As I type this I just got in from work and am checking my E-mail and noting something unexpected.
Some are just expressing curiosity and others are very deeply concerned about the reason that two of the recent posts included pictures of lamias. I thought this would be obvious to most of my readership.
So, to the first person to correctly guess from the context why there were pics of lamias in those two posts, I'll do one post on a topic of your choice.
Difficulty: Because I responded to one inquiry, you are disqualified from participating if your name ends in the suffix "duck".
Note: This picture is posted for reasons not directly related to the two others. It's here because I had to slog through a hell of a lot of Lamia pics to find a few worksafe ones (wtf!?) and because I just thought it was cute.
Doting lamia and daughter drawn by Nanashin (Link NSFW)
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Wed Jan 2 16:42:53 2013 (vp6an)
How about what's your favourite manga and what you like about it. Thought about making you write a review of Monster Musume at first, but that seems a bit much.
Posted by: Pete Zaitcev at Wed Jan 2 17:22:40 2013 (RqRa5)
I think you've got you anime memes mixed up. It's supposed to be "attractive females versus tentacles", not "attractive females who are tentacles"...
Posted by: Siergen at Wed Jan 2 18:47:48 2013 (Ao4Kw)
Difficulty: Because I responded to one inquiry, you are disqualified from participating if your name ends in the suffix "duck".
Darn it.
Posted by: Wonderduck at Wed Jan 2 19:58:10 2013 (cymHZ)
Pete, I meant to ask you: When these Japanese seiyuu are singing that song in Russian, how terrible are their accents? Is it at least understandable?
It sounds understandable, but I'm not sure if this is because I know the lyrics. We used to sing Katyusha in kindergarten, and corrupted the words on purpose. For example, in our version Katyusha came to the sheer bluff as usual, but instead of "starting the song about the grey prarie eagle" she "threw/shot sousage with great precision". We imagined that teachers could not tell what we were doing, with all the loud music and other kids singing in perfect cacophony, but now I'm not so sure. Anyway, with a baggage like that I cannot be sure I truly understand what seiyuu are singing. When they insert English, I often cannot tell what they are saying, but it becomes obvious in retrospect.
AKB0048 used fully fluent Russian speakers when the crew visited Tundrastar, which was quite a surprise!
Posted by: Pete Zaitcev at Wed Jan 2 22:39:40 2013 (RqRa5)
And let me say again how happy we all are that you ARE standing.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Thu Jan 3 16:38:09 2013 (vp6an)