Posted by: J Greely at Tue Nov 24 17:17:52 2020 (ZlYZd)
But hey, at least he gets a small cut if you order anything horrible in the next 24 hours.
Posted by: Mauser at Tue Nov 24 21:02:54 2020 (Ix1l6)
Honestly, I have never gotten a penny out of Amazon's affiliate program. I still throw in a link occasionally, but not with any expectation of ever earning enough money to turn the crank on a gumball machine once.
Posted by: J Greely at Tue Nov 24 21:45:02 2020 (ZlYZd)
I do better on links I post to social media than I do on any site links, because, well, hardly anybody hits my sites. And even then, most of the time I snag referral fees on something else entirely than what I've linked to. But I still think I've made at least $40 or so since I started.
Posted by: Mauser at Wed Nov 25 22:07:07 2020 (Ix1l6)
5Very informative post ! There is a lot of information here that can help any business get started with a successful social networking campaign ! Minimalist Wall Art
Posted by: Sophie at Mon Dec 28 11:24:15 2020 (MARw1)
I have five Xiangling, but only two Barbara so far, and no Jean. The current event gives away enough currency that I should be able to get another 10x pull soon, which will probably be all weapons again...
Posted by: J Greely at Tue Nov 17 11:28:32 2020 (ZlYZd)
I played Cinderella Girls for 4 years and spent about $80 on gacha. I could spend more if the idiots at the production company DMM did not decide to limit foreign accounts one day.
Posted by: Pete Zaitcev at Tue Nov 17 20:38:12 2020 (LZ7Bg)
First They Came For The Oppai...Then They Came For The Rogue A.I.
A few months ago we noted that an American V-Tuber with the admittedly spicy name Oppai Pantsu was banned for a TOS violation. The violation was that Twitch retroactively decided that "Oppai" was a banned word on the platform. They had never mentioned this and had not given the girl the opportunity to change it. She had to re-launch her channel under the name Oppapan and lost her Partner status. Her channel has never really recovered its once impressive viewership (no one can search for her under her old name).
What's weird is that despite Projekt Melody's other channel, her Twitch stream was fairly inoffensive (double entendre's notwithstanding). Projekt Melody was an entertaining Twitch streamer. She was no pro-gamer, but she was enthusiastically learning video games and her streams were enjoyable in large part because of her enthusiasm and dry wit. She did a lot to help up-and coming streamers by leveraging her sudden celebrity. Despite her official backstory (She is a rogue A.I. damnit. That is her story and she is sticking to it!) there was a remarkable sense of sincerity and fun in in her show.
This is really bizarre, I'm not sure what Twitch is up to aside from drunkenly swinging the banhammer.
Hambly can't spell "extortion" which is unfortunate as that is the reason for Melody's absence. A DMCA notice was filed by her character designer, apparently in breach of contract.