Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Fri Oct 16 13:30:35 2020 (5iiQK)
Genshin cribs really heavily from Breath of the Wild... but it turns out that BotW is a really good source to crib from. The gacha aspect of the game is crap, but it's a really high-quality game.
Posted by: Avatar_exADV at Sat Oct 17 02:37:48 2020 (v29Tn)
Yeah, Ironmouse and Silvervale have taken to calling it "Breath of the Waifus".
While outside my bailiwick, I gather from inference and observation that this is one of relatively few games where the "husbandos" one can collect are also considered quite visually pleasing by the ladies.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Sat Oct 17 04:52:50 2020 (5iiQK)
Brickmuppet @5, Penny Arcade had a comic just Friday that's sort of related.
Posted by: Rick C at Sat Oct 17 13:41:44 2020 (eqaFC)
However, due to a silly, neurotic concern about using a 2017 article from The Onion as a source for a story about a 2020 science breakthrough, I dug a little deeper and found the awful truth.
"Just as many parallel sheets of paper, which are two dimensional objects [breadth and length] can exist in a third dimension [height], parallel universes can also exist in higher dimensions.
"We predict that gravity can leak into extra dimensions, and if it does, then miniature black holes can be produced at the LHC.
"Normally, when people think of the multiverse, they think of the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, where every possibility is actualised.
"This cannot be tested and so it is philosophy and not science.
"This is not what we mean by parallel universes. What we mean is real universes in extra dimensions.
Now It's ALIENS Getting Involved in Our Elections.
As I am opposed to cattle mutilations and the destruction of crops, I guess I have no recourse but to vote for the angry cheeto.
Gender Reveal Parties: Threat or Menace?
By now most of you have heard about the idiots who set off the fireworks at a gender reveal party, thereby igniting one of California's current wildfires.
Well it's not just California where these bridezilla recidivism incidents go haywire, it appears that one just went off the rails in Canada and at least 80 shots were fired.
The big doctor's office I go to always has standard-grade masks out in cold/flu season, and makes it clear that the purpose is to keep your germs in, not keep anything out.
Posted by: J Greely at Sun Mar 15 15:42:46 2020 (ZlYZd)
For Some Reason
I've been getting a TON of spam in the comments section to this old post.
And in visiting it again and again over the last few days, I find myself asking the same question about this comely mechanic's PPE that I did two years ago.
The buckles are for securing her shop apron and welding vest to her skirt.
Posted by: J Greely at Fri Feb 7 11:41:24 2020 (ZlYZd)
Or they are not meant to be fastened while it is being worn, but rather are for securing the whole outfit into a convenient bundle.
Posted by: David at Sat Feb 8 00:30:36 2020 (rweeV)
Or they're merely meant to be ornamental, like the gears randomly glued on all kinds of steampunk stuff.
Posted by: Mauser at Sat Feb 8 12:37:41 2020 (Ix1l6)
One could also reflect on the apparently non-functional buckles on her boots (with no prongs) that seem to be facing the wrong way nonetheless. (An amazingly common mistake for some reason.)
Posted by: Mauser at Sat Feb 8 12:39:00 2020 (Ix1l6)
I think we are dealing almost entirely with non-functional, illusionary gear that is just about appearances (as with much of feminine fashion). Buckles that are sewn on and never buckle or unbuckle are much the same as pockets permanently sewn shut, dickies that only look like there's a shirt under the jacket, and straps with no supportive features.
My best guess on the leather garters is that they are actually elastics with a leather facing. She probably broke the garters on the other side, and/or ripped the other black sock.
My best guess on the skirt/coat straps is that they are entirely for show, or that they link up to some kind of cowhide welding apron. Obviously she is not using this apron at the moment. I assume that she also wears the protective cowhide pants and spats.
I think the knee guard is actually some kind of tool or decoration that has been attached to the top of the boot.
Posted by: Suburbanbanshee at Tue Feb 11 15:36:22 2020 (sF8WE)
Chemicals in the Food Supply
So a few days ago, while zipping between the productive children who had provided them with grandkids, my parents stopped by for a few hours and dropped off a care package including some fresh bread they got from the bakery because "that Dollar Store stuff you eat worries me!"
It was really good, but in about 4 days time I went to make a sandwich and....
Turns out the bread they had purchased was that really high-end all-natural stuff with no preservatives.
Now, they're not into the crazy, hard-line "organic" nonsense, they simply zipped into the grocery and picked the top-of-the-line bread, but it brings home how much of these lifestyle fashions are just status games by people who have both the capital and leisure time to buy bespoke merchandise in tiny quantities.
I Have a Question
I turned on the news a few minutes ago and the President is having another rally. VP Pence is doing the opening act.
Why are these two people in the same time and space?
Notwithstanding the recent righteous vivisection of the Persian's answer to Himmler and Skorzeny, we're involved in wars in Afganistan, Syria, and in sporadic locations around Dar al Islam. All it would take is a big bomb or a drone swarm to give us president Pelosi.
In Which I Again Completely Missed the Point (Updated)
So Wednesday night I blundered into a webcomic in one of the tabs I was closing out. While, fairly true to life in my experience it had all the moral ambiguity of a Goofus and Gallant strip. Now to be fair, it was a 4 panel strip and so it's not really a art-crime that the antagonist was a purple haired Snidely Whiplash. I didn't know where It'd been linked from or the context and so I closed out the tab and since Wednesday was my birthday, and I'd missed Christmas due to work, I went down to visit my folks in NC.
Fast forward to getting home an hour ago, and lo and behold that strip I'd blown off is now all the rage...
It turns out that the aforementioned 4koma was the source of the meme of the week...and I'd completely misread it. In particular, I had misidentified which character was the author insert and which was the designated straw-man. This puts the comic in a whole different context.
Dev's video makes some insightful points (as Dev does) though he get's wayyy into the weeds on this. But then the talented Mr. Benjamin looked at the above video and how much the Canadian was able to glean from a 4 panel strip. And thereupon the Briton said "Hold my beer!"
Gracious! It's Plato vs. Aristotle, in a war to the knife in the field of memes.
UPDATE: Good grief. I did it again. When I saw it earlier I assumed that this was obviously a parody obituary. Alas, I again missed those subtle cues so necessary for gleaning the deeper meaning of derp.
According to KnowYourMeme's quotes of various tweets, if you don't agree with Snidely that it's funny a rich guy got robbed, you're a GamerGate reject? Ok.
Posted by: Rick C at Sat Jan 4 18:23:02 2020 (Iwkd4)
Fair enough on that New Yorker obit. It read exactly like the Babylon Bee.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Sat Jan 4 22:36:38 2020 (PiXy!)
Adventures in Steam Engineering and Their Applicability to the Precautionary Principle.
So. I put a piece of leftover chicken in the microwave this afternoon for 45 seconds as I have done many, many times before. At about 30 seconds there was a loud explosion as the as the flesh of the chicken bird evenly dispersed itself around the interior of my microwave.
It's all clean now but golly, I haven't had a microwave mishap like that since that time when I was a kid...with the egg.
So perhaps the takeaway here is that moisture can flash to steam in unpredictable ways. However, if we were to err on the side of caution and assume that chickens of any age have the potential to interact catastrophically with radiation, then this has implications!
Isekai no Kanshasai: Thanksgiving in Another World
Thanksgiving is a quintessentially American holiday, but it wouldn't be isekai without anachronisms, so here we go.
Some adventuring party giving thanks for a successful dungeon crawl by RFF
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