sudden divine (or in this case debased) intervention. This was a vastly less satisfying ending than that of the first cour. Nevertheless it did not suck. The second half of this show has been fairly uneven in comparison with the first, but it has still been far above average.
Note that we HAVEN'T SEEN ASUNA AWAKE IN THE REAL WORLD YET and there are still at least 2 episodes to go.
Well, I was getting tripped up by the bug, back on Sunday, but maybe now...
My next prediction:
failure to account for Sugo in the real-world is about to bite Kirito in the a$$. I think that's where Asuna is going to have her chance to shine, when she denounces him in front of her father and pledges her life to Kirito. That should quickly resolve the problem and we can get on to an episode to deal with the seed.
Also, damn but Kirito got medieval on Sugo. He deserved it too.
Posted by: ubu at Wed Dec 19 17:08:06 2012 (SlLGE)
Oh, and it wasn't so much debased divine intervention as it was databased divine intervention.
Oh, I am so going to hell for that one...
Posted by: ubu at Wed Dec 19 17:12:34 2012 (SlLGE)
I'm not sure that Sugo is still a problem in the real world. Remember the comment that with the threshold below 2, Kirito's real world body would be taking damage. And then Kirito set the threshold to 0 before getting medieval on Sugo. It's entirely possible that Sugo is dead, or a drooling idiot.
Posted by: David at Fri Dec 21 14:58:39 2012 (I6iFS)
It was getting sappy there for a minute, but Girls und Panzer #9 was an astonishingly entertaining bit of mayhem. The climax was one of the best paced, most pitch perfect action sequences I've seen in a while, particularly because all the Ooarai girls, but especially Goosfish and Turtle teams, were smart andused their inferior equipment to its best advantage. Nicely done.
The bit of exposition at the beginning about the Student Council's motivation makes as much sense as anything else in the show.
Works equally well in the Artillery world as well my friend
Posted by: Kevin at Sun Dec 16 14:54:33 2012 (C5wee)
I'm puzzled (and a bit disturbed) by the one screenshot you posted above. IIRC, Debutante Tank Fighting was supposed to involve mock battles, using low-impact dummy ammunition. However, that tank looks to me like it's been hit by a real high-explosive shell. Please tell me that isn't the case.
Posted by: Peter the Not-so-Great at Sun Dec 16 20:41:24 2012 (ElBzz)
That's a heavy hit, then, and I can see in the screenshot that the tread was knocked off the drive wheels. That means that the shell was a real one, which wound up in one tank's ammo load either by accident or by chicanery on one team's part.
Did the shell penetrate the tank's armour? That possibility is what really disturbs me about this; like SDB, I disapprove of anime that shows girls dying ugly deaths, and being in a tank that "brews up" is an especially ugly way to die.
Posted by: Peter the Not-so-Great at Sun Dec 16 21:40:38 2012 (ElBzz)
In the action against Gloriana it is mentioned that the interiors of the tanks have been fitted with a special carbon composite crew compartment that is impervious to WW2 era ordinance. Saori mentions this to Miho when trying to get her in the tank as there is obviously no protection to someone who'se head is sticking out. It seems to be strongly implied that there have been accidents.
Note too that in the flashback to the match Miho lost, it's clear that the other tank crew WOULD have died had she not gone to their aid (loosing the match in the process). She was DISOWNED for doing this, indicating that a fatality in a tournament is not unexpected.
One final note. Legal adulthood in Japan is a multi-step process, but I think that high-schools are still not compulsory, that is. you can go get a job at 16. High schools are either college prep schools or trade schools and the students are more or less considered adults. This varies from school to school I'm sure. These are not juviniles in the same way we think of them. Yes they are adolescents and an adult wil burn in hell and go to jail if they sleep with them, but they are otherwise adults in a way similar aged people in the US* simply are not.
This sport is like a junior college league of NASCAR...but on steroids and with more 'splody.
* ...or a lot of twenty and even thirtysomethings nowadays...but that is a rant for another time.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Mon Dec 17 10:30:33 2012 (vp6an)
There is real-world precedent for that. The inside of the M1 Abrams is lined with Kevlar cloth, to protect the crew from spalling.
OK. I just re-read the whole post and realized that the below the fold portion was rather incoherent. It looks like I'd deleted half a
paragraph...or the process of posting it. Anyway the bit
below the fold makes grammatical and contextual sense now
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Tue Dec 18 17:10:14 2012 (vp6an)
According to this article, the anime industry in Japan just packed it in and quit.
