Finally, if the above images are just too pleasant for you, there is always the Halloween episode of Gumball, which has Gumball, Darwin and the ghost girl who haunts their school encounter the most accurate depiction of a shouggath ever.
Well, maybe because Kuntzman is so easily bruised.... But I saw a video of a buy bracing his AR against his NOSE to fire it to prove how low the kick is.
(P.S. I believe it's Hopolophobic)
Posted by: Mauser at Fri Jun 24 22:46:04 2016 (5Ktpu)
BTW, just noticed your sidebar link to me is broken.
Posted by: Mauser at Fri Jun 24 22:47:38 2016 (5Ktpu)
Burying the Lede at NPR
The full implications of this story seem to have passed over the heads of the folks at NPR. In fact, they seem to be focusing mainly on potential pitfalls .
Here's one of The Brickmuppet's Crack Team of Science Babes to explain just how this sort of scientific inquiry may positively affect life in the 21st century.
Thank you...Catherine...That is not quite the example I was going to use but it's close enough and may still be of interest to some of our readers.
For everyone else, here's Ayumi Hamasaki quietly explaining one reason why we want this miracle of science to be funded.
Full Disclosure: "Science Babe" is not really named Catherine, but is, rather, a rendition of Touhou's Nittori Kawashiro by Nagumo.
"All Year"An ill-bred and uninformed individual, blinded to their own ignorance by the Dunning - Kruger Effect, might foolishly conclude that purchasing a product that is good "All Year" would indicate that said product is implied to be good for between 365 and 366 days, or, alternatively, is valid for the rest of the calendar year.
Of course, a person of sophistication and nuance such as, say, an academic, understands that these two words are not so provincially constrained in certain contexts...such as the Old Dominion University Parking Services Department. As I'm sure you are aware Gentle Reader, a person of letters is astute enough to appreciate that an "All Year" parking pass is, in fact, not actually valid during the summer semester for reasons so obvious as to render any inquiry into the matter a troubling indicator of low intellect, as well as a degenerate worldview centered around the retrograde and problematic notion that words mean things.
Of course, one might somehow arrive at the conclusion that this is just some contemptible means to bilk students out of 89 dollars on top of the 248 they paid for the "All Year" pass, but to be so rash as to express such ill-informed views would indicate that one engages in the sort of conspiratorial contemplations that good thinking, respectable people never, ever apply to those in academia,
Debunking Friggatriskaidekaphobia
Today I got off of work early, got an annoying Parallels update that has so vexed me this week to finally work right, discovered a superb Afgani restaurant and observed the first Monarch Butterfly I have seen in years.
Note too, that when we all wake up tomorrow, even though it will be Saturday the 14th, none of us will be able to wake up from this nightmare...
...which, it should be further noted, predates this unjustly maligned Gregorian quirk by more than a week.
Thus we have scientifically proven that Friday the Thirteenth is not especially bad.
....has set up a tribble cam today so people can observe the breeding operation. Tribbles, which are more properly called Flatcats or Arctic Shmoos are, high in protein, not picky about their diet and taste like chicken.
UPDATE: Oddly enough, the camera was shut off sometime around midnight and all references to the program have been removed.
R.R.S. Boaty McBoatface!
The United Kingdom is building a state of the art oceanographic research ship. Ice strengthened for operations in the polar regions, this floating temple to the spirit of discovery will cost 200 million pounds. The vessel will have extensive laboratory facilities and be able to keep its crew of 90 mariners and scientists at sea continuously for 60 days.
Her Majesty's government decided to put the matter of the ships name to an internet vote....
the most popular new search term of 2015 on the naughty online portal PornHub was "Giantess."
タイタン・ウシノフwho, for some reason, is Anglicized as "Rokka" gives us "Bucket" "2 Girls" "Pudding" "Knee High Boots" "Tatoo" One Piece" "Silver Fox" "Twin Tails" "Cross" and "Giantess" which I gather are now the search engine queries that bring all the boys to the yard.
When one observes one's plamos start doing this.... does not actually mean that one has been blessed with a Lilliputian moe' waifu, but is, instead, a rather strong indication that one really needs to get out more.
The base of the animation seems to be accomplished by about one second of pedestal and tilt movement; changing the POV of the camera while focusing on the same point. In fact, I think the animation of the skirt is the same motion done with a larger movement, and then applied as a separate layer. You can see a squeeze or stretch morph on the head, so I would guess most of the animation of the individual parts is done that way. *If* I'm right, the truly impressive skill was in isolating the parts to be animated so beautifully.
Posted by: Ben at Sun Nov 29 12:46:31 2015 (S4UJw)
Hobby Space News of the commercial space industry A Babe In The Universe Rather Eclectic Cosmology Encyclopedia Astronautica Superb spacecraft resource The Unwanted Blog Scott Lowther blogs about forgotten aerospace projects and sells amazingly informative articles on the same. Also, there are cats. Transterrestrial Musings Commentary on Infinity...and beyond! Colony WorldsSpace colonization news! The Alternate Energy Blog It's a blog about alternate energy (DUH!) Next Big Future Brian Wang: Tracking our progress to the FUTURE. Nuclear Green Charles Barton, who seems to be either a cool curmudgeon, or a rational hippy, talks about energy policy and the terrible environmental consequences of not going nuclear Energy From Thorium Focuses on the merits of thorium cycle nuclear reactors WizBang Current events commentary...with a wiz and a bang The Gates of Vienna Tenaciously studying a very old war The Anchoress insightful blogging, presumably from the catacombs Murdoc Online"Howling Mad Murdoc" has a millblog...golly! EaglespeakMaritime security matters Commander Salamander Fullbore blackshoe blogging! Belmont Club Richard Fernandez blogs on current events BaldilocksUnderstated and interesting blog on current events The Dissident Frogman French bi-lingual current events blog The "Moderate" VoiceI don't think that word means what they think it does....but this lefty blog is a worthy read nonetheless. Meryl Yourish News, Jews and Meryls' Views Classical Values Eric Scheie blogs about the culture war and its incompatibility with our republic. Jerry Pournell: Chaos ManorOne of Science fictions greats blogs on futurism, current events, technology and wisdom A Distant Soil The website of Colleen Dorans' superb fantasy comic, includes a blog focused on the comic industry, creator issues and human rights. John C. Wright The Sci-Fi/ Fantasy writer muses on a wide range of topics. Now Read This! The founder of the UK Comics Creators Guild blogs on comics past and present. The Rambling Rebuilder Charity, relief work, roleplaying games Rats NestThe Art and rantings of Vince Riley Gorilla Daze Allan Harvey, UK based cartoonist and comics historian has a comicophillic blog! Pulpjunkie Tim Driscoll reviews old movies, silents and talkies, classics and clunkers. Suburban Banshee Just like a suburban Leprechaun....but taller, more dangerous and a certified genius. Satharn's Musings Through TimeThe Crazy Catlady of The Barony of Tir Ysgithr アニ・ノート(Ani-Nouto) Thoughtful, curmudgeonly, otakuism that pulls no punches and suffers no fools. Chizumatic Stephen Den Beste analyzes anime...with a microscope, a slide rule and a tricorder. Wonderduck Anime, Formula One Racing, Sad Girls in Snow...Duck Triumphalism Beta Waffle What will likely be the most thoroughly tested waffle evah! Zoopraxiscope Too In this thrilling sequel to Zoopraxiscope, Don, Middle American Man of Mystery, keeps tabs on anime, orchids, and absurdities. Mahou Meido MeganekkoUbu blogs on Anime, computer games and other non-vital interests Twentysided More geekery than you can shake a stick at Shoplifting in the Marketplace of Ideas Sounds like Plaigarism...but isn't Ambient IronyAll Meenuvians Praise the lathe of the maker! Hail Pixy!!