...lurk below the fold.
For those disinterested in an old fat guy's first world problems here's the exact opposite; a cute girl, walking home from school, carefree in Penang.

: While going through the hurricane box and checking for dates, I noticed that
there was DAK ham with an expiration date of 2008. If I've learned
anything from wasting time on the internet,
so I figured I'd have it for lunc.....
My guess is that Parallels had an update recently which included their new payment model, and you "accepted" the accompanying license change. Most likely, reverting to the old version will restore your perpetual license, if you can find a downloader for it, and they didn't gratuitously change the disk image format to something incompatible with that version.
Alternatively, a bit of Googling turns up
instructions on how to migrate from Parallels to the free Virtualbox.
I used Parallels once upon a time, and switched to VMware Fusion for compatibility reasons I no longer remember. I've bought some upgrades over the years, but I'm pleased to report that they still sell honest-to-gosh licenses, not rentals.
Posted by: J Greely at Wed Jun 5 18:22:44 2019 (ZlYZd)
Yeah. VMWare Fusion keeps asking me to upgrade, but - and this is rather important -
it still works.
I run Virtualbox on Windows for my Linux dev environment, and it's great for that. I haven't tried it on Mac though.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Wed Jun 5 19:37:19 2019 (PiXy!)
Airborne Express once left a $400 hard drive in plain sight on my front porch in January in Boston. By the time I got home it was sitting in and under about an inch of snow.
Posted by: Rick C at Wed Jun 5 20:16:07 2019 (Iwkd4)
Anything good at the Gun Store?
Posted by: Mauser at Wed Jun 5 23:27:50 2019 (Ix1l6)
I just ducked in to buy some ammunition. I haven't been to the range lately though.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Thu Jun 6 02:46:45 2019 (xOgT9)
I've been experimenting with running a Windows 7 guest on a Linux host using virtualbox. So far so good, with one exception: I need to install their guest additions to do things: If I install and enable the vanilla 3d-accelerations, Makerware will work (I'm guessing they use directx even when it's not available), but the default photoviewer will crash. If I disable, then some directx based programs will sort-of-launch but not display any directx calls.
I do use a Windows host with Linux guest. The point of the former experiment is to have a Windows virtual machine that has all the driver goodness of interfacing with my USB devices and software, but which Microsoft can't arbitrarily screw up one day.
Posted by: MadRocketSci at Thu Jun 6 06:33:22 2019 (K+Kza)
PS: Software as a service/subscription model BS is digital serfdom. Unless I am forced into it, I'll have nothing to do with it. Kill it with fire.
Posted by: MadRocketSci at Thu Jun 6 06:35:04 2019 (K+Kza)
If you want Linux and aren't bothered by Windows 10, the Ubuntu under WSL thing is pretty nice as long as you don't run into any of the limitations.
You can even install a Windows X server and run X applications on your desktop.
Posted by: Rick C at Thu Jun 6 09:53:28 2019 (Iwkd4)
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