After the eighth episode of Girls und Panzer aired late Monday,
anime studios around Japan have collectively announced the end of the
anime industry and discontinued operation. "I would like to thank the
fans throughout the years for their continued support,†Shinbou Akiyuki
said as he addressed a crowd of reporters at SHAFT headquarters. "But
after the last episode of Girls und Panzer, we all know that there is nothing more to accomplish in anime.â€
Well, that's all folks I mean there's nothing to top this...
...The episode featured the team of protagonists engaging a Russian tankery
school in the snow. Around midway through the episode, to utter
disbelief of the television audience, the Russian team burst into a
rendition of the traditional Russian war anthem "Katyushaâ€. Voice
actresses Kanemoto Hisako (Squid Girl, Cure Peace) and Uesaka Sumire
(Sanae Dekomori) performed the duet. The episode concluded with a
dramatic fight scene and ended on a cliffhanger after the Oorai High
School team were surrounded by the enemy...
Yeah that musical number was awesome. I mean Everyone is talking abou...
I don't remember any musical number.
There must be an explanation for this. If there were only some instrument we could use to determine what the hell is going on here..
He also provides us with this clip for those of us who were foolish enough to watch our anime legally.
Well, thanks to Crunchyroll's legal department, perfection has been averted here in America! Thus there is still a market for the stuff here! Yay!
And sure enough, Crunchyroll's cunning plan to punish us for paying them 7 bucks a month has borne fruit!
Via Chizumatic, we find that the Japanese are producing a whole lineup of shows for the winter season.
Scrolling through it though, I'm beginning to think less that we have Crunchyroll to thank for this and more and more that this is all their fault.
UPDATE: Avatar points out that for the largest corporations getting rights to a song is difficult and to do it in a week or two is nigh impossible even for a major studio. Crunchyroll is a small operation and did the only tenable thing.
It's my understanding that the song is in the public domain in Japan and not the US.
Given the difficulties of securing the Russian rights here, I'd not hold my breath for the sequence to even be included on the R1 DVD release frankly.
UPDATE 2: Lyrics for Katyusha
Apple trees and pear trees went into blooming,
River mists began a floating flow,
She came out and went ashore, Katyusha!
On the lofty bank, on the steeply shore.
She came out and sang she song about
Her young friend, the bluish eagle from steppe
All about the one she dearly loved,
The one whose letters she treasured and kept.
Hey, a song, the song of the young girl,
Fly and go after the bright Sun,
Find a soldier on the distant borderlands
Say hello from Katyusha waiting long for him.
Let him remember the young and simple maiden,
Let him hear the song she now sings,
Let him protect his Motherland for sure,
And their love Katyusha will protect.
Has Crunchyroll given any explanation of why they edited this episode? Although I have not watched this series, I too am a subscriber,and I thought I was paying for access to full episodes...
Posted by: Siergen at Sun Dec 9 21:29:43 2012 (Ao4Kw)
There's no explanation on Crunchyroll right now. However, the consensus seems to be that it's a copyright issue involving use of Katyusha and Crunchyroll did not have time to secure the U.S. rights to the song before they streamed it and so they played it safe. This is somewhat ironic given that the song was written by commies for commies.
A similar issue occourd with the DVD release of Van Dread a decade or so ago. Geneon couldn't get the US rights to "It's a Wonderful World"....but Louis Armstrong wasn't a commie.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Sun Dec 9 21:38:04 2012 (vp6an)
Copyright probably explains the absence of 'Lili Marlene' from the English dub of Strike Witches, too.
Posted by: EdwardM at Sun Dec 9 23:52:39 2012 (moC4O)
In all fairness, it's not like this is the first time that the Japanese have secured "Japan-only" rights for a piece of music and put it in anime. Getting the rights can be a real production even for a full-on serious corporation which has people who do that. Doing so in a -week- is in "are you kidding me?" range. For Crunchy, which is... not a full-on serious corporation, with people to do that, to do it in a week? Not the way to bet!
Posted by: Avatar_exADV at Sun Dec 9 23:54:38 2012 (GJQTS)
Actually, I think the song is in the public domain in Japan but not the US. Given how thorny a problem this can be, I'd be very surprised if Sentai was able to secure the rights for the DVD release.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Mon Dec 10 08:36:02 2012 (vp6an)
I actually got CR to comment on this and it comes down to that Japan doesn't want to keep the footage in the episode. It probably won't be CR's place to pay for it, given the type of right required and the sort of licensing agreement they have (remember this is also a Sentai title). This is also not just an USA webcast, too, so in order to do it either CR or their licensor or whoever would have to secure the rights to a bunch of other countries: "Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Scandinavia, and South Africa."
