November 06, 2024


I've been pretty exhausted the last few weeks, with medical issues, family emergencies and being run into the ground at work. it's been challenging just to keep to a schedule of anodyne rants and lamentations regards my poor video game skills as a cartoon muppet on the internet,  let alone do research for thoughtful posts. I've also been quite blackpilled of late, what with assassination attempts,  my own trepidation regards the less bad candidate, and what to me were grim portents with regard to polls and societal trnds.

Trump did partially allay my fears by reaching out to a diverse cross section of american right and left-wing polity, whose only common thread is that they are a bit crazy and have been rejected by the establishment, so I did not hold my nose this time when I voted for him against the horrid and strangely vapid politico he was running against. However, I had little hope that the cultural and media headwinds could be overcome. 


He won the popular vote. HE WON THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE! And did both so convincingly that it seems unlikely that any new surprise pallets of ballots can reverse this. 

I'm keeping my head down as I'm surrounded by very angry people at work and in my neighborhood, but I am secretly quite pleased at the moment. 

Time will tell if his dream team of eclectic intellectuals, visionary industrialists, and entertaining whackaloons can deal with the myriad issues the country faces, some, like the debt, seem unlikely to be solved by someone of Trumps predilections and temperament, and others, both economic and military are quite challenging to anyone, even someone with Trumps negotiating skills.  But the one thing I am sure of is that Trump and his happy band of lunatics will TRY to make things better. 

And that is a vast improvement over the current situation and a white-pill I did not expect. 


Bill Whittle implores us to take the high road and facilitate the nations healing. This is an excellent video, watch it in full.

It behooves us to remember that the other side is very much where we were 4 years ago when the rug was pulled out from us. They are more emotional, hence their histrionics rather than the quiet despair that set in for us, but the grief they feel is genuine. Most of their rank and file (as opposed to their leadership) really do believe their sides rhetoric and are genuinely confused and scared. 

(of course SOME thoughtful snark is still allowed)

But in general, don't gloat. 


Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 03:26 PM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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1 Gloating is not necessary, because watching the best part of elections, i.e. the recriminations, start flying will fill the need very nicely.

Posted by: cxt217 at Wed Nov 6 19:05:39 2024 (ZLF73)

2 First off, great to hear from you 'Muppet. I was beginning to wonder if everything was okay.

Okay, Nothing I'm about to say should be taken to mean I would support in any way inflicting the J6 and Trump show Trials or rampant abuse of Gov't power on the losing side. I oppose that.

With that said, I don't want to hear from people about "Take the High Road." We did that during the prior Trump years. We did that during the TEA Party years. We even did that during the W Years. It's never been paid in kind. It's always been taken by our adversaries as an opportunity to walk over us and use us like a cheep suit. In fact I would say that taking the High Road is part of what has lead us to our current pass as it emboldened our Adversaries to believe there would never be consequences, so they could do to us what they wanted. No More.

This go round, we need to break them. Break their hope. Break their will to fight. Break their their belief they are the future and leave them on the ash heap of history they sought to consign us to.

The opportunity to do this is there. With a clean sweep and a slim advantage in the Courts, plus the Dems facing an almost certain power vacuum at the top and a Game of Thrones to see who survives to lead them, plus Hollywood imploding in on itself as the cultural touchstone, there is opportunity to rebuild everything outside the grubby paws of everyone from the Obamas and Clintons through the McConnells and McCains and all the Power 'Elites' and Faceless Illuminati Bureaucrats. But we must be prepared to take it. Our Adversaries picked a knife fight in a swamp, we shy away from it not just at our own peril, but our descendants and successors peril. So no, do not take the High Road, but Rage Against the Night until that dieing light of Freedom burns bright again.

Posted by: stargazera5 at Thu Nov 7 17:54:01 2024 (KA0tm)

3 Stargazer5, I do not want to become the monster, as that makes the whole exercise worse than pointless, but you are correct that mercy has not been reciprocated. For one thing, Hillary Clinton walks free today because Trump did NOT "lock her up".  
However, I am from the southeast and know what happens when an effeminate thirst for vengeance takes over and stymies the need to build bridges and heal. Lincoln's admonition to go forward "with malice towards none, and charity to all" did not survive his assassination at the hands of a Democrat-sympathetic actor. Long after reconstruction, the south was not allowed to prosper for a century with knock on effects to the  overall economic strength of the U.S. Additionally the misplaced resentment fueled the darkest angels of the losing sides nature, which with the death of the "40 acres and a mule" proposal to the Homestead Act, left the African American part of our population far less liberated than they should have been, even after the healing began in the 1950s and 60s.
There are parts of the right that have been truly tormented by their opponents and like all victims of trauma are inclined to react in unproductive ways.  The sad fact is that those tormentors don't think that they've done anything wrong, indeed are convinced that they have been been kind. The cultural divide between the two is astonishing, approaching the historical examples of completely different cultures that have come to cross purposes.  The two sides truly don't understand each others most basic motivations. To say this has the potential for much discord is quite the understatement. 
SOME examples have to me made to be sure. The Lawfare in particular, as well as the collusion with foreign governments (the false accusations of which led to Trump's impeachment), but we must not be sadistic and have to be meticulously fair. 

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Thu Nov 7 19:14:21 2024 (3NtfN)

4 I'm mixed on the high road/vengeance bit myself. I'm currently of the opinion that if our defeated enemies show any sign of reflection and acceptance, we can take the high road. If they dig in, keep trying to prevent Trump from actually doing anything as president, going after anyone remotely connected to him... well then, time to make the rubble bounce. And so far, that looks like it's the way we'll need to go.
I very nearly broke my self-imposed rule of "no politics in my Facebook posts, stay underground" when a friend posted something to the effect of "we lost, but we're going to accept it, and that's the difference between us and them." I so badly wanted to ask him if even knew about the inauguration riots in DC in 2016...

Posted by: David Eastman at Thu Nov 7 20:21:39 2024 (aAyxl)

5 I'm not ready to say "water under the bridge" to the people who kept calling us Nazis and Fascists and everything else they could think of. And the last time we were conciliatory and "Shared power" with the dems because we were sorry we beat them, and put them on committees as chairs, they completely shut us out by way of thanks.
We know exactly how they would have acted had they won. there's a difference between being the Better Man and being a sucker.

Posted by: Mauser at Fri Nov 8 21:08:23 2024 (nk1Z+)

6 The failure to follow up "Lock her up" with action and instead Take the High Road is a perfect example of what I am talking about.  Instead of Taking the High Road, Trump should have opened up a Special Council to do a RICO investigation of the charges,  Yes, spare Hilary if we ultimately must.  But force her and Bill to sacrifice their middle management to protect themselves.  Expose the corruption to the light and destroy Clinton, Inc.  The Clintons were the most Machine Politicians of the last century, and if it was broken up in 2017/2018, then The Clinton Machine wouldn't have been available to play it's part in the... oddities of the 2020 election.   Taking the High Road  also carries a Price, and the 2020 election was a portion of that.

Posted by: stargazera5 at Fri Nov 8 21:50:56 2024 (xnpli)

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