All the how to information for this system is well and truly buried most of the time.... (And ugh, configuring new image subdirectories... they always end up with at least one wrong template, and now guide as to what they should be.)
Posted by: Mauser at Thu Mar 28 18:19:31 2019 (Ix1l6)
Yeah, I absolutely need to fix that and update the docs. The directory configuration is probably the worst part of the system.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Thu Mar 28 18:36:58 2019 (PiXy!)
It appears that our posts are being lost between chair and keyboard and we have decided that this is due to tachyon interference from transmissions emitted by the
Dero from far beneath the Earth's crust in an attempt to break the tyrannical hold
on their third and fourth chakras that is being exercised by the
Shapeshifting Reptoids from Draco who have taken refuge with the
Antarctic Space Nazis in the hollow Earth after having to abandon their
forward operating base in Cydonia after the Greys razed it with
ortillery to prevent the Reptoid's and Nazi's joint (and evil) plan for global
domination from interfering with the Greys' seedy and completely illicit
fetish tourism and surprisingly lucrative manipulation of local (Terran)
cattle futures.
It is possible that the situation may be more or less complicated than that, but further investigation is needed and in any event things are hectic here, so we've decided to conclude this second rambling run-on-sentence with a picture of Grea who is a shining example of the societal virtues facilitated by hybrid vigor (and who has probably appeared in more TV series than any other half-dragonette).
There are at least two other shows that preceded it, neither of which I've seen and while I'm interested, I'm both busy and unclear on whether to start with Grand Blue or Bahamut.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Tue Mar 26 21:26:49 2019 (xOgT9)
I went into Manaria/Mysteria Friends with no prior knowledge of the world or characters, and it's lots of fun. I don't know if I'll ever look into the other series set in the same world.
Posted by: J Greely at Wed Mar 27 01:04:37 2019 (ZlYZd)
Yeah, there's no backstory to worry about. It's Cute Girls Doing Cute Things While Attending Hogwarts, without the evil wizards.
Posted by: Avatar_exADV at Wed Mar 27 14:35:04 2019 (v29Tn)
Oh Wow. Look at All the Positive Feedback I'm Getti.....Oh.
Greetings gentle reader, we are working diligently to keep our comments free of salt, water, modified potato starch, sugar, sodium nitrite, pork and.......ham.
So, as I run down the ingredients on a can of SPAM,
I note the ingredients list both pork AND ham.
The world is all muddled,
and I am befuddled
so I'll just throw up my hands and scream "Damn!"
While I contemplate this conundrum, here is a period panorama by Pochi.
Pochi's blog is here and you can purchase Pochi pictures here.
Oh fabrijous day! Minx's superscripts and subscripts work in New Moon. (They don't in Epic, Safari or Opera. At least not on my Mac. And Vivaldi's got...issues.)
Lets see. How about videos? That ought not to be an issue, but it is with Vivaldi. Let's go with something that's stripped of enough context to be SFW and forgotten enough that it doesn't incriminate me in any way.
How about formatting quotes and running animated .gifs? Let's try a reaction shot.
I’m not going to discuss the relative merits of astrology, but I’m going
to say when an entire civilization formed on the enlightenment
principles chases after it, things have gone seriously wrong.
I have a solution to the automatic content generation. I can't promise it will be good content. In fact, I can promise it will be bad content. But it will be content, dammit.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Mon Mar 4 22:13:45 2019 (PiXy!)
When I was migrating my blog from MovableType to Hugo, I used Wikipedia's randomizer to generate test content.
Posted by: J Greely at Mon Mar 4 23:25:20 2019 (tgyIO)
I'm not seeing that last thing, unless it's supposed to be whitespace. Windows firefox, Noscript and AdBlockPlus running. Hmmm, says two items blocked. Let's see with that off.
Posted by: Mauser at Tue Mar 5 23:34:18 2019 (Ix1l6)