Also, I'm not sure if Katyusha is in public domain even in Japan. If they use the life + whatever that they use, and if Katyusha is copyrighted in Russia when they joined WIPO in '95, then it would be protected in Japan too.
Posted by: omo at Mon Dec 10 21:49:00 2012 (wKVu8)
Soviet-era songs don't have any copyright. Except retroactively. Unfortunately, stupid EU laws do work retroactively.
Somehow, nobody ever paid Western publishers and authors retroactively for all the Soviet-era official, legal pirating of copyrighted stuff from the West.
Posted by: Suburbanbanshee at Mon Dec 10 23:21:08 2012 (cvXSV)
There are some things that strain credulity.
I was able to look beyond the premise of SAO and the implausibility of the technology. I could look beyond he occasional writers hand-wave.
But this is too much... See that thar nebbish, the one who goes by the handle of Recon? In real life Leaf Sugu his Kendo senpai. He pines for her but is shorter than Sugu, physically weak, socially awkward, and has a stammer. In the online world however, he's shorter than Leaf, physically weak, socially awkward and has a stammer, plus he's got a bowl cut and walks with an Egor style hunch. I just don't see him picking that avatar. I just don't.
Wait, where was I?
Oh yeah, Sword Art Online episode 23:
When last we left Sugu, she was smelling her knees and burbling, having had something of a mental breakdown upon learning that her brother was actually her partner in the game.
Kazuto, is somewhat taken aback as well, and really doesn't know what to say. I lieu of any sage wisdom, Kazuto informs her that he will wait for her at the south gate of Arun.
Sugu Leaf re-enters the game and is shocked to find that Recon, over the course of the last 4 episodes, (and quite off camera) has managed to escape from his imprisonment, poison his captors and track her down. As one can imagine, he's feeling pretty buff right buff that he actually builds up the courage to confess his love to Leaf.
You may recall that Recon is shorter than Leaf, physically weak, socially awkward and has a
stammer, plus he's got a bowl cut and walks with an Egor style hunch. Recall too that Leaf is not in any sort of mood to take this affront to her dignity gracefully, so she punches him and throws him down the stairs.
Leaf then laughs a rather worrisome laugh and announces that Recon has given her a splendid idea! She then flies off to meet Kazuto Kirito, who is, as promised, at the south gate.
...and so they fight....inconclusively, although she does demonstrate that tactics and pure essence of yandere can counter even the highest sword skill.
After the fight Kirito explains that:
B: He won't be fully returned from Sword Art Online until he rescues his beloved.
For the first time Leaf actually groks the stakes of Kirito's quest. She realizes that his is quite possibly NOT a game and a life may be at stake. She and Recon follow Kirito and Y.U.I. to the entrance to the world tree where both agree to help him (Recon because he's still carrying a torch for Leaf).
Y.U.I. has analyzed the guardians of the gate from the recent battle (last episode) and is perplexed. She thinks that given the guardian's spawn rate, the gate may actually be unclear-able. In other words Y.U.I. thinks it's possible that this entrance is not actually intended to be cleared by players.
Of course, that would be crazy as clearing this entrance and entering the tree is, ostensibly, the whole point of the game, thus, it is decided that their best bet is to try to rush to the gate before the guardians become too numerous. the plan is to have Leaf and Recon (who have the ability to heal at range) heal Kirito as he rushes the gate.
That doesn't work.
The gate as seen from below near the entrance.
Same view, moments later after the guardians have started to appear.
Yes, it appears that the closer one gets to the gate the more guardians spawn...FRACTAL DIFFICULTY! Worse, the targeting algorithims of the guardians are different from other monsters in the game, in that they begin to focus on the healers, even though they do not advance have no weapons equipped.
Our heroes are being overwhelmed when Recon has an idea. He has a spell
that allows him to convert all his character points, inventory and XPs
into an explosion with that many points. This clever attack comes with
the 8 point limitation "ends character" but Leaf has convinced him that
this is a genuinely important task with real world implications.
...or he's just disgusted. In any event, Recon blows a huge hole in the no avai it would seem... Kirito is overwhelmed as he tries to fly through it.
..or would be if the cavalry did not choose that moment to arrive.
There are Catgirl princesses on on fire breathing dragons. This is the best show ever.
The Sylph and Cait Sith armies from 3 episodes ago finally arrive
(and no doubt are wondering why these loons attacked ALONE...oh well). They have been preparing for this quite comprehensively and come equipped with dragons and magic swords, and hundreds of soldiers...some of whom are spellcasters with frickin' layzerbeams, but while they do inflict a great deal of damage, the guardians are spawning at an exponential rate. Both
armies are driven back by the unstoppable Mandelbrot set of mayhem coming at them.
However, both queens keep there heads and organize a fighting retreat
giving covering fire to Kirito (who is in the temporary gap made by Recon's self detonation and very near his goal).
By a miracle, the combination of dragon breath salvos and magic arrows,
along with his dual wielding prowess does, just barely, cut a hole in the
enemy line through which he slips just as the cloud of guardians closes
behind him.
"Funny...It doesn't LOOK like cake."
Y.U.I. quickly ascertains that this "gate" is locked by system player can open it. The World Tree CANNOT be
accessed by players. The whole game is a lie!
Oh yeah...the guardians...they are approaching like angry bees.
Kirito remembers the card that Asuna threw them. He asks Y.U.I. about it
and she realizes that if used by her it can indeed unlock the gate. She does so just
the guardians descend upon them and the two are teleported (someplace)
in the nick of time as the credits roll.
OK! The episode suffered from an Asuna deficit, but despite that we're cooking with gas! Kirito has crossed a huge hurdle, though it remains to be seen if there is a mat or a bed of spikes awaiting him. The horrible awkwardness with Sughu was actually handled a bit better than I was afraid it would be.
3 episodes to go and it's coming together in such a way that I'm growing increasingly hopeful that the ending will not be a cop out or an exercise in nihilism. Fingers are crossed.
My guess is that the whole tree is set up along the lines of what Asuna discovered in episode 21. However, it is a VERY big tree.
They did say that your avatar's appearance was randomly generated; allowing you to upgrade your looks would be an obvious source of additional revenue. Sugu either got lucky, spent her allowance to make her character look just right, or the designers included a "real girl retention bonus". :-)
What Recon needs is a Groundhog Day quest, where he's forced to live out the same day again and again until he finally manages to bag a catgirl. The reward is a new haircut and the ability to stand up straight.
Our Villain doesn't strike me as a genius game designer, so my guess is that he had the legit staff design the quest, and then just locked the door and exponentially increased the size of the guard. The teleport may still be set to take the winning group directly to Oberon's audience chamber.
As for the ending,
I really, really want to see the epic battle between Hero and Villain end when Asuna comes up behind the bastard and hits him with a chair.
Posted by: J Greely at Sun Dec 9 12:35:54 2012 (2XtN5)
Hm. No on the ending.
She should hit the S.O.B. with a piano. From about six stories up. A chair is too nice.
Posted by: ubu at Mon Dec 10 13:25:49 2012 (SlLGE)
It all turns to worms.
Asuna throws away her trump card. Now this does, in fact convince Kirito and Y.U.I. that she's up there, but she's lost her one ace in the hole and Kirito and Y.U.I. are no closer than they were to getting into the World Tree. Arguably they are now rather farther from their goal that they were, because, well...
Sughu figures out who her partner is...and does not react well.
"Oh... God...Did you just say Asuna Yuki?"
No indeed she does not react well at all...
Interesting in that there are really only 3 scenes in the episode proper.
*A fight sequence as Kirito rashly tries to rush the gate of the world tree...and discovers why no one has succeeded.
*A brief interregnum where Leaf saves his ass, resurrects him and then learns who Kirito is.
*An extended scene in the real world where Sughu confronts her brother cousin and proceeds to have a complete nervous breakdown. This was actually pretty scary to watch.
Gut punches for everyone!
We all knew it was coming out eventually but I was not expecting this. Sword Art Online episode 22 actually turned out to be quite disturbing towards the end.
I'm pretty sure this show doesn't suck because this wasn't even a cliffhanger and yet I'm chomping at the bit to see the next episode because I'm seriously curious as to how they're going to proceed from here.
They've got some major hurdles to overcome and only 4 episodes to do it in.
It absolutely floored me, because I didn't think
Sugu was unaware of her partner's identity. It never even occurred to me that he never mentioned his avatar's name -- in fact, I thought the whole point was that she was helping him without his knowledge, because she was in love with him.
The fact that she was looking to Kirito to become the alternate "fix" ; i.e.: looking for love online, is indeed, very disturbing, as is the level of fixation she'd already managed. Without what I thought was the reason, her dedication to him is a little frighting.
It looks like they're working around the problems in the source material by making us care about the characters. As clever plans go, it doesn't suck.
Posted by: J Greely at Mon Dec 3 19:48:30 2012 (fpXGN)