Adventures in Steam Engineering and Their Applicability to the Precautionary Principle.
So. I put a piece of leftover chicken in the microwave this afternoon for 45 seconds as I have done many, many times before. At about 30 seconds there was a loud explosion as the as the flesh of the chicken bird evenly dispersed itself around the interior of my microwave.
It's all clean now but golly, I haven't had a microwave mishap like that since that time when I was a kid...with the egg.
So perhaps the takeaway here is that moisture can flash to steam in unpredictable ways. However, if we were to err on the side of caution and assume that chickens of any age have the potential to interact catastrophically with radiation, then this has implications!
I was reading the linked wiki page, where they have a wonderful panoramic shot of several of those things working a massive strip mine of (lignite!) coal, with what appear to be multiple coal power plants smoking in the distance, and the array of cabling and power boxes to deliver the several megawatts of power just to run the mining, and my thought is "the next German that uses the word "green", "sustainable", or "carbon" in my presence will get slapped."
Unless, of course, this really is just a clever cover for what is really a godzilla fighting intelligent machine eager for blood, in which case there's nothing wrong here.
Posted by: David at Tue Nov 5 20:51:42 2019 (wXI5i)