More on D-Live
A few months ago we embedded a video concerning the YouTube alternative D-Live, which emerged in the wake of the YouTube-purge before-last as a free speech platform based on blockchain technology.
The video took the position that D-Live was not just a new and untested platform, it was a scam. Since then there has been some walkback around the web including by the fellow who made that video.
In the wake of his retraction and apology, SFO recently conducted an interview with Allen Chan, one of the founders(and current Director of Growth) of D-Live.
In the course of the interview, which was conducted by Direct Message, SFO established that D-Live is not at all the scam people initially feared it was.
D-Live is a Chinese company and given the situation with the Orwellian TOS's of China affiliated (and China curious) companies, I suspect that in addition to the issues noted in the video, D-Live is a sort of honey-pot phishing scheme. The company's marketing appeals to people with eclectic views who seek to avoid walking on eggshells and risking demonetization/deplatforming. All the while D-Live is Hoovering up all their critical data (identities, credit card and routing numbers) of a self selected cross section of the sorts of people that want to maintain anonymity and have views that are likely to get them banned, brigaded, and demonetized, and that data, collated in one place is a commodity in and of itself, being of the greatest value to the worst people.
Posted by: Mauser at Sun Jul 7 22:59:06 2019 (Ix1l6)
It's more than that. The WHOLE CHANNEL has been purged!
Bitchute may have just lost is raison detre.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Sun Jul 7 23:45:29 2019 (9zVFm)
The video was working for me when I watched it last night. It's also working now. I pulled the embed link from your page (since, unlike YouTube, Bitchute doesn't link back to the main site on an embedded video) and was able to backtrack to the video page with no issue and from there pulled up the channel:
Posted by: StargazerA5 at Mon Jul 8 07:46:58 2019 (jl9eJ)
Just confirming StargazerA5's comment--click the first link, the video in question is the top/newest video at this time.
Posted by: Rick C at Mon Jul 8 12:17:12 2019 (Iwkd4)
5Aaaaand it is indeed back.
Dev responded this morning, the channel was apparently gone, but came back.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Mon Jul 8 13:18:25 2019 (JPmnA)
The re-entry capsule was shaking like a paint mixer as Christine punched impotently at the now black touch screen. The blood droplets that had hung in the air were now red rivulets running off her facemask. Callahan's corpse was pressed against the floor with his lifeless leg now draped across her torso, 3 times as heavy as it should be. Christine took a moment to note that there seemed to be far more blood in the capsule than ought to have been accounted for by such a little man, when a loud pop shook her from her contemplation and all that blood began to foam and boil. Her heart nearly broke but didn't at first. It took a minute later. "Christ, do you hear that?" the other woman cried. The smell of dead animal was overpowering at that rate. Christine nodded. The liquid of her life was dripping down her body to the floor, pouring right and left. "We can keep moving forward if you please, Christine," Callahan replied. It dawned on Christine that maybe he couldn't hear her when she was calling him names. "I do not think you're listening," he told her. "But if you hear me," she repeated, trying to drown out the pounding in her chest and head, "I'm getting off your back; get out of here. Please, you are not listening to me, callah
Watching a movie where the bad guys win does not make you cheer real life criminals. The reason is very simple, those things are not real life. Real life is people like Andy Ngo being beat up by a bunch of masked thugs. The mainstream media and left wing activist cheering these cowards on, that will turn people into Nazis long before any video game.
I'm no longer linking directly to the video in question, it's embedded in the last link if you must see it.
Even more ironic, in this video they repeatedly refer to the Iron Cross as a Nazi symbol in their video. I'm guessing they never bothered to check with their historian colleagues they partner with to put on a fairly good set of history videos.
Posted by: StargazerA5 at Sat Jul 6 17:02:31 2019 (jl9eJ)
Did these morons actually bleep out the words "Nazi" and "terrorist" or is that the work of the critique video you're linking?
Posted by: Rick C at Sat Jul 6 18:22:08 2019 (Iwkd4)
Did these morons actually bleep out the words "Nazi" and "terrorist" or is that the work of the critique video you're linking?
That's the work of the critique video: It's become 'a thing' with content creators (on the both left and right) who have been targeted by You Tube's demonetizing/ taking down videos and giving as the reason 'the word Nazi was in the video'. This policy is only enforced against channels that have views you tube dislikes.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Sun Jul 7 00:39:55 2019 (hR6z7)
Extra Credits has always given off that vibe, to me; even when they weren't explicitly exhibiting the behavior. I watch one of their videos when someone links it for a specific point, but they have always seemed a bit off.
I have never watched any Extra Credits video, which probably is a good thing, given that I have enough stuff on my plate that causes my blood pressure and BS meter to rise into dangerous levels. However, I have to say that the very first Youtube recommendation I got for an actual Extra Credit video apparently had such a mind-numbing stupid premise that I fear to click on it because stupidity might be contiguous over the electrons.
"Sexual Diversity - How a Queer Character Made Persona 4 Great" - apparently not satire.
Posted by: cxt217 at Mon Jul 8 20:41:21 2019 (LMsTt)
According to Computer weekly, it seems that a third of VPNs are owned by the Chi-Coms.
But wait. There's more:
For example, seven of the top VPN services are owned by Gaditek, based in Pakistan. This means the Pakistani government can legally access any data without a warrant and data can also be freely handed over to foreign institutions, according to VPNpro.
I don't know why this surprised me in the least, since any service offering internet anonymity is the obvious thing for a surveillance state to get involved in infiltrating.
So. Do any of the tech savy readers here have any specific recommendations for Virtual Private Networks they know are solid?
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