Just a quick update on last night's post. In lieu of actual content here is something pleasantly disturbing by Tokyo Gensou. Buy his art book here.
Good news. Rest well, Brickmuppet!
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Fri Apr 10 23:31:09 2020 (PiXy!)
Posted by: Rick C at Sat Apr 11 00:00:38 2020 (Iwkd4)
Yay, glad to hear you're improving. That kind of thing is scary, especially when you can't run screaming to the hospital to get properly treated.
Posted by: David at Sat Apr 11 03:48:37 2020 (UmjNG)
Yeah. I confess I was a bit concerned. There are other things it could have been, most of them bad, and normally this would involve a battery of x-rays, tests, and a urinalysis rather more comprehensive than "Yep! Blood. Lots'o blood. That ain't right." What's even better is that having the worst of the bleeding taper off a day and a half after I started the antibiotics is entirely consistent with an infection. The arm is a scrape, the stones are just pain, the knee and ankle can be dealt with via ace bandages, but all that blood, with everything else going on, that's just not fair. Knowing what it is is a relief. Having the arm finally stop bleeding is just icing on the cake.
That healed remarkably fast. It's current lack of severity does not bear any relation to the amount of blood I had to clean up in the kitchen sink.
As an added bonus, I just now found my Moleskin, which I REALLY wanted Wednesday morning. Even so, in the future I need to figure out a technique to apply a dressing one-handed and not make a birds nest of bandages and waste a bunch of gauze, pads, and tape. If that cut on the elbow had been deeper, I'd have needed to do a stitch and I couldn't even apply adhesive tape one handed without looking like a fool.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Sat Apr 11 08:55:57 2020 (5iiQK)
Glad to hear you're doing better, keep it up! Rest well and recover. Happy Easter.
Posted by: StargazerA5 at Sat Apr 11 12:19:38 2020 (045dC)
Well, that was quite a scare.
Dressing wounds one-handed may be pretty awkward. The guy who cut out his own appendix in Antarctica had both hands available. Still, a backup can come useful.
On that note, I relayed our gracious host's tale of woe to my wife and she said, "Why is he living alone? He's not married?" She forgot how she went to ER by herself because I was in Japan.
Posted by: Pete Zaitcev at Sat Apr 11 18:29:57 2020 (LZ7Bg)